Where were you when Anton Yelchin died?

Where were you when Anton Yelchin died?

Taking a nap with my body pillow.

I wish I was memeing but watching Star Wars

Not getting run over by my own car.

Checking if i had mail

Literally who???

serving crab legs

On this gay board

drinking brain fluid


That would depend on what time he died East coast time.

Stuck between my car and my garage, assuming he died anywhere between 9pm and 5am

I was at Sears buying an impact wrench at 11am Eastern time.

standing in line for bread

'Anton Yelchin is kill'


"You listen to me Superman. I want that trick."
"No can do."
What did he mean by this?

Cumming inside a 10/10

at work

is that the same guy as the kid in that one episode of Curb with the magic trick?



i was suffering dehydration from yesterdays bingedrinking session right infront of my TV

hey me too
still at work
hopefully I'll get home before game 7 tonight

When did he die?
I had an explosive diarrhea when I first read it few hours ago

Top kek, i died on the inside when I remembered his guest appearance here

The Crafstman C3 with LIthium battery is actually pretty fantastic for just about everything.

I was masturbating watching a lena paul porn video

masturbating to pictures of hatsune miku being tortured

>mom tells me Chekov died
>walter koenig?
>no the guy who played Chekov
>yeah, walter koenig
>no the guy who played Chekov
>finally shows me article
>explain to her I don't like nutrek and will automatically assume any trek news relates to old trek unless explicitly stated otherwise
I mean, I'm sorry he's dead.

but you tell me Chekov is dead i'm gonna assume it's old man walter koenig

Watching One Piece

what a dumb bitch

ghost riding

assembling Necron Warriors at my desk

Trying to think of HOWEVER variants

putting car in park

'Star Trek is kill'


Jerking off to Bobbi Starr swallowing a bunch of loads.

are 40k figures still disgustingly overpriced? haven't heard anything about that game in a long time.

>tfw no DMLS printer to make 40k figures with

googling "who is Anton Yelchin"

not gay but do u have a nice dick share the link bro

watching football when i read about it during halftime

Properly parking my car.

watching TOKYO DRIFTER with my friends

really gonna miss this guy, though, for real.



if it was early morning then I think I was masturbating to interracial gloryhole videos

Man, to go out so young. RIP Nuclear Wessels

Is that vodka ?

Visiting my newborn niece.
I felt bad, even more so because nobody else knew who he was.

why its never the biebers, the kayne wests, the kardasians, the sarkeesians, the zuckerbergs, the obamas? why always the cool guys, why not any of those royal faggots i mentioned?

accidents happen all the time and people constantly die in the silliest situations, but key pieces in the media/political circus never die. why??

Watching the Star Wars movie he was in

>why its never the biebers, the kayne wests, the kardasians, the sarkeesians, the zuckerbergs, the obamas, [Clintons, Bushs, Cheneys, Michael Moores, Sean Penns]?


Of all the sorry pieces of shit in the world that leech off of others or corrupt society, why so many relatively harmless, if not decent, people have to go is beyond me...

He was really good in Hearts in Atlantis. Sad film.

and you???????

Bet you're pissed your brother has had sex but you haven't.

played D&D

can i join your group fampai

'You' as in OP? i was jerking off to hentai manga's. First time too. Went better the expected

because the world is one giant high school and the narcissistic pricks will always finish in first

>you say justin bieber i say pink floyd!
>you say kanye west i say led zeppelin!
>you say katy perry i say ozzy osborne!
>thumbs up if you still listen to REAL MUSIC

That was him? Oh my god, he was excellent in that.

literally who?

leave carkino to me

literally who

RIP Spock

Trying to git gud at Hitman: Blood Money, but shit is pretty hard senpai.

>Ryan Dunn, Paul Walker and now Anton Yelchin

Is the Death Car trilogy complete?

delivering packages

will chris pine shed a teer?

shitposting on Sup Forums with my friends

I was probably... returning some video tapes.

At the Doctor getting an abscess looked at.

I was playing a reworked Star Trek version of 5e last night. I'm basically Chekov too....

Just started watching Star Trek from the very beginning, gotten into it since the reboot films. Just about to watch episode 2 of series 1...

accidents happen all the time. why no one of the mentioned faggots die in stupid ways?

i have always thought they are protected by satanism, or quickly replaced by doppelgangers if dead/ill/gone bad.

Was playing this game got it for 10$, fairly decent to be honest

How does that even happen?

If the incline of his driveway is steep, he would have noticed it moving when he tried to get out. If the incline is not steep, it should have been easy for him to push the car off of himself.

Oh wait, I think I know.

He gets out and notices the car's moving. He panicks and runs behind the car and tries to stop it but ends up getting pushed back and then back into the brick mailbox and SNAP goes his spine or something.

Why'd he have to put on that goddamn red shirt in the second movie?

Why did he leave his car in neutral, senpai?

also, who checks their mailbox on a Sunday?

Listening to the plateau part of Macintosh Plus 420 song shit is surreal

we are now in the alternate timeline


Apparently his jeep was in neutral. When your car is in neutral it rolls. The jeep was on a hill. He got out. It rolled. He didn't see it roll back. He walked behind rolling vehicle. He notice it rolling probably. Probably tries to push it to stop it. 6000 pound jeep. Pushes him back. He doesn't fall down because run over. Gets stuck between jeep and wall.

Should've fallen down under center of vehicle. That's survivable.

Sorry man.

Thats why they teach to always point the wheels where if the vehicle rolls it will slam into the the corresponding wall/curb it is currently parked in to put it on a full stop. Remember this altitude fags.

We've been in the alternate timeline ever since Hitler killed himself instead of something going wrong and him ending up braindead

That's why they teach you not to leave your car in neutral at the top of a hill.

>living somewhere where the elevation differs by more than 5 feet in a 10 mile radius
you deserve it

its called having a nice house and a real driveway

He probably needed jeep to get up driveway.

women LOVE going to a new person's house and having to go up a driveway before it is revealed, they know they're with a really rich person then

Do we have accurate information regarding the incline and length of the driveway yet?

I was at a con with some friends of mine

Just got back. Fun, but this put a damper on it a bit.

let me check dailymail and tmz asap...

this is how I envisioned it:

He leaves jeep, takes a somewhat lenghty walk to the mailbox...fiddling with the mail or about to open it..finally turns around and there's no time to move the jeep is right there


I need figures man. I want to do the physics.

I was slapping yo mom

do you think he faked his own death? were people after him? are you one of those people?

No. I would like to construct an amusing diagram that could potentially be used for mildly trolling people though.

>tfw unemployed and bored

Standing at the top of his driveway, putting his car in neutral.

The jeep had been trying to kill him for years. Anton sexually abused his jeep every night, so when the opportunity arose, the jeep took action and murdered him.


I'd have to look at exact inflation figures and compare but It's either just as bad or worse

Games Workshop also shut down a ton of independent online retailers because the company is run by people who still live in a world before the Internet who don't understand that online retailers were increasing the amount of product they were selling, even If It was a lower profit margin to them

Jerking off to images of loli getting raped

Who was raping you?