Is Lana the only Sup Forumsfu that actually has a decent album?

Is Lana the only Sup Forumsfu that actually has a decent album?

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yes, but it's not that one

Lana herself doesn't even have a decent album.

Lana fucking sucks, and Bjork has several great albums. Please try again

have you ever even listened to Lana's albums?

Please, get yourself a better Sup Forumsfu. Here are some suggestions:

Has Halfaxa, Visions, and Art Angels.

>Angel Olsen
Has Burn Your Fire for No Witness, and My Woman.

>Janelle Monae
Has The Archandroid and The Electric Lady.

Has Bury Me at Make Out Creek and Puberty 2.

>Beth Gibbons
Has Dummy, Portishead, and Third; through Portishead.

>Patti Smith
Has fucking Horses.

>Kim Gordon
Has far too many good Sonic Youth albums to count.

>FKA Twigs
Has LP1.

>Debbie Harry
Has Parallel Lines, through Blondie.

>Stevie Nicks
Has several good albums through Fleetwood Mac, including Rumors.

>Sharon Van Etten
Has Tramp and Are We There, plus her contributions to The Antlers.

>Karen Carpenter
Okay so The Carpenters weren't that good, but Kim was a good drummer and had a beautiful voice.

>Victoria Legrand
Has Teen Dream, Bloom, and Depression Cherry to a lesser extent through Beach House.

>Alice Glass
Has (I) and (II) through Crystal Castles.

>Clementine Creevy
Has Apocalipstick through Cherry Glazerr.

Has Pure Heroine.

>Satomi Matsuzaki
Has several good albums through Deerhoof.

>Liz Phair
Has Exile in Guyville, maybe more, I haven't listened to any others.

Has too many to list.

>PJ Harvey
Once again, too many to list.

>Cat Power
Has You Are Free.

I could keep going. There are dozens of better female artists than Lana to stan.

No, Lana is better than those.

If you say so.

best Sup Forumsfu

You have strayed to far from gods light

mein neger

Adding Julien Baker, Julia Holter, and this year with Julie Byrne coming through. Just to throw some Juli___'s up in there that are all better than Lana.

Good contributions, especially Julia Holter.

Throwing in Hope Sandoval of Mazzy Star, Fiona Apple, Lauren Mayberry of Chvrches, (young) Kim Deal of Pixies, and Joanna Newsom.

Also agreeing with Kate Bush.

There are so many attractive women who make good music and OP picks Lana.

>Beth Gibbons
>Patti Smith
>Satomi Matsuzaki

Are there people on Sup Forums really attracted by those?

Add this nigga

shoegaze girls objectively make the best waifus.
either Rachel or Bilinda, I'm ok with both.

Just guessing. I'd feel lucky if I got to fuck any of them at their peak. Satomi I think I'd rather have as a friend, though.

Gonna toss in Sarah Midori Perry from Kero Kero Bonito, too.

there are a couple of photos of her in which she looks fine, but on average she's always been on the ugly side, even when she was young.

>names every half decent album made by contemporary waifus like Grimes, Lorde and Mitski
>names only Parallel Lines and You are Free for prime old-time waifus like Debbie and Chan

I dunno, I think she looks interesting. If she wasn't so gaunt and wore make-up, I think she'd have looked better. But goddamn, Horses is phenomenal and Patti seems cool as fuck. That's enough for me.

If you wanna push this further, I guess now's a good time to mention I'm a lesbian and I think we're more lenient with women's looks.

Lel. I noticed that. I ran out of steam as I progressed, and preferred to just name one for each.

Last addition (hopefully)? Joan Baez. She even aged gracefully.

>Joanna Newsom
Has HOOM, Ys, Divers, MEM

>St. Vincent/Annie Clark
4 decent-to-good albums

>Sky Ferreira
1 decent album

0 good albums, a bunch of nice singles

>Taylor Swift
0 good albums, a couple of pleasant songs

I was judging from a purely aesthetic point of view, she sure is one of the coolest women in music history. I would have married her even if she's no eye candy.

speaking of which, I might add Françoise Hardy to the list.

we've already had this discussion

God damn this chart is so sophomore-in-high-school-core

Come on, a chart with only 12 entries...
There are so many waifus!

I can assure you that Grimes did more than decent albums. In fact she did exceptional and unique albums.

nice b8 m8

>implying i'm not dead serious

You faggots are worse than the kpop posters. This kind of obsession with a mediocre alt-pop star is sickening.

Hint: watch the film Grand Prix. Great film and Francoise in her prime is playing a role. Thank me later.

>has no arguments
>personal attacks
Dude, taste is subjective, stop being such an asshole. If you don't like her, don't pretend she's a mediocre alt-pop star.

>has no arguments
>personal attacks

Dude, taste is subjective, stop being such a faggot. If you like her, stop pretending she is anything more than a mediocre alt-pop star.

those were the most discussed at the time that actually make good music

So, you're a dipshit. Grow up.

I swear you guys are secretly anti-Grimes or something, because you're actually turning me away from her music and wishing I never even bothered in the first place
That or you really are that retarded

Post YFW you realized Lana is the only good solo woman artist in the history of music

>angel olsen
>alice glass

Nice to know that Sup Forums has terrible taste for waifu. Jesus fucking Christ


>Alice Glass
Neck yourself, my dude.


>has a team of songwriters & producers and a trustfund from daddy
>solo artist

but at the end of the day it doesn't effect the end product's quality, and she writes the majority of her songs by herself


>it doesn't effect the end product's quality
It literally does since it's created by professional producers.
>and she writes the majority of her songs by herself
Based on the published credits, this is wrong.

do some research, she has co-writers but writes the majority of songs by herself

>none of these have Lana's fuckable face and lips
You're missing the point

>33% to 50%
Math is clearly not your forte

>but writes the majority of songs by herself
None of the songs were written by herself in that picture.

lemonade is 8/10 while born to die is 3/10

where is the /ss/ queen Annie Clark?

Paradise is really nice

Lemonade = fucking ugly ape whining about muh racism
BtD = attractive talented woman, memorable and interesting songs

Nice try though


not even her best

I don't know what is the actual Lana's writing role in her songs, but many popstars receive co-writing credit even if their contribution is negligible.

I came in here to talk about music, but it's just a bunch of neckbeards arguing over looks.

I hate this site, why the fuck do I come here.

Born to Die is a solid 6.
Lemonade is a 5,5/10.


the majority of posts in this thread are music discussions/music related, I don't know what your talking about

Solex has 5 good solo albums.

>you're actually turning me away from her music
Turning a troll (you) from her music? That's actually a good thing. You don't even deserve to hear her music.

she's also the only Sup Forumsfu that got fat

She's pretty normal

>White Genocide: The Album