If there is no God, why is murder wrong? Simply out of fear of reprisal? If an atheist can get away with murder...

If there is no God, why is murder wrong? Simply out of fear of reprisal? If an atheist can get away with murder, isn't it morally ambiguous?

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Human would kill each other if they wouldn't need other people for their own good. Goverments listed murder as crime so people work together to achieve things.

I really wouldn't have any moral problem offing a few people.

What is murder? Humans have been killing each other from the dawn of time. First it was sticks and stones and now we have devices to kill humans in masses with a push of a button.

Murder is just a man made christian setting.
Though I'd define it as an unjustified act of killing.

I really hope you're not trying to use Richard Dawkins as a justification for auch an ignorant and asinine statement. He has a whole series dedicated to educating cucks like you about athiesm not inherently denoting a lack of morals/moral necessity. That's a huge part of his "image". He hates that people believe that, because it's simply not true.

Moreover, if people are only not killing people out of fear of reprisal, that's considerably less moral than not killing people because you understand that it's wrong to take a life.

Is an atheist someone who has never interacted with someone who should be dead for the better of society?

Oh shit it's back

Interesting. Murder is morally ambiguous, but for a different reason: religion has permitted murder because they followed a different version of our text (catholic vs protestant/christian vs muslim/etc), backed murder for economic (oil), nationalistic (US, fuck yeah!/fuckin' towelheads/etc), and for a myriad other reasons that religion doesn't want to bring up.

Fact is, if you need a book to tell you not to put out someone's lights permanently, you are horrible, and I don't want you to stop reading your bigoted, misguided, barely tolerable book.

You understand that there is human filth with no means of moral decision. Consider it a justified act of killing. All is good now?

To take action of removing these people from life would be for the good of society


Then it's not a murder. It's simply killing, maybe even justified at that.

Is it murder for the several million hot and sticky sperm cells I want to shoot over her sweet lips and down her young throat? Is it morally ambiguous for my twitching rock hard man meat to spew gobs of cum into her hair?

It's really more ethics and the principles of reciprocity and universality.

Killing a human is terrifying in its philosophical implications because that person ceases to exist forever. There is no safety net of an afterlife, only oblivion. People are more than the sum of their physical parts. They are capable of independent thought and action. By killing, you have caused something to be lost that can never be recovered.

How about something more concrete: How would you like it if people were trying to kill you? What if everyone killed people? Without strict rules as to how and when killing people is acceptable, society would tear itself apart, and eventually turn into a murderey moshpit. It's in everybody's best interest that people generally don't kill people, or else plenty of people would end up dead. Pretty simple, but there it is.

It's real fuckin simple. People don't like to see members of their own species killed; it's something that's hard-wired into us as a social species. When some ancient, long-dead Jewish dude pulled the ten commandments out of his ass and started pretending that God made them up, he realized that it's degenerate to murder members of our own species, so he said "lol magical sky guy says murder's bad fam." Even if it doesn't bother you to kill your own kind, it's still fucked up to kill innocent people because there's some mom out there who's going to cry when she hears her kid got killed, or a dad who'll feel like he could have done more, or some girl or guy who had loved them for a long time, and you'll have just yanked that person out of their lives randomly. Nobody would want that to happen to someone they love, not even your "nothing wrong with murder lol" edgelord stereotype.

atheists are fundamentally ok with murder, since they view moral as something relative, which is why many immoral people such as pedophiles, homosexuals, democrats & drug addicts are in favor of the less judgemental relative side

What's with this meme about atheists being amoral? You don't have to believe in a god to have moral beliefs

>if you want universal moral values, you have to.
unless you just want to pick out pieces you like.
then your moral is relative....


What makes you think a god is necessary to make one's morals universal?
1. obviously, a god doesn't make your morals universal, because everyone and their mother has their own god/religion, and each one of those has a different set of morals to them. Religiously based morals couldn't be more relative
2. If above isn't enough for you, your religion was just some shit that some old dead dudes made up to control all the people who wanted to be holier-than-thou or were just too stupid to be able to think anything else. