Will this surpass frozen?

Will this surpass frozen?


Kek they lost Japan and China already.

Hawaiians had Jap slaves for the longest time, so the blood has been mixed.

frozen was white people doing white people things... but they fit white imperialist patriarchal beauty standards so we were supposed to like it -___-

realistically having persons of color already gives this kinographic piece of cinema more depth than frozen ever had


that doesn't even rhyme!

possibly if they're aggressive enough with their marketing and the songs are good enough.

she has white features so that means she's delicious brown and Japan actually likes that.

nothing will beat Big Hero 6

Didn't China just put on Boyega as the star of Pacific Rim 2? They own Legendary, right?

Where my Hawaii bros at? Let's see this when it comes out.

Name is literally 1 letter away from the spanish word for monkey (mona)



monkey isn't even that big of an insult outside of spicland


big hero 6 was shit jack get over it

You wouldn't be saying the same if her name was moankey senpai desu

No lesbian incest, no box office record

Who cares? Disney did Hawaii once already and they will never top it.

I never actually saw Frozen (almost watched it with a friend, but then remembered Corpse Bride was a thing and watched that movie instead), but it sounds like they went "WOW LOOK INDEPENDENT FEMALE LEADS THIS IS TOTALLY NEW" for the eighteenth time and people bought into it again. So while it may seem each time they pull something like that the popularity will only go up, Frozone had two leading ladies and this new movie looks to have one, so I doubt it'll take over.
Now we wait for people to realize strong female leads, even in Disney, aren't at all original anymore. I'm not saying they're a bad thing, but it bothers me how much they use it for the sole purpose of revenue.

It doesn't have to do much surpass to Frozen because Frozen was a mediocre movie in just about every department.


You forgot Dwayne Johnson is in this.

Not seeing it why did you even bother posting

True. What was the last strong male lead, Aladdin? Lion king? Is there actually a movie with a male protagonist with no musical sections? I don't watch much disney.

Smash-It Sam

is that the actual promo? it looks like they just colored in elsa

Does she moan

>Disney did Hawaii once already and they will never top it.
That one had shitty Elvis songs as the soundtrack. Moana's soundtrack is written by Lin Manuel Miranda.

>European facial features
>tanned skin
>looks like a southern European woman rather than Hawaiian.

lol. Proves how ugly and un marketable non whites are that they have to do this in everything.

Id surpass her frozen

>comparing rapfag to the undisputed King of Rock and Roll who will outlive us all
>not acknowledging Alan Silvestri's score
I'm a music student and I still had to Google who Miranda even is. He wrote a sleeper hit musical that's just over a year old, whoop-di-freakin'-do.

My SJW friend is already on tumblr saying people need to see this even if it's bad because the princess is brown.

Well, disney has not made many brown princesses, so it would be neat to see.

>People thinking Moana is hawaiian.

Man, there's a billion pacific islands and you faggots can only name hawaii?

The trailer looks surprisingly promising

Well gee, if they're introducing Auli’i Cravalho I guess I have to see it. Surely her unique voice brings something to the table that no one else could match.

She's saying it's our duty to shell out eight bucks even if we don't think we'll like it. We have to support movies that don't star white people.

What? everyone thinks she's samoan senpai

It won't even surpass Zootopia. There is no hype for it.

Hype =/= quality, you furry fuckwit.

Good thing Zootopia had both.

I want to fuck that rabbit.

We all do. And it's a much more merchandisable movie. Most kids aren't going to want a little brown girl doll.

>they will never top it.

Lilo and Stitch is shit.

Isn't OP image just photoshopped Rapunzel?

You're wrong, all of the movies and the cartoon series are all incredibly entertaining. Like a less autistic pokemon

No, that's just the kind of face kids want to fuck so they all look the same. Marketing

But Japan loves Lilo and Stitch and that has almost no whites in it

it's got animal and loli
have you seen Nip's Lilo & Stitch

That's very cretinous. In 30 years, all this style- and the Dreamworks kind too- will be looked like shit. Or so I hope. Frozen, Tangled and the likes already look cheap and ugly to me now.

