Here's a two decade old review of Independence Day.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Mike on the right


>No BotW
Something happened...
This was an emergency upload.

The fucked up the BotW so bad they had to upload a re:view instead. Meh.

But the review isn't two decades old.

>switched places
Jesus Christ Why?

Hate this movie.

From a recent Patreon post, they had already shot this. It was being edited at the same time as BOTW.

stupid ayy lmao

Weren't they uploading a best of the worst next? What the fuck happened? Get off your ass and give us what we want, you fat homo. Nobody cares about Resident Evil: View

They also typically upload review during the week. Now I want to know what happened with best of the worst. Especially how they're calling it ill fated

Probably flagged by a YouTube DMCA bot.

Isn't that why the Baby's Day Out review is no longer on youtube?

O&A had the best Independence Day review of all time.

Don't know if it was an automatic bot flag but yeah it got DMCA'd

Wizard had an autism attack after being triggered by a rape scene and broke out in a fight in a drunken rage with Mike and AIDS moby.
He outright refused them to keep the footage of the 2 prior shots of them watching the movies.

this is bullshit but I believe it

VideoO&A is the best way of introducing people to the glory that was Opie and Anthony.
I came onboard a year before Ant got caught with a black tranny and refused to pay, got beat up and whined on twitter about 'Cunt Animals'. It still hurts.

Mike got drunk when they were watching the movies and tore up the room a few times. Everyone thought it was funny and wanted to keep it in, but Mike was embarrassed so he deleted nearly everything they shot. Now they're trying to piece together what they can of what's left.

nice proof faggot.

Ha, I hope you remember posting that when you see it you smug little prick.

Did he molest jay in a drunken stupor and then puke all over his back? Did he then force Rich to clean the puke off of his chin with his tongue, while Mike was singing the Perfect Strangers theme song? Was AIDSmoby forced to clean up the whole thing afterwards? Was Jessi filming all of this?

nice proof faggot

kek, I literally just spit mountain dew baja blast all over my monitor. So random!!! XDDD

>mountain dew baja blast
Sup Forums please get off of my board.

aw, sorry little buddy. I didn't realize you have asperger's

He's hopefully going to appear less after his spergout

>Hyper advanced alien race hacked by 90's computers

>not the religions fault
>is the guns fault

liberalism is a mental illness

I still can't believe Mike dislikes Escape from NY.

Religion can't pull the trigger, fampai

They were running Window ME.

Yeah, but Goldblum was using a Mac.

Guns dont make people homophobic.

Neither does any religion, barring american protestantism. Islam even accepts traps.

>they dont know what resources earth has
>they exclude that the aliens might want to just inhabit earth
They should stick to movies critical thinking seems a little tough for them.

>don't blame the cult that's behind all terrorism

The fuck are you babbling about?

wait is this a new series?

>Islam even accepts traps.

They outright say that people who are gay can't be muslims and throw them off roofs for being gay and apostates.
10 muslim countries have the death penalty for being gay
The example you mentioned is ONLY in Iran and involves gay men transitioning to women.
It's either that or be killed.
Islam is incompatible with western culture and values.
American muslims don't have to follow the Koran to the letter, but no one is addressing how wrong fundamentalism is and no one is trying to get a reformation like the two other Abrahamic religions have in the past.
Now fuck off back to your shitty protests at your liberal arts college and drown in debt after no one will hire you with your worthless degree.


Did you watch the linked video?
What are earths resources "uhhhhh water?"

This. Even Iran's """"""acceptance"""""" of traps is extremely "problematic".

Those men aren't transgender, they're gay men forced to live a lie and mutilate themselves because the state & the religion that runs it doesn't accept gays.

How progressive.

Mac's run on magic bullshit

that the real josh? Had no idea he was such a faggot. He's even worse than aidsmoby

I hate nu males

You'd all be dead if it wasn't for my David!

My Day-vid! That's my Day-vid!

In the, uh, what, the, uh, nine-teen-feefties, what, with the Roswell spaceship! YOU KNEW THEN! And you did nothing!

Yes it is real

I'm starting to like that vocoded flatulence intro music, reminds me of jay so much

Well, they force homos to cut their dicks off if they still want to be part of it. It's a thing.

Who is this?

Hebe Kikeburger.

The F'in Wizard

It's amazing how douche-nozzles can turn a thread on any board into a Sup Forums thread.

Breath of the Wild?

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>implying he's wrong
>implying most Muslims aren't peace-abiding individuals
>implying the root of the problem of so many American mass shootings isn't easy access to guns

He could have framed his argument better, or maybe in a space that allows more than 250 characters at a time, but he isn't wrong

The middle east was progressive before Genghis Khaan demolished their asses with siege weapons and pierced their burka-asses with arrows from horseback.
It baffles me that progressives hold muslims up like some sacred cow of victimhood.
It's like they have no fucking idea that religion has nothing to do with raceYes, even Jews aren't a race. They're an ideology where the most hardcore intermarried to have similar features. That still isn't a race.
You'd think that people who spend 5 years in college studying social studies and human behaviour know the difference, but I guess they were scammed.

Considering Independence Day is one of the most anti-semitic popular films of all time, I don't know why you're so surprised.


Why didn't dey bahrgain down to areah feeftee?

He's absolutely wrong. LGBTs are discriminated against on a global scale and one of the leading causes is religion.

it's hard, but good to know wizard is that way inclined. Hopefully he won't be on the show again

Best of the Worst, Nintendrone.

jack talks about donating to bernie sanders on pre-rec and twitter.

Laughing at someone being a moron doesn't mean we're Sup Forums. Sup Forums is plenty capable of shitposting.

it's no surprise with jack though

>le gun boogeyman

>it's a mike pretends to be an expert in SETI protocols episode

>Don't shrug and move on


if we don't do that then they win. People die, this is life

>Jack named his son Myson
Is the other son his wife's son?


>Literally base their entire careers on praising shitty dumb b-movies
>talk shit about an actually good dumb b-movie

But Independence Day is shit.

this is kind of a good idea



So desperate to be taken seriously at this point it's silly. They probably loathe the fact that they are seen as a joke channel to shit on content from the 70's/80's and 90's.

Makes matters worse when they attempted their own content and it turned out to be a colossal failure.They're going burn out and fade away inevitably within a few years, Re:View is just boring.

Actually the leading cause is faggotry being evil, unnatural and disgusting.

Christian kills someone at an abortion clinic
>Democrats: We need separation church and state
>Atheist: Religion is the problem
>SJW: Sexist Christianity
Self hating gay Muslim, shots up gays to atone for his sin of being gay.
>Democrats: Gun Control
>Atheist: Don't blame Islam
>SJW: The white man is to blame for instilling homophobia even though there 2000 year old book tells them to kill gays.

I fucking hate this world, I think it's the atheist one that blows my mind.



>Hopefully he won't be on the show again
because they definitely don't tolerate tolerance.

said the neck-beard posting on Sup Forums

>i don't want real world problems in my superhero flicks!
>why isn't this disaster movie more realistic?

>I think it's the atheist one that blows my mind.
I think it's that everybody wants to co-opt the tragedy in order to push their own version of "[blank] is the problem!"

There's a difference between realism and believability.

I like their re:view style. They talk about movies without the gimmicky stuff (which I usually love) and they openly and calmly discuss the thing. It's different. And Independence Day is stupid but watchable, but I agree it started a trend of horribleness and made the director's career, who went on to make even worse movies.

Implying guns and their regulation had nothing to do with Orlando is as stupid as saying Relgion had utterly no influence on it. Both are a factor. You can't regulate religion, reform has to come from the inside or won't be accepted. You could have universal backround checks and licensing for guns and regulations on things like maybe bullet amounts in magazines or calibers or something or other, I don't know.

That's just religion bullshit
homosexuality is found in nature. It's there as a factor to keep the species from overpopulation.(Not that it matters with how good we are at defying death and procreating)
Of course it's disgusting to watch two gay men kiss or fuck when you're heterosexual. They shouldn't die because of that though.

Lastly there's gender dysmorphia.
This is actually a much tougher one. After DSM5 got revised, it is no longer viewed as a disorder because of external pressure from LGBT groups and general colleges/universities being too progressive for their own good.
This has lead to an influx of, mainly men, transitioning.
M2F surgery is also EXTREMELY lucrative for surgeons and pharmaceutical companies, and psychologists are much quicker to give the go for gender reassignment due to 'muh feelings' and the fear of being sued.
In reality most of these unfortunate souls kill, themselves after realising they were just gay to begin with.
In reality Gender Dysmorphia is extremely rare and affects less than .4% of the world's population.
Most can be treated with therapy and only very few can actually be remedied by complete surgical transition.
Just my two cents on the topic.

That's literally like a turtle driving an Edsel into your garage.

>bawww they banned me from le reddit
It doesn't mean we have to take you in.

>America has by far the highest rates of gun violence in the world
>also the only country that permits their citizens firearms as part of their constitution
>2nd amendment isn't the issue meme

Sup Forums wants to destroy America

As opposed to Doug, who will never be taken seriously. Not even by mistake.

it must be hell in that brain


One moment he likes unrealistic schlock to escape reality and have fun, then the next moment every movie needs to be intellectual and realistic.

Independence Day is definitely the kind of movie self-confessed film buffs love to hate.

I like re:view. They have all been pretty quality so far. The new one was great.

It gives them room to cover movies they otherwise wouldn't be able to outside of a Plinkett review. And those obviously take a long time to make, so this works well.

That's some badass strawman you concocted there, sugartits. Do you have some kind of chemical imbalance or something?

There are limits to suspension of disbelief. Also those two statements have no relation to each other.

>"""""gun""""" violence
Violent crime involves lots of things besides firearms. When was the last time you saw a mass rape in the US like in Belgium this past New Year?

>be a fucking psychopath ISIS supporter homophobe
>live in florida
>walk into a walmart
>easily buy gun and ammo
>kill 50 people and injure 50 more

tell me again why regulating the sale of firearms is bad?

He said he liked Mars Attacks, his gripe is that it was too stupid to be straight and played too straight to aknowledge it's stupidness

I do agree but what pisses me off is how even before this atheist and feminist defended Islam. I get they are mad that daddy was a strict Catholic that did not want little Anita to use her pussy to get a head in life but work hard. I feel like these women really do want to be raped by smelly unwashed Islamic dicks

He was a closet faggot, it was clearly homophobia in this case. Why do you want to force reality into your own little stormblr KKK fantasy, fatass?