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Did it deserve to win AOTY at the Grammys?
We're all in agreement it was better than 25.
But out of the five albums nominated, was it the best? Should the AOTY go towards the best album, the highest selling album or the most important album? Was Lemonade the best album overall of 2016? Was it the most important?

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Neither one of them deserved to win album of the year. Nobody will ever convince me that out of every album released last year, fucking Beyonce and Adelle were the best.
The Grammys are just an industry circle jerk.

its a game changer because instead of dealing with max martin and his friends like taylor swift and adele do. she reached out to the trendy artist in indie music. to help make a pop album
didn't care for it musically but has some nice ideas. its already inspired ppl like rihanna, gaga and frank ocean to do the same with their albums.

grammys (all industry awards) are bullshit.

they should be seen as a source of amusement and not a good indicator of anything real.

This isn't quite the right answer but it's right enough.

There's a lot of other issuses but the Max M thing is a big deal

Anti came out before Lemonade, user.
And Mark Ronson, Josh Homme, Kevin Parker, and James Fauntleroy are hardly """indie"""

>caring about the Grammys

Frank Ocean influenced LLemonade, not he other way around

Nigga, cuckfork has written at least 10 articles today and yesterday decrying the wacist Grammys.
Even Sufjan wrote in a blogpost: "Dear Grammys: Stop being racist."

Shit's really tiring ;_;

>Anti came out before Lemonade, user.
good point my bad!
And Mark Ronson, Josh Homme, Kevin Parker, and James Fauntleroy are hardly """indie"""
hardly indie sure but are they max martin and dr.luke?
when the weeknd wanted to crossover to the mainstream who did he turn to? Max fucking martin

A Seat at the Table was better

TLOP was the real winner

anyone hook me up with a download link?

Blonde should have won desu

>The Grammys are just an industry circle jerk.
Yeah, and Lemonade is still better than 25 within its field.

25 is fine for its genre (like a 6.5/10-7/10, with 5/10 being average), but it's still middle-of-the-road, typical Adele music that offends no one and opened up no political or musical discussion (the majority of the album is padding to fill it out to a full-length album so it could peddle its few tracks worthy of re-listens). Lemonade, while still pop and highly marketable, was more challenging (and most of its tracks are intentional, worthy stand-alones, as well). The Grammy's are all about marketing and pop-appeal, so of course Adele won album of the year.

But Lemonade is better, and the best among all that were nominated.

Purpose and Views just straight up weren't good. And A Sailor's Guide to Earth was good, but not a powerhouse.

>Did it deserve to win AOTY at the Grammys?
no. it was better than, say, Views (yeah, that was nominated) but out of those A Sailor's Guide to Earth was the best. of course, it had zero chances of winning because of popularity factor, etc.
>We're all in agreement it was better than 25.
haven't heard 25 yet (honestly not interested) but i doubt it's probably THAT better
>But out of the five albums nominated, was it the best?
>Should the AOTY go towards the best album, the highest selling album or the most important album?
"highest selling" shouldn't matter. "the best" should be the ideal factor, perhaps with "importance" (understood as social and musical relevance) adding a bit extra, but not the main parameter.
>Was Lemonade the best album overall of 2016?
it's really hard to call one release out of them all the best, but i doubt those make it to grammys
>Was it the most important?
maybe on some social level

literally who cares about the grammys.

>We're all in agreement it was better than 25.
Woah stop there you fucking retard *gives you the finger*

>complains they write cuck articles.

Nigga are you fuckin retarded

t. p4k drone

The only ones who like her are white-guilt cucks and blacks who can't accept the fact that they haven't made thoughtful mainstream music in the past 40 years.

>Did it deserve to win AOTY at the Grammys?

no, this did

Fuck off shill.

No one likes fake musician, real propaganda agent, (((Beyonce))).

Blackstar should have gotten best album instead of being quarantined to best alternative album.

The best hip hop album wasn't even nominated.

Blacks are NOT ALLOWED TO.

Plenty of great black artists, and they're marginalised, harassed (and worse) by the 'music industry'.

Honestly I think albums like Atrocity Exhibition are why the Grammys are dumb as fuck. Those idiots would never nominate something like this. Obviously this isn't the most experimental or cutting edge album ever made but it's a far deal more abrasive and experimental than most of the stuff they nominated this year or any year.

Music is far too subjective to have industry wide awards. Especially since the age of digital distribution has created even more niche communities than ever before.

the new ATCQ is better than AE

AE is literally *listens to DG once*-core

Why do you dopes argue about the fucking validity of the Grammy nominees?

It's absurd.

The whole thing is a FARCE. It's fixed/scripted/a sham.

Get it through your heads.

Good, the best music comes from the marginalised and harassed. The Grammys are working to make rap great again.

>blacks have won 10 albums of the year in the last fifty grammys
>that's 20%
>blacks are 12-13% of the population
I don't see the problem desu

>the best music comes from the marginalised and harassed

do people still fall for this meme?

CREW has arrived.


Take it up with the Jews instead of 'white people' .

They control the Grammys and the mainstream music industry.

why would 20 year old white male hipsters pretend to care about some shaniqua tunes on an anime image board? you can't seriously convince me you listen to this? I get kanye and jay z because it's a power fantasy machismo bullshit but this, no.

The people behind (((Beyonce))) have an unlimited 'marketing' budget.

Wow, antisemitic much? Back to Sup Forums with you alt-right scum.

>asians are 5% of the population
>how many grammys?

You're fucking shameless.

Fuck off. Your garbage 'artists', and your overbearing marketing campaigns, stick out like a sore thumb.

Her dee dur. ...reality is antisemitic.

Why won't the Jews who run the Grammys and the mainstream music industries give blacks awards fake user?

Why are they so hateful and bigoted?

Hourly reminder that if you don't bow down to Queen Bey you're a RACIST SEXIST CISHET WHITO PIGGU

>25 is a 5/10
nigga are you deaf

May God have mercy on his soul

>white boy jealous that blacks have made all the relevant musical innovations in the past century

t. Seth Bloombaum

Seriously. Say what you want about the Oscars but they would have nominated slightly-forward thinking shit like Blackstar, Atrocity Exhibition, and We Got It From Here, instead of pop trash and, for some reason, Sturgill Simpson to fill the country quota. Granted, Lemonade would have slid on anyway because critics are dumb now, but people are realizing Beyonce has a cult of personality and is nowhere near as good as a 90% score on Metacritic should indicate.

I'd like to hope it's just a new batch of teenagers every year, because anyone who has ever cared about them for more than one year (after which they realize they are a joke) is the lowest form of scum-sucking shit

Sturgill Simpson should of won, since he was the only one who actually made music in that category.

This is God tier, how has nobody mentioned it?

My farts are better than Beyonce's voice!

Sturgill deserved AOTY more than any of the other nominees but there was no way he'd ever win it because it's a popularity contest.

It's amazing his album was even considered for AOTY.

>We're all in agreement it was better than 25.

except it wasn't. 25 was a better consistent listen, while Lemonade had better singles and each song worked better independently of each other.

And besides, had Frank chosen to put Blonde into the ring, it would have won (and IMO should have)

I can't tell what point you're making here, you seem to acknowledge the grammys are trivial and yet are still disgruntled beyonce didnt win, I mean it really isn't hard to look for music that's better than both

new pitchfork's relentless poptimism makes me miss old pitchfork's dour indie faggot circlejerk

Member when p4k only cared about "indie," electronic, and occasionally metal music?
Now it's 75% hip-hop.
When are they going to realize this business model they adopted sometime between 2010 and 2012 isn't working?

Frank didn't submit. He did post a rant on Tumblr though

Was it submitted though? I feel like Danny is the type of person to try submitting.



Isn't the cutoff for eligibility sometime in September? AE came out at the end of September, it might have just missed the deadline and would be up for the 2018 award instead.

fuck back off to /r/sandersforpresident you cowardly cuck

The scammers didn't like the feeling they were being scammed so they gave it to the fat guileless woman

it actually is desu
it's just so perfect

>black people whining
>open up political discussion
Fucking lost
This is why bland movies about racism are awlays expected to win oscars

beyonce didnt deserve it, they bullied grammy team for being ""racist"" so long that they had to give blacks one trophy out of pity for their ad hominems

I don't think media gives a shit about radiohead
They're long past their prime, so the grammy audience probably doesn't even know them

The Grammys are essentially like if the Oscars regularly had shit like Transformers 3 going up against The Avengers for best movie or something like that, they literally chose 99% of their nominees from exclusively the most commercial money making celebrity type shit and make zero attempt to actually represent the world of music at large. I really can't see why any real music fan would be bothered who fucking wins and who doesn't.