Preacher live thread

Preacher live thread!

get in here bros

Here we go

So, what was that? Playing "Horror cliche paint ball"? Girls strip down to underwear and the boys hunt them down. Is that a thing?

Where can i watch it online?

No one has a stream? I'm sure if I asked for a GOT, we would get a ton of people here.

does preacher have an actual preacher license or did he just walk in there one day and say he wanted to be the preacher

does jesse believe he's a real vampire or just think cass is crazy?

In the comics his grandmother set him up. In the show, it's a little more gray. It seems like his dad set him up.

"What were smoking?"

"Attic installation."

How many things did/does Cassidy go through for a high?


He thinks Cass is nuts. Just one of those flakes who go, "I was a prince in a past life" or "I am werewolf" or whatever.

what did you expect, its chinka town.

why doesn't cass show him how his skin burns in the sun? maybe he'd start taking him seriously then.

Because even if he did show that, Jesse would probably think it was a disease of some sort.

So it seems like another slow episode.

Maybe Jesse is just in denial. He has something in him that can control people. And here's this guy saying that he is a vampire. Do you really want that aspect in your life or do you want to brush it off?

how come preacher can smoke so much but constantine can't

It's the difference between Network television and Cable.

Constantine was on network television. Preacher is on cable.

NBC has too many mandates. AMC doesn't give a shit.

Considering he's an immortal, probably a fuckton.

Two angels and a vampire in a hotel room having a chat....that is just weird to write out.

>Getting hookers and blow (and a blowjob) in exchange for ratting on your buddy
Nice job, Cassidy.

Gilgun makes the best faces.

lads, why is Cassidy so based?

Nah, he's just going to keep on killing the Angels and hope eventually they stay dead. I have a feeling this episode is going to end with Cass ripping out one of the Angels apart and Jesse stumbling on this.

why were preacher and tulip the king and queen in warcraft?

Gilgun, that's why. Go watch Misfits. (Seasons 3 to 5) He's awesome in that.

... But is that a yes or a no?

He's a 119. What do you think he has done, drug-wise? Meth, Pot, Heroin, E....probably not bath salts. I don't think even he would touch that.

Did they explain in the comics why an old time coffee can?

I wouldn't put it against him.

Might have tried flesh-eating heroin (Krokodil).

I was mostly being facetious. But seriously, nice job.


i like how these angels are retards like they are in supernatural

Why is this funny? I am just laughing at this poor angel trying to find something to eat and I don't know why. I think I am stoned and I haven't touched anything....



oh great, yet another thing i'll never experience

And this is how Cassidy meets Tulip. Better than how they met in the comic.

DAMN IT, TULIP! You see what happens when you continuously channel Julia Studebaker? Good people get hurt in the crossfire!

Schadenfreude. And because the idea of an ethereal higher being going through hunger pains like the rest of us is funny.

Dropped after the 2nd ep, show is absolute trash.

And you came here to tell us plebs this. Oh, we are so blessed. So utterly blessed.

Wait are you telling me that Preacher competes in timeslot with GOT?

If thats the case then fuck me in the eyesocket.

Don't feel that bad. They repeat each episode three times the airing night. So, it first airs at 9EST and then again at 11 and then again at 1. If you miss the first airing you have two more to catch.

so how did they meet in the comic?

Wait, no one thought about grabbing Cass' pants and putting them on as they rush him to the hospital?

this show is boring

Tulip is running from some guys and she just stumbles on Cass and his truck. She demands that he give her a ride, he does and that's how they meet. Just a chance meeting. Also, that's how the comic introduces Cass. It was a weak plot point honestly.

A vampire falling out of whore a house window and being rushed to hospital where he drinks up the blood bank is boring? Okay....

That's not something that exists in the comic.

>Watching a GOT premiere
>Watching GOT at all
You only have yourself to blame.

No, i dont watch GOT. Im saying it because i know everyone does and as such i was guessing Preacher will have an audience of zero.

thanks, yeah i agree. show version is so much better. the cass airplane & crater cow buffet then tulip ugular stabbing was inspired compared to that

Wait, what happened with Tulip and Cass? Did Cass just sneak off with Tulip? Where could Cass go? He can't sneak back to the whore house.

