Ohhh boy

Ohhh boy

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link youtube.com/watch?v=n8Ob_ae9SOk&feature=youtu.be

>Jew doing Jewish things

Big fucking surprise. Next you're going to tell me white people love mayonaise

>4 of the funniest women on the planet

not even fucking close

Can't you spell? Oh right.

*grabs you by the throat*
get. out. shitlord.

If after this Ghostbusters debacle you are STILL in denial that the media is run by corrupt, agenda-pushing Leftists, you are beyond saving.

>the funniest people in the world

I feel like there's just this sort of disconnect, between who and what I'm not sure, but the fact that someone in this world can make a statement like that sort of proves that society is broken in half and he's on one side and I'm on the other.

Unless he has some vested interest in promoting this movie, in which it case I get it.

He might be right but it's not really worth boasting.

For once Opie knew that this would generate a shitstorm.
Too bad it happened last week, tits!

It's not. It's run by people who want to net a profit at any cost. They would espouse any ideals, pander to any group of people, if they think it's the best economic decision. With this movie they have chosen to pander to the leftist/SJW/feminist brigade, if it's successful they'll do it again and again until it's not, but they won't be able to determine it's not until long after they're not making money anymore.

In other words, if you guys don't want hollywood movies to look like this one for at an absolute minimum 8 years, possibly much longer, don't go see it, for any reason. It doesn't matter how much you shit talk it on the internet, it doesn't matter if you only ironically enjoy it. The only way to prove to producers that this is fucking retarded is for it to be a complete and utter flop. Don't give it money.

my mistake, he said "funniest people" period.

Look at his fucking face when he sais you can replace Raimis.

>Imagine Opie and Sherod and now Jimmy this October
They've become the jocks they made fun of for all these years.
Meme magic.

Judd Apatow is an obnoxious piece of shit! In other news, Quentin Tarantino likes feet, Disney makes a lot of money and the sky is blue.

He can't honestly believe that. What the fuck is he getting out of this?

riotous and hysterical stuff, my bro Feig-dog screened a solid 15 for me. Look, people are going to watch this movie and be like "That movie gave me joy." The four people in the movie are the funniest joy givers on the planet and anyone that says different is a Trump supporting loner. I know Feig-bro and buying a ticket to this movie is joy. All these people hating this movie are just a few people and they are unhappy so the thing they hate must be good, it must be pure joy.

Dassa Besso

>only 300 people hate it
>nearly 900K downvotes


>fat jews

what do you expect from fat jews with jews your lose

To be fair, Judd Apatow's movies are generally as funny as what I imagine this Ghostbusters remake is going to be

I think Ghostbusters is aimed at children and Apatow's movies to manchildren 30 and up

well at least jim is still funny