The cubs win the world series before you ever hug a girl

>the cubs win the world series before you ever hug a girl


Oh fuck

Nobody respects quads????

I'm LMAOing at your life

You got quads just after the Cubs won tho

Don't be sad, Haley Joel Osment.

posting in epic thread

toasting in epic bread

Quads on this shit??

Nice thumbnail, ass hat

wait put me in the screenshot

I need to get my piece of history in!

Bump for kek

Well your shit self esteem isn't doing you any fucking favors you fucking fuck. Get a motherfucking haircut, lose some fucking weight, and do what the fuck you gotta do to get some self esteem. Get some confidence, and if you don't know how then learn to fake it. You're smart yeah? Spend a lot of time on the computer yeah? THEN FUCKING READ ON HOW TO GET SOME CONFIDENCE OR READ HOW TO FAKE IT. IN CASE YOU DON'T KNOW WOMEN FIND CONFIDENCE VERY ATTRACTIVE. LOOKING LIKE A FAT, MISERABLE, SELF LOATHING PIECE OF SHIT ISN'T GETTING YOU ANYTHING. All I was trying to do is come here and shitpost after work, but then you went and fucked my night up. Thanks faggot. You better do what the fuck I said cause if I see one more thread like this from your faggot ass I swear to god I will find you and fuck your eye socket. Don't think I wont

Same dude clean cut.

Wow nvm he's ugly af

Give up now OP and an hero for us, make this bread truly epic

Looks fine, just get rid of that half assed smile and he'd be alright. He's getting way too hung up about his situation. Like really, in the grand scheme of things, does being a khhv really matter? No. As long as he does his job, pays his bills, and finds some things he enjoys, he'll be straight.

I'd like to add that he's a solid 5

not even a hug? how's that even possible

I agree, he's an average Joe who is hung up on his appearance. My guess is his standards might be too high? I see guys who are average expecting super models then complain that they never get with anyone.

Yeah having a job paying the bills at least he's not a NEET leech? If he is he should an hero though.

Shave, get a good haircut.

This nigga done went and fucked my night up with this thread.

how can i make it up to you

i want to make this thread really epic

I want this motherfucker to get his shit straight, then make a fucking thread later showing me his fucking progress. And I want this nigger to keep making threads every couple months showing me his progress until he gets a woman or loses his virginity.

why are people responding to OP as if he is the guy in the picture, what the fuck

werent you depressed or something and wanting to off urself a couple months ago?
the chance is now

birthday in a little over a week

i'll give myself until then to get a hug, when it doesn't happen i have the resources necessary to end my life.
because it's me
doesn't seem likely at all at this point

oh yeah? timestamp faggot. ive seen that pic a 100 times by now

Awwww :c poor OP you can see tears in his eyes :'c I really hope things improve for you. You aren't ugly I promise x :3

>happy birthday
Here's some titties

You are screwed forever fam. How is it possible to never have hugged a girl though?

Before YOU huh a girl, maybe. Nice quads though nigger, keep your head up.

no fucking clue. i see my classmates hugging one another all the time and it fucking hurts to watch.
can't stop crying so not rn maybe later
thanks, i appreciate it even though it seems facetious
birthday not for another week. and if i hug a girl, then sure i'll stick around another year. but it won't fucking happen and i'm real fucking sick of being totally isolated socially.

Dude take it from me I am a pathetic neet robot myself but I have been hugged plenty of times. many of those times the girl just hugged me and it wasn't like I was going to escape it unless I literally tried. Which would make me look like a huge sperg to do something like that.

You need to fix something man if you have never even hugged a girl before. There is something seriously wrong with you at this point. Girls from what I experienced don't even see hugs as sexual or threatening. It's like giving your buddy a handshake only girls hug instead.

Then go out and do shit, or get a fucking fast food job on the side m8. I had 0 social life before I got a minimum wage job. Now I have one. It ain't the best but at least it's a fucking start. This is how I see you
>No hugs
>No social life
>Won't try to improve situation
>Welp, time for suicide
Like really nigger? Suicide's a last resort. When you have no other options, then you do it. Nigga you still got options, so fucking try them.

>There is something seriously wrong with you at this point.
you think i haven't fucking noticed? you don't think that's why i make all these fucking threads

yup something is seriously fucking wrong and it's never going to ever get fucking better

at this point i know no girls would ever like me, i don't even want a gf because it would just destroy their life. fuck it why fucking wait another few days there's no fucking point.

god fucking damn it.

i have worked full time for several years

Then go to church or some shit

this pic is me at a mormon church
i went to church until i was 24

It's not facetious, that is just how I talk because I am a faggot. I don't see why hugging girls is that much of a big deal though.

You should start taking better care of your appearance OP, It looks like you don't wash as much as you could and then you just leave your hair to do what it wants and you don't shave your facial hair. You should stop doing that.

Is the problem that you are too socially awkward to talk to them or that you just have no luck with them?

Also if it makes you feel any better my uncle is NEET living with his parents, never hugged a girl, Never had a job, he just sits in his room on an old XP computer from 2004 playing old games all day. He is also 56.

Don't worry OP, I'm sure you will meet someone :3