Show me your eyes and I'll tell you about yourself

Show me your eyes and I'll tell you about yourself.


Go nuts OP

>ur retarded

>Introverted but not socially inept
>Bored with where you are in life at the moment
>Energy levels are fairly low around mid-afternoon.
>Find yourself drinking more that usual lately.

too broad/10

typical cold reading response


True, but based on the eyes you can usually narrow things down like this:

>Rounded Eyes (Male)
Beta as fuck

>Oval Eyes (Male)
Not Beta, but not necessarily Alpha.


Do me

Take it away, OP



Example of Beta Male Round Eyes.

Your eyes are such a nice colour

So like this guy lel

Go for it

Tits or gtfo


>Slight Extrovert
>Enjoy being around people, but it is also exhausting.
>Fairly content where you are in life.

>Unhappy, but not sure if it is depression.
>Your life isn't too bad, it's just not fulfilling.
>Your waiting for a spark to ignite change.


>Well liked among your peers.
>Confident and composed in social situations.
>However you don't really like the people around you.


Quite right! Not depressed. I'm wanting to shine.

How'd you know

Do your thing

>Quiet and shy, first impressions scare you.
>Very difficult for you to open up to others except for a few close friends.
>You and your family are on neutral terms, close but distant
>Holiday/Family Gatherings are hassle for you, sometimes you don't even want to attend.


Spot on.

Asking the real question here.
Man or woman?

>Insecure, but you're working on it.
>You're working hard to set a good future for yourself
>You don't want to have to depend on anyone
>The people around are very supportive.


>You try your best to keep negativity away
>But the people around you are annoying, stupid, and you're always somehow involved in their messes.
>Your help goes under appreciated.

Come at me op

Thank you!

That's. That is fucking accurate. Holy shit.


>Very introverted
>People annoy and exhaust you.
>You're a calm person, but you feel that you could snap soon.
>Nothing violent, just an outburst of telling someone to fuck off.

Nice one m8, its about fully correct

My turn O.P.!!

Ya skipped me


Do me hard

>Bit of a goofy personality
>You'll often think back to something you did or said and cringe, but you'll likely do it again.
>Outgoing, but you overact to things.
>You smile a lot.

Are you the upside down one?

Yeah i don't know why it came out like that

What are you? Like how can you tell just by looking at my eyes, I mean you're not wrong but if baffles me


>Your life is alright, but you like to escape into substances often (Cigs, Booze, Pot etc....)
>You don't really give a fuck about living up to the expectations of those around you.
>Not sure where you're going in life, you've often thought about moving away and starting fresh somewhere else just for change.

Magic :)



Trying again


I have to take off, thank you to those who posted their eyes. I apologize to those I didn't get around to providing a read for.

Take care :)


Why the fuck is it sideways this time!




Haha magic eh? Well I think it's something really special that you can read people like that.. I'm actually kind of a mess, but I'm trying to turn my life around I just about have my first job (I'm 18) and I've started to talk toy ex again and they make me so happy but you couldn't be more right about the me over thinking and over reacting to things I'm always worried about something right now my biggest battle is trying to quit smoking just because of one person. This one might be tougher but can you guess my gender too? I mean you've got a 50/50 shot

Feelin' Sup Forumsrave




this thread is the tits user


I'll sick around to see if I am right, but I have to take off for the evening.

Haha sorry to say that you're not right, I'm a guy but I've been asked if I was a girl before and my friends always say I look like one, and okay have a nice night

Tell me.some shit i dont know user

Barely have any pictures, this should work I suppose.

Go on ...

kurt cobain?

I see hahaha,

Cheers you stumped me there. Take care :)


You look like you've seen some shit and nothing gets you anymore.

Trying too hard to pose for the camera, might lack some self esteem.

Look tired but serious dood.

One eye is not enough

Sleepy eyes, lacks interest in most things.

Looks like a cheerful person that actualy gets sad on the occasion.

Tell me



Sleepy eyes is correct OP
Thats 4 days no sleep right there

Thanks, you too (:

>tfw OP skips you and your thousand yard stare



Actually it's not OP, I just felt like doing the same.

mfw I just see it



>eyes thread
>posts face

Fuck outta here



>trying too hard to look like a psycopath

The sad part is that I'm not even trying, I just need someone to help me. But thanks I guess...


>implying that's not just a cropped pic of some bitch you found on google





>Stuck in 2004, the emo phase is over girl



Me op