So what happened to the Great Loli marathon? did mods finally end it? or is there just a lull rn?

So what happened to the Great Loli marathon? did mods finally end it? or is there just a lull rn?

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They grew up

They just gave up. It became a chore since all it became was reposts

There was never a marathon you dumb faggot. Pedo threads are one of the dozen or so threads that get repeated ad nauseam on Fark. The only difference is one of the kiddie rapers put a name on it one day and you idiots ran with it.

Someone sounds salty





anyone have more cutesy stuff like pic related?

What did the marathon end on?


last one i saw was 2-something, but that was a while ago

Never went into them during the marathon, but the last one I saw was nearing 390 I think...

you expected people to post forever?
no, people get tired, you know

Tried to make threads, kept getting pruned and spidermaned...

you remember that the marathon had an archive? did you look for it?

Chill dude, he was just asking a question.

>catering to feetfags but no vagoo

Can anyone direct me to the archive actually lmao


here's my collection

You take what you get in these dire marathonless times

Link to archive?

you really need to practice your google fu ...
drive google com/drive/folders/0B1irK0_hR3qVSWtLaVlyVVFVTkU


ty base fgt




Oh god. More like this please.

Can anyone please tell me who this loli is?

We can play Dark Souls in the meantime

That's not a loli, it's a battleship.



is admin of around?

Thank you sir. A god has descended upon us on this fine day!

Any MEGA links out there????


I hate bad/lazy modellers. If you model a loli body, don't do it halfassed. That pussy looks like you could park a squadron in there.

eh, i'm not angry nor posting "angrily", just saying that it's shouldn't be expected that a finite (fairly sure it was a small group actually) number of people will stay up and post shit solving gewgl captchas 24/7.
tbh i'm surprised people actually did that, 370 (or 380?) threads or something, that's a fucking lot. sure it died like thrice on the way to that number, mostly because they forgot to link the new thread or just went to take a piss, but... that's a fucking lot of threads.


actually, i wonder how many of the posters had passes.



Sorry then. Just seemed like you were giving him sass for it.
I'm assuming most of them had passes since they were going through threads pretty quickly. I'm more surprised by how long it went on for though considering it was a few weeks, wasn't it?


sleep well pupper



Who has a black cock folder?

>Sorry then. Just seemed like you were giving him sass for it.
nah, i love lolis and all, but i'm also sorta worried about people posting them; just imagine staying at home clicking pics wondering "was this one posted already?" for hours a day... uh. UHH.

on that note, I wonder where's Genkou.


Who doesn't?


actually I don't. usually, you know, i kinda enjoy the sight of vulvas.
dicks are ugly.

the search warrants were executed





>tfw could have had a petite qt gf who is into loli's and weeb shit but I fucked it up and missed my chance

Thank you sir. How large is that set, or is that all?

bumping for this set


Thank you once again.

Give me real answers, god dammit. I need that loli in my life.