What are some ukulele songs one could use for practice that aren't cringey, whistling, Honda-Civic-commercial garbage?

What are some ukulele songs one could use for practice that aren't cringey, whistling, Honda-Civic-commercial garbage?

pls help

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Holy shit if someone plays a ukulele I just want to avoid them entirely

You try taking a six string guitar on a mountain hike then, pal.


i just did the other day. holy shit uke players are always pussies too


This is very nice.


Why would you get a shitty uke? It's le quirky XD mini guitar that is basically a guitar in every way except it's infinitely less capable of making music.

if its for the look, why not just a mahogany concert guitar? they look similar but ones an actually respectable instrument and the other is a childrens toy.




>what is timbre


Ukulele is a fucking meme instrument. If you aren't a high school girl looking for attention there's absolutely no reason to play one

>tfw no Bettie Page gf to discipline me when I don't practice my instrument

Lets explain why the uke should be a shame to play, to a millenial 'quirky' girl.
What's wrong with it?

A lot modern ukulele music is pretty bad. But there's nothing actually wrong with the instrument other than a select few dudes (the type that spend a lot of time on Sup Forums lmao) will associate you with Zoey Deschannel-esque commercialism. Don't sweat it.

I wish

Any song you want that is played on the guitar. Just play the same chords on the ukulele, and there's your song.

I learned a lot of great chords from this guy though:

He mostly has tabs of older classic songs, lotta jazz standards and such.

Aw nice. Thanks, man.

wew lad


As cliche as this song is now, I still think it's beautiful.

this is pretty good too.
great thread so far.

If you're into folk punk, try Ghost Mice. Some of their songs replace guitar with Uke.

>All these triggered people attacking the Uke

I play both Guitar and Uke, and I agree that it's stringing is absolutely autistic, and it's not as viable as an instrument to learn music, or an instrument to push yourself in a skilled way, but if it's a side instrument, it's pretty nice. It has a pretty tonality, and allows for unique voicings of chords that are hard to do on guitar.

s-source please

I was not ready for how good that was.

How has NO ONE mentioned The Magnetic Fields? It's the only band I enjoy that uses the ukulele.


I only wish I knew.

Thanks for referencing, didn't bother to watch any links before, but that was very nice.