Why do chinks have slit eyes

Why do chinks have slit eyes

So they can't fully see how incredibly dusgusting you are

Better protection for when you jizz in their face. Duh

Implying they can't see? You're an inbred retard

t. Zhong Liu Hao

Implying they can't see? You're a retarded inbred


its adaption to the climate they evolved in.

So they don't get rice in their eyes

Time to post Asian girls getting fucked.

evolution you retard, usually brough on by geographical location. Why do you think Africans are black?

Because Africans are poor

So living in asia makes you have slant eyes? How does this happen?

land of the rising sun = eyes to protect from the rising sun
>also because their women genetically altered them millenniums ago because they knew those eyes are fucking HUUUUUUUGGGGEEE turn ons.

also because ninjas look scarier when they're not some round eyed faggot who can't stick to his own culture.

They harvest rice at incredibly high speeds, so the rice goes everywhere. Less eyeball surface area means less rice in your eyes

>muh ninjas


You mad Chang?

As a white man Asian pussy is so easy

Implying they *can see......you're the fucking retard

COME ON. People can't be THIS stupid.


God forgotten about them when he left them in the oven. Their hair look burnt too.

becayse they are asian

Slant eyes from squinting at small penises (penii?).

they mixed with now extinct humans

Probably from ice age sun blindness shit

Sum ting wong?

Homo sapiens interbred with THIRD species of hominin on way to Australia: DNA study finds mystery new ancestor

Scientists sequenced genomes of indigenous Australians, Papuans, people from the Andaman Islands and populations from mainland India
Found parts of their DNA did not match any hominin species on record
Questions findings that modern humans populated Asia in two waves