Which one of you did this Sup Forums ?

Which one of you did this Sup Forums ?

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youtube.com/watch?v=2g5Hz17C4is 2bh


i dont get the joke

Shes acts more like a mother to Rooney though.


>spouse : rooney mara


You just know


Are they not married?

>marrying Rooney in 1997
Well I guess that mentally she's still 12.

How often does Cate Blanchett call Weinstein "Daddy"?

Never. She is always the top.

>Cate after her mental breakdown


you also know that rooney isn't a lesbian, just autistic enough to be taken advantage of by mistress blanchet

still don't get the joke

They're not married , and rooney mara is pretty much a meme

That doesn't explain the joke. Why is Rooney Mara a meme and how does calling her Cate Blanchett's spouse work into that?

What did she mean by that Lego outfit ?

What's a lego outfit? Neither of them are wearing clothes made out of legos so I don't know what you're getting at.

Fuck that's hot.


How big is Cate's strap-on?

I do not wish to know

Do you ?

You gay.

it's the result of someone who isn't funny

Is this a edit?

No , google it

Because it's a shitty forced meme, moving on.

>don't know who her actual husband is
>look it up
>it's this goblin looking motherfucker

Looks like a typical Australian to me, mate.

same goes with Christina Hendricks

those guys lucked at securing the prize early

Luck schmuck, guy snatched that punani


>'We just didn't really connect and we were going out with other people, who we're still friends with and it was always an issue when the four of us went out that Andrew and I had something going on.'

>The Blue Jasmine star says the first flickers of romance between her and 47-year-old Andrew - who are the joint creative directors of the Sydney Theatre Company - happened during a late night game of poker.

>Cate - who has three sons, Dashiell, Roman and Ignatius, with her husband - said: 'One night we were playing poker and he was in the middle of telling me how he was attracted to a friend of mine and then we suddenly kissed and then he asked me to marry him three weeks later.'


>he was in the middle of telling me how he was attracted to a friend of mine
Banter and shitposting are mating calls to Australians.

>One night we were playing poker and he was in the middle of telling me how he was attracted to a friend of mine and then we suddenly kissed and then he asked me to marry him three weeks later.

So it is that easy then ?

Yes. Just be yourself. :^)