What's wrong with being a Monkey anyway?

Who is this I gotta know

Can we just call her AC? I can already feel my tongue throwing around saliva just thinking about attempting to pronounce that.

The new one kind of looks like Rapunzel but with a wider nose

I agree that this style has run it's course.

Not the same at all.

C'mon, you can do better than that. He's got like a billion Tonys from TWO huge musicals, one of which is becoming a movie. Also a Macarthur grant winner.

>run it's course
>marketers and plebs will ever get tired of generic attractive girl's faces
kek, CalArts, pls

It will be to Zootopia like Pocahontas was to The lion king. Donkey shit.

Are you autistic?
They are obviously different faces of similar teen girls made by the same team.

I'm sure a good portion of the people who make these films went to CalArts, seeing as how Walt Disney founded that school.

Frozen and Zootopia are the examples of a movie when there wasn't enough hype surrounding it before released, but strong word of mouth really helped the boxoffice's performance. You can look how small the decrease for a week after week

It's kinda bizarre that Disney wants to release two big animated films in one year.

Money, dear boy.

Probably considering that Frozen was bland as fuck.

Only good moment was Hans' heel turn when he's about to kiss Anna. It was so ridiculous I half-expected him to hit her with a steel chair


>Disney will NOT go bankrupt in your lifetime

it's Sup Forums slang for hipsters who intentionally draw like shit and poop on traditional, ie patriarchal/corporate" conceptions of beauty.

>princesses from barbaric cultures no one gives a fuck about
>still not a single Slavic princess even if they actually existed and there are many legends about them

Oh. I get it.

Disney just had their BEST YEAR EVER.
The mouse will go one for another 100 years, they might just become the "big bad world controlling corp" in all those 80's cyberpunk stories.

>tfw no cyberpunk disney movie

Before dykes latched on to homo incest, they were legit screeching about Elsa not being eskimo/native or some shit, seriously.

Pixar released two movies last year, but one ended up being their biggest flop

Frozen is slav story, no?
The Ice Queen?

I wanna bang that bunny like a screen door in a windstorm

The original Snow Queen is by Hans Christian Andersen and I think Frozen is set in Norway.

Lmfao At saying Elvis is good. Chuck Berry is objectively better

Chuck Berry is a fat black rapist.

Brown Disney princesses don't sell. This won't be the end of the streak.

I want to make moana moan

that has nothing to do with the quality of music

>Pocahontas never happened

>>Pocahontas never happened
In terms of popularity it didn't.


Really? I thought people liked that shit.

No because they're NOT WHITE

Does Disney have the formula down now?
>pick an ethnic group
>create a princess within that group
>make movie
Always make sure to give them white features too. No large noses, good sized lips, heart-shaped face.

>He watched Frozen because the characters are white

I live in Ewa beach, meet me at the new Regal theater in Kapolei tof watch it.

Giving them brown features is racist.

Only comic relief/evil characters are fat and have big lips.

They look nearly the same, as do the female characters from Big Hero 6 and Frozen.

Still better than Surf's Up 2: Wave Mania

She has ethnic features. OP's pick is a shop.

This is her real face.

It was a massive flop but Disney thought it was going to be huge. What DID end up being huge was the Lion King, which Disney had no faith in.

>no large nose

bruh are you ok

Why does she look black? I thought she's supposed to be Southeast Asian.

it was a dreary and lifeless, Katzenburg actually hated cartoons and pushed for more realism, making animation more flatter and dull.

Compared to Rapunzel it's barely large. Go ahead and measure it, it's the same width.

>Who do brown people look like brown people

When the features are simplified as they are for the style of the film everything just naturally ends up becoming a bit more ethnically ambiguous.

You have a kik or something?

she isn't, it's a cartoon face and you're more familiar with nigs then Polynesians.

Your own picture says otherwise.

>Measure it

What am I supposed to do here dude break out my meter stick. Just eyeballing it it looks much broader though. Is it not authentically brown enough for you unless she looks like Don Cheadle?

I doubt I would have seen it if she was a darkie tho.

"brown" is code for UGLY SHEBOON

It looks like her hair is clipping through her arm.