YLYL US Elections edition

YLYL US Elections edition

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>Trumptard shilling that's not particularly funny or creative



I want to fuck Hillary clinton with one of Bill's 14 year olds on my face.

Remember when Sup Forums wasn't full of fucking faggots like this?

You don't have to like Trump to hate Hillary, fucking imbecile.

Right, I'm sure you're totally voting for Jill Stein.

Maybe he is not American.

There is literally no reason to hate Clinton.
We should all be coming together to elect her, not calling for Cheeto Jesus's coronation.

Except if you believe the the right wing narrative about her which OP obviously does even though he's pretending to be neutral.

I wish this was a joke, but it isn't.
You've completely proven my point that Sup Forums is full of fucking faggots like this.

Rational people? People that despise orange assholes with no business being in politics? People that aren't gullible?

Why should I pretend to be a Trumpfag
I get enough faggots jimmies rustled by speaking the truth, that Hillary Clinton is the most qualified candidate for President in the past 50 years.

fuck off you crooked canty cunt

>triggered this hard

adults are electing Clinton
face it

Yes, that's totally a rational argument.

''Don't elect this man because his skin is orange!''

I thought you retards where against racism, not for it.

lol is this the new version of "Trump said mean things?"

He's an orange asshole AND he has no business being in politics. There you go Jimmy.

this is a terrible, terrible picture

>wants to treat Mexicans and Muslims like cattle to be rounded up
>complaining about other anons perceived racism


you know he's gay as a football bat


I don't think you realize that Trump only wants to kick out illegals and I don't think you realize the actual fucking level of how bad the Muslim problem has gotten, Trump wants to kick out Illegals you fucking dunce, why does an illegitamate citizen deserve a fucking job that an otherwise completely legal citizen would get? Explain to me you cunt.

why does the nigger have to do that?

>"i was under sniper fire"
>"i did not have sexual relations with that woman"
you wot m8

Explain to me how, how the fuck do you even consider yourself somebody with strong knowledge in politics if your reasoning for not voting for Trump is ''HE'S AN ORANGE ASSHOLE! HE HAS NO PLACE IN POLITICS!''

>how bad the muslim problem has gotten

Oh you mean the extremists that compromise

People might be doing those jobs if fat rich Republicans didn't create the demand for illegal labor and violating labor laws by paying them shit.

>muh islamophobia
you want to shred the fucking Constitution
you are how bad it's gotten

>muh stale right wing memes durr


how are these memes

the amount of ignorance actually triggers me.

>thinking Bill Clinton is running for Pres


Ignorant of what, exactly?

I don't know if this is so funny because of how offensive it is or if it is so funny because she is so desperate that she doesn't even care.

>durr y u no liek muh common nollidge


At least the lady in the background is happy.

inb4 do your research
educate yourself
google muh breitbarts

Anyone who uses this word about a IRL situation should seriously kill themselves.

Mexican detected

>Hillary Clinton is the most qualified candidate for President in the past 50 years.
Mr. Podesta, even President Obama has not gone so far as to say anything that blatantly false.

>Mr. Podesta,

Maximum cringe intensifying

>forgetting that the popular vote means fuck all

Trumpalump will win either way


>being this faggot

This thread turned into a shitstorm faster than I expected lmfao, I find it hard to believe that OP didn't do this on purpose, don't you faggots realize arguing about politics on the internet isn't going to change anybody's mind? Especially if you're throwing shit at each-other like a bunch of fucking monkeys, none of you are acting rational at all.





Dumping a bunch

are you going to vote Hillary klingon?

he's not. but do you think hillary had nothing to do with his personal affairs.


just laughing at losers user
losers who still think drumpf is a real option


what other deep conspiracies would you like to share with us user

>"i did not have sexual relations with that woman"

Yeah it seems fair to hate her for what her husband did lul


everybody is
you whining ferengi



inb4 durr your a millenial if you don't think billary durr hurr hurr hurr

You gonna pick fruit?


Found the nigger

Fuck this election.


Hillary Clinton's Niece backs Donald Trump!


This has been a day full of happenings. A very bad day for the Clinton camp.

I'm undecided

on one hand, I want to vote the most fucked up idiot to see america fucking burn

on the other hand, the current choices aren't legitimately bad enough

That picture should be treated as child pronography

Let me talk to you about that watermark


>Can't even have a political YLYL thread without a bunch of us vs them faggots on both sides

What happened Sup Forums?





OK, she can join me in my Bill & Hillary & 14 year old group thing, it'll be fun!

I'm just putting it out there mate, you don't have to vote.

The answer is niggers

faggot is so triggered
Sup Forums is not your hugbox

>Implying that you dont think any of these things happened
>4 US citizens died in Benghazi when she had the chance to authorize help to be sent to them
>Emails (2-3k) that were marked as clasified were sent and recieved on her private server
>Bill got the succ but thats ok
>Bamalama care is a waste of money, both for the government and for the health providers, as why Alexion (biggest bama care provider) dropped out

You are a brainwashed faggot.

What are you trying to say my friend? Use your words.



>using ugly nigger memes

still not running faggot
>insuring people is a waste of munny
sure thing stormfag


just anticipating user's next response



I cringed

Lol baiting this hard

I was just trying to drum up some relevant memes to steal and repost. Good fucking god, I wouldn't have gotten this kind of shit storm if I'd have posted CP with quads!

Don't get mad because I think you're us vs them bullshit should stay on Sup Forums where it belongs.


sure thing post nazi



1%? Dude, Islam has more problems than just terrorism, and most muslims, even in the west, sympathize with terrorists.

Not only that, but you need to realize that when they come to your country in large numbers they start setting up shariah courts and gangs that harass non muslims. Want proof? Just look into the UK, France, Germany, and Sweden for a myriad of evidence.

When these new migrants come to your country, they don't want to assimilate like Mexicans typically do, they simply want to continue living like they were in Syria, Iraq and other middle eastern countries, this is incompatible with us, so they start tension and cause crime.

With the sheer gross amount of evidence available on this issue, your opinion of "not all muslims!" or "It's not a big deal" isn't worth listening to, you're objectively wrong.


how is that a conspiracy. you think a wife has NO idea what their husband is doing? one as smart and cunning as that witch hillary? i know this is bait but come on