Scrambled eggs

>scrambled eggs
>oh, God, baby, how I love your legs!

Paul is a melody-first songwriter. That's why his songs are catchy while John's are trash.

>That's why his songs are catchy
They are also meaningless and artistically dishonest

John had the soul/emotion Paul never will

John had the heart/Paul was a natural/George was too good for his own good/Ringo knew he go the job on some jumped up charges & made the best.

I fucking love me some Ringo.

You're fucking retarded. John Lennon was just sadder and had more problems so he made edgier music that spoke more to people like you. Paul is a master of song composition and tells anecdotes and stories that paint pictures in your head. Just because they're mostly not sad doesn't mean they're meaningless you mong. Look at it this way, had Paul never met John, he probably would've been alright, but definitely not vice versa

Yet I love Yoko & can't stand Linda.

They're both shite song lyricists haha get a grip you twats


You're fucking retarded. Paul McCartney was just happier and had no problems so he made safe music that spoke more to people like you. John was a master of song composition and spoke inner truths about his emotion and the human experience. Just because they're mostly not happy doesn't mean they're trash you mong. Look at it this way, had John never met Paul, he probably would've been alright, but definitely not vice versa

So brave m8 I bet you're one of those contrarian fags that think the kinks were better

Did you just call the John & Paul shit at songwriting?

You may need to go.

>inner truths about his emotion and the human experience

lmfao there's any other bands with better lyricism than the goddamn Beatles

Both were pretty shit if I'm honest

>only lyrics matter in songwriting
pls kys

There's nothing artistically dishonest about a well-crafted song. And music is never meaningless.

>only music matters in songwriting
you should also kys pls

>the music is the most important part of the song by a wide margin

I don't think I'm being controversial here. If I want politics, I go read a political piece. The political opinion doesn't gain anything by being simplified and sung over three chords.

If I want someone's opinion on the human condition, I'll read it. Music should be musical, and music is its own justification: ars gratia artis. If it's good enough for Bach, it's good enough for me.

I said you may need to.. well no for sure you need separation.

How about noon on the 15th?

>I don't think I'm being controversial here
Well being wrong is commonplace, so I don't disagree
>Music should be musical
Except songs (which is what they wrote) are the marriage of both music and lyrics, whether you like it or not. If you discount one, you are missing half of the intent.

>And music is never meaningless

Lennon wrote I am the Walrus with intentionally meaningless lyrics to prove that it can be, it even ended up as one of their most memorable songs.


>intentionally meaningless lyrics to prove that it can be
this is a nightmare of semantics.