People who did nothing wrong

>people who did nothing wrong

didn't he kill a lot of people?


>autistic loser and outcast
>ends up killing a lot of people
the /r9k/ dream


>when everyone's super, no one will be

Never understood this tbqh famm

Animated edition?

That's because you're clinically retarded

THQ has done a lot wrong.

Uuuuh... how do you figure Syndrome did nothing wrong? He killed a bunch of people in order to make himself look good because he was butthurt about getting told off when he was younger.

>wants to save a baby T. Rex
>brings it aboard trailer, which draws in parents to the heroes' location and ends up causing the death of one of the more likeable characters in the movie.

No one stands out when everyone stands out. You can't be unique if everyone has the same chance to do what you're capable of.

>impersonating an officer
>disobeying the chain of command
>endangerment of civilians

This guy probably got executed.

They were just protecting their baby

>he was the evil Mastermind
>his hairline is in the shape of an M


>is a loser
>finger and her thumb in the shape of an L on her forehead


Really? I didn't think he was loser, he seemed to have a hot gal and was very successful.


Well what about at the end when he sends a giant murdermachine robot into the city to start blowing everything up?

Bend the knee.

Durotan was a fucking traitor who deserved it.

Gul'Dan is evil as shit. They don't go into it in the movie too much but Fel power is basically chaos incarnate. Sargeras seeks to destroy all creations of the titans.

Incredibles is only movie worthy of the title capekino

essentially this

Actually Syndrome did everything wrong, he was directly responsible for everything bad in the movie.



Killed a few traitors and did his duty to his king, he was the real patriot in that film.

Howard literally did nothing wrong

...the only wrongful murder he supposedly committed didn't have enough unequivecal proof he did it

Are they bringing him back for the sequel?

THQ did everything wrong, that's why they went bankrupt

he's dead


MEW was the real monster.


Bobby literally did nothing wrong

Go to bed Max

expecting to find hitler in this thread.

He killed a man over drugs.

Oakland police

16 should be legal, im out



What was Kubrick thinking?


>Disarms the only gun that could kill a trex
>endangers the lives of other people because he wants to rescue a baby animal and ends up getting a good person killed for it
>Releases dinosaurs tha that could trample or attack someone into a camp
>managed to get both parties communication equipment destroyed
>its okay though because he got some decent photos of a dinosaur only they were actually taken by the dumb bitch who aided him in luring two furious trex's to her camp because her feelings dont want to see a replaceable animal die and endangers a child and gets a man killed

I understood what he was going for but it still didn't make sense. Even in a world full of supers, there are going to be people who are more super than usual. That's just the same as it's always been.

>burns his daughter
>did nothing wrong

I thought it was kind of funny how she was right that he was a crazy serial killer, and he was right that earth had been invaded by aliens poisoning the air.

Mansley was everything bad about Cold War era US government, fueled by fear and paranoia. The general was everything good, he was just trying to do the right thing.

Yeah no. Gul'dan sold his species out for power.

He used a cape.


Godammit even as a kid watching Jurassic Park I fucking hate this guy


but he did something wrong

>he didn't finish the job


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