He just went full Pat Robertson.

The comic creator, Ennis, thought so too. He said he had wished he had thought of that. That's a hell of an introduction, honestly.

Not yet. He isn't asking them to hand over their life savings.

I was half expecting the Word not to work on Rorschach.

thats a pretty sleazy thing to do. force the local rich guy to do what you tell him. that's something a politician would do

sometimes you feel like a nut. sometimes you don't.

The last two episodes have sucked.

Better than making the congregation explode...

They didn't suck but they weren't as fast paced as the first two. They've been dragging their feet. They need to get Jesse to fuck up big time. Make everyone in church die. Reveal Cass is a vampire to Tulip. And have Tulip, Cass, Jesse hit the road with the Angels the Saint Killer on their tail. Take this show on the literal road.

Expecting Quincannon to go crazy because of this. Maybe he will wind up burning down the congregation before the end of the season.

I'm feeling a fedora vibe off of this.

Well, they've already accomplished Tulip finding out about Cassidy. Now we just need a good reason for them to leave town.

Agreed. They already set up a precedence for Jessie not thinking his commands through, telling someone something so vague is bound to end in tragedy.

He's likely going to think he's doing gods works. What do you do with a town of sinners that disobeyed God? Destroy them. It was Odins plan in the comics. This may set it into motion.

That is what I have been waiting for, but it just drags on.

take it easy spaz. maybe they want the story line to last for a few seasons

What the fuck... The first 5 minutes were exactly the same as last week with cass following preacher around the church shirtless in his robe explaining the angels to be clones or androids.. Then after that it went on as a new episode.


anyone watching the replay now? autis angels are soon becoming my favorite characters

>there are only 15 people on Sup Forums still watching Preacher
Cancelled when?

I feel so bad for the angels, they're gonna fall so hard.
>I'm hungry

He's gonna end up doing coke and fucking whores.

hopefully soon, its absolute shit

^ can someone answer this?

>YFW the most interesting character in the entire book series has had one line comprised of two words in one episode.

It's the little thing they use to catch you up on the last episode.

The bald one seems to have some experience. The other guy is a rookie

Is this the weakest showing for a live thread ever?

No. This was after that.

The fuck... Does no one else know what im talking about?

I feel like im taking crazy pills here!

I know what you're talking about but it wasn't the exact same clip
Nah, Walking Dead threads are shit now because The Walking Dead is shit

Really? Cause it felt exactly the same.. They must be having real trouble writing the script.

Btw i just finished the episode and that was the most boring and substance lacking episode yet.

Are they trying to make this show fail?

i was watching nba finals and went out for food so ill catch rerun tomorrow, hoprfuly this episode doesnt lag like last weeks

I didn't have a chance to watch it tonight. Did based Rorschach make it or break it?

You're in for a disappointment.

aww man, im no sperglord i enjoy mystery and build up but last weeks episode seemed discombobulated and hoping they turn it around

You're losing it!

He made the show. Jesse used his power on him.

Brah this episode was the worst yet

they did that in the first five minutes and said "previously on preacher" for some reason that scene ran at the end of that, but you're right that was all new

>reading some angsty teen fantasy about killing god
>enjoying it
It's like enjoying Nazi fanfiction where they won. Time to grow up.

it did feel very deja vu for me too
i had to fight to keep my eyes open this whole episode

idk but its time to fap

Im thinking the trio will run out of town at the end of season.

They cant do the whole series in the same place, can they?


Was the new ep any good?

The entire comic is basically a road trip
Had a few lulzy moments but for the most part dull

Alright, I think I'm going to delete this shit off of my DVR.
This show is ass.

The problem is the lack of structure. Like every episode just feels like a bunch of random scenes with no clear sign of where the show is going.

And I need to put subtitles on the fucking thing. Everyone is mumbling and shit.

If you read the comics you know where it's going but yeah I know what you mean. They're trying to jam pack so many story lines into a Tarantino-esque format it becomes discombobulating.