Good evening Anonymous! Is anything troubling you? Maybe I can help

Good evening Anonymous! Is anything troubling you? Maybe I can help.

>Come in for advice, fortune-telling, and friendly conversation.
>GETs (dubs, trips, etc.) can receive a tarot reading from me. Ask a question or leave it general, or anywhere in between.
>GETs can be donated to others, but you have to be specific about who gets it.
>Leave a name (nickname, real name, made up name) and you'll receive a fortune cookie even if you don't GET.
>Patience and love! These take time, so hang around after you GET and remind me if it seems like I missed you. Remember that you have to actually ask for a reading to get one. I'm not scanning the thread for dubs!
>Leave internet/avatar drama at the gate, please.

I made it back







#OmegaTime exists across threads, through time, and beyond dimensions, but I'm just a mortal man. How does one begin to reconcile these facts?


No you!

And you~


Shizmonkey here. Will my business collaboration work? Will our product succeed?


No u! Don't argue!

It's hard being lonely and feeling down. When things are going well or neutral then it's alright, but it's the low points that really hit you.

Ah well. How's life?


No youuu



>The Hierophant
>Ten of Swords
>Three of Wands
It's going to face difficulty because of the outside world, some rigid traditional structure is aligned against you. It's a gamble on the unknown, but an adventure all the same. You already know that much, so I'll draw one more.

>The Emperor
It seems that with strong leadership, you can prevail.


Very insightful. Thanks!



Mhm, you just have to weather through it. You won't know you're high unless you've felt low before, and the same in reverse. Feel free to come to us for companionship, we can at least commiserate with you at times and that can be a powerful thing!

Life is going well for me by the way, thank you for asking! There are still lots of obstacles ahead, but I'm optimistic and committed. And I have lots of wonderful friends here to thank for helping me through the times when I felt hopeless!

>captcha: lancaster



Too many memories for me here, but I appreciate the kind words. Glad to know you're still doing well.

No uuuuuu

Truly, what does it mean to be Meg? For one man to be in control of a force that can revive the dead threads, and that can touch people around the entire world. Am I Meg, or am I more than Meg? Perhaps, instead, I myself am Omega. The universe truly is a mysterious place.

I understand. They're all good ones for me, even though they're long gone, so it's not as much of a burden for me. But I can see how the opposite could be true too. I hope you find the peace you're looking for!

Caleb asks why i got turned down by the girl of my dreams after we've been friends for years

Kihihi. Baka~

feels like dust.

hold on a second, killing cancer can come later

beaglerush just uploaded some xcom

I can tell you without magic, honestly. It's because friendships very rarely turn into relationships later on. If you want to be with a girl, you have to approach her with the sole intent of dating her and let her know from the start that's what you want. You might get rejected anyway depending on her circumstances and desires, but trying to go the friend route is just extending that rejection across the lifetime of your friendship.

Soon, you too shall see the light, and feel the power of #OmegaTime sweep through you. The lack of Nine Ball also renders your silliness null and void.

Ive been friends with her since 5th grade so i didnt really know what i felt at the time :(


Your lucky she didn't say yes only to be unsure of herself and fuck around with you until you had enough of it.

Thats what happened when I asked my old friend out...

I see. Well, it sucks, but you'll find someone else. Just cherish your friendship with her and try not to think about what could've been. Because it didn't... be. Live in the present, and only look to the future when you're making new plans!


Cursing the thread because Chief is a lazy bum.

Curse the thread because it's dead

thx for the advice ill try not to think about it

It's not, though. There are two shrines, so the guests are split up!

Oh yeah, how is the other thread going

salsablast here rolling bcos reasons.
I'm...thinking on stuff. what about the user behind the character behind the bot?
good night!

About the same as this one. But slow is comfy for me!

whats a bot??

I want some fortune telling! do you need my name or something?

How you doing tonight, I never got to ask


How are you doing reimu?

See here

J here.

Enjoying your night?

Good shit