This flick was complete trash, do people actually like this garbage?

At least it got a B- on CinemaScore, so plenty of audience members recognized the absolute drivel being pawned off on them.

The ending in particular was definitely one of the dumbest pieces of shit I've ever seen.

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Watched it last night tbhwyf and I liked it. Last 10 minutes were garbo but they only added that to justify slapping cloverfield on the title. Enjoy the rest of it familia

I actually liked it famalam.

>Its an OP overreacts to get replies thread

Was Howard actually a bad guy?

he kidnapped and murdered brittany

Nope it was literal trash.

Well he intentionally crashed MEWs car so he could take her into his rape dungeon

such strenk womyn and empowerment

Everything but the ending was great

The ending was like some idea some retarded teenager on Sup Forums would come up with

Uh... hey guys w-what if we just t-totally changed the film's genre right at the e-end! Wouldn't that be sick and awesome like my favourite manga Berserk?

pls enlighten us with your better ending

>caring about genre

I thought it was fine.

Or was that story fabricated by the other guy, so he could win control and get his gun?

Literally anything would have been a better ending.

Having her walk out and seeing a spaceship and cutting to black would have been infinitely better. Instead you have some retarded battle where she manages to blow up a giant alien ship.

Unbelievable idiocy.

Obviously not, she saw the "help" scratched in the window and found the necklace the girl was wearing, and Howard put her in the same shirt as that girl.

Once they made it obvious Howard was evil all the intrigue and subtlety went out the window

Better ending would be continuing the ambiguity right up to the end. Suggest an explanation for the woman since she's the only oddity that can't be explained by 'crazy guy locks up and kills people in his rape shelter'

Then after the suggestion, make it ambiguous again by suggesting the aliens could in fact be real. There you go, fucking easy

>le ambiguous ending cliche
top kek

I prefer the original -

>a movie entirely about ambiguity shouldn't end the same way

Please list all these films with ambiguous endings you fucking cuckold

>muh retarded alien spacebattle strong empowered woman blowing up giant alien ship with a molotov cocktail

i liked it a lot but it was an impossible movie to end properly

hey what is your problem kimosabe?


>Gosh guys...If you're an intellectual like me you know this is garbage
>You must be such a PLEB if you liked this movie

unironically correct