Bi is Best

Bi is Best.

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There is no bi, only varying degrees of faggot.


gay men don't want anything to do with pussy

but MMF isn't necessarily bi. It could be a straight man, a girl, and a gay guy.

Can confirm






When push comes to shove, most people are probably bisexual.

I'm looking for porn where a guy and a girl have their asses lined up next to each other, waiting to be fucked. No specific video just anything that fits that description. Thank you Sup Forumsros


>I'm looking for porn where a guy and a girl have their asses lined up next to each other, waiting to be fucked.
sounds nice

What I think is funny about bi movies is that most of the pro ones make it seem like the guys are having fun together and the woman has to try to make them pay attention to her lol.

bi porn is usually poorly made


Anybody have any where the guy is eating a chick out while another guy is fucking her?





>When push comes to shove, most people are probably bisexual.

What's the difference between a straight college guy and a bisexual college guy?

A six pack of beer.

Or they're high as hell on ecstasy.


I wish I could come out to my wife as bi. I want to bring another guy into our bedroom so badly. Sure I would enjoy watching her get fucked, but I want to suck dick, feel a real dick,in my ass , and eat cum other than my own from her pussy

>I wish I could come out to my wife as bi.

Some women love it and some totally don't get it.

>Bi is Best.


There's nothing hotter than sharing a cock with your wife than swaping his cum with a long deep kiss

Cam also confirm

I told my wife, and honestly she just gets jealous at the thought of me with another guy. Oh well, such is life.

>I wish I could come out to my wife as bi

I wish I could find a couple that would let me service the dude. I'm gay but I have a thing for MMF. Sharing cocksucking duty with the girl and licking his ass and balls while he eats her out...

stuff like that is my biggest fantasy

I've seen a film or two with scenes like this. A straight guy is having sex with his GF or wife and a young guy is watching. In one scene he sees the guy watching and motions him over. The young guy is like 18 and very slim, boyish, and submissive.

>I told my wife, and honestly she just gets jealous at the thought of me with another guy. Oh well, such is life.

Jealousy is from insecurity. Some people are more insecure than others.

That would be my problem as well. I don't think she will go for anyone else but her sucking my cock

You and everyone else. Sadly closest is bad Euro bi orgy porn. Can't understand why there isn't a domination video,where this big giant dick guy pounds willing guy and girl ass.

>Some people are more insecure than others.

I know a gay couple. They've been together almost 15 years. One of the guys has never put out for the other. He always says he's "not in the mood". The younger of the two has a strong libido so he's been very frustrated over the years of this.

The older one said he can fuck around with other guys as long as he wears a rubber but the younger guy told me he's actually insecure and jealous – so he gets passive-aggressive if the subject comes up. The younger has somehow managed to go for many years without sex.

Marital bliss.

>big giant dick guy pounds

I don't see the need for that. Domination doesn't need a huge dick anyway.

Personally, I'd rather see a scene like that that's more romantic — dominance but in the manner of the woman and sub guy wanting to give themselves to the top, rather than pounding.

Porn focuses too much on closeups of cock going in and out – too mechanical.

My girlfriend comes from a very conservative family. She would probably have me killed if there was a chance I shamed her or her family name. Unfortunately her father is a made man, who can actually do that.

>My girlfriend comes from a very conservative family. She would probably have me killed if there was a chance I shamed her or her family name.

Utah has the highest porn subscription retention rate in the US, followed by Texas.

Conservatives are sexual hypocrites.

Red states are the best porn subscription customers.

I can see that. I think, at least can guess, it stems from the 'I'm not good enough' mentality. Sort of this thought process that she's not doing enough that I have to seek out someone else, which is not the case at all. I don't even care for having a threesome, I just felt like telling her that if she was ever curious for the future, maybe to make things interesting if it ever got stale.



I thought bi was for edgy privileged teens who are trying to "find" themselves?

I'm ambivalent to there feelings. I just want the fantasy of all those asses willing and ready for me. I've been lucky to part of the swinger scene cucked many a husband. But it's even taboo there for gay or bisex to go down at he club.

Big cock is just a bonus....are you sure your bi???

>maybe to make things interesting if it ever got stale.

It does, too. Humans are not naturally monogamous and our brains are always looking for novelty.

People who think sex doesn't need to be spiced up with changes are deluded.

The trouble for men is that women are generally nesters and anything that threatens that security is bad to them. Men, by contrast, are usually more adventurous.

can anybody recommend a place for good bi porn, that doesn't have condoms?
I like the cuck porn as well.

>date girls for years
>always acted masculine and confident and seduced girls
>fap to sissy captions even tho being in denial and justifying away saying I just need to fap to extreme shit
>have a tanned skin and feminine bubble butt
>constantly fantasize about being made to wear girl lingerie / yoga pants and convinced to suck cock and get ass fucked
>cum daily to fantasies of being used and sprayed with hot jizz

>high as hell
rolling (balls, off their asses, their tits off)

>Big cock is just a bonus....are you sure your bi???

I don't see the big deal about big cocks. As long as one isn't too small.

It's better to just be above average.

I'll take a nice-looking dick over a big uglier one any day, too.

Even 5" is OK if it has a nicely large head, smooth skin, and a good thickness. Big balls are important, too.

>good bi porn

that's pretty rare

Um no when I listened to MCR (my chemical romance for you normies or non channers) it made me realize I can love both u fuking Reddit fag

Damn, wish you're I'm my city

Hahaha... yes we live in Texas. But as the guy fucking her, and been in smokey dark rooms with her father talking about shit that would probably get me put in witness protection. They are of the old stock. She was raised by just him. Trust me if there's a kinky side it's buried wayyyy deep thanks to him. She won't even lay on her comforter because she can hear her father lecture her about putting wrinkles in it. can you imaging throwing a sex coke bottle shaped Italian girl over your shoulder carry her to bed, throw her on the bed just to climb on top and have her stop you so you don't get an wrinkles in that shit....OK it's cray!!!! (Sorry for the rant)

53:41 in

reminds of what happened to the one dude in Brokeback


Is that your sneaky way of asking where he lives... good job tell us user?

Great point. I'm fairly positive my wife thinks I'm going to run off with someone if I do anything with them, which won't ever happen. Then there's the stories out there of all the failed and disastrous open relationships that make it all worse.

Even if you were "I'm" my city I wouldn't bother with a retard who can't form sentences correctly. Think I'm going to let my cock in the mouth of someone who speaks mongol English? Fuck you.

open relationship is a bad phrase

it implies that there's a revolving door

people need to think of something better, like a marriage where the couple has a fuck buddy

>Even if you were "I'm" my city I wouldn't bother with a retard who can't form sentences correctly. Think I'm going to let my cock in the mouth of someone who speaks mongol English? Fuck you.
Well, he wasn't writing to you.

How backwards does your thinking have to be to think a primal/instinctual feeling like sexual desire is an after the fact social put-on from highschool.

It's like saying, "I thought only football players get hungry."

>reminds of what happened to the one dude in Brokeback

I would never marry someone with an asshole control freak rich father unless the spouse would totally be loyal to me.

Why is most bi porn made in Europe? I know Americans are faggots too!

>Why is most bi porn made in Europe?

Men in places like Czech are not as obsessive over men fucking each other as in America.

In America if a guy sees another guy naked it's like he's branded with a scarlet letter. So all the guys dress in towels now.


I wrote that last post poorly, my bad. The idea of a fuck buddy is what I imagine too. I just meant that negative stories of an open relationship worsen the idea of introducing something new into the bedroom. It was a bad example.

>Humans are not naturally monogamous and our brains are always looking for novelty.

We're trained to buy stuff instead of indulging our sexual desires with actual sex.


Instead of getting off you're supposed to get a thrill by loading up your credit card.

>I just meant that negative stories of an open relationship worsen the idea of introducing something new into the bedroom. It was a bad example.
No, it's a good example. That's what an insecure person would think of first.

"No boundaries swingers" who fuck anything that moves.

are you off your meds user?

straight, dumb, hot, with big balls

yes please

Never watched it. Sadly I moved to Nashville a month ago, and she's still in Dallas. Gives me more flexibility to hunt for Dat ass, and not risk my life. You know she told me her father's nickname for me is 3 bullets. I'm 6'4" 270 Greek brickhouse. He's like if it comes to it that big bastard gonna need 3 bullets to put his ass down. I don't take risks around her. I'm actually flying back for the weekend. Unfortunately my friend is also having her B day at a swinger club the same time. SO I get to go to some guys wake I've only met once., then one her friends bday Mardi gars parties for old boring folks, instead of being balls deep in half the woman there, because I've already fucked the other half I know. UGHHHHH!!!. Had to vent. Why can't woman just let me be the man whore I was made to

True - amateur is usually way better. It doesn't seem to sell well because there is not much of it in the porn shop. And only few actresses work in it - how many movies was Sharon Kane in.

>Never watched it.

It's fairly mediocre as a film but it does make a point about why it's a bad idea to marry your spouse's asshole father in Texas.

You get it. :)

I love Karel Rok. He's straight but he does gay porn for the money.

That's the sort of guy I'd die to be able to service while he's with a girl. (Although it would be better if he's not a porn star because it would be just like a day at the office.)






how about this guy?

I wish I was bi, too bad I don't like dudes and cocks that much.
Maybe I should try with a qt trap.

No.... it's about pussy control. Woman want it! If she is no longer the center of your desires, you would start asking yourself why am I fucking this bitch who makes me misserable, angry, stressed, spending my money, dragging me to things I don't want to do, taking up all my free time etc.... When I can have nsa fun, feed my need and go on with my life. Once you strip them of that power they cease to matter.


nsa gets boring

sex is better with people you have some sort of relationship with, even if it's just friendship




Out from usa


>current year

like this?




I'd eat that dude's ass right out there in the open while his GF watches


I'd try a dude if he looked like this.

that dude's dick looks identical to mine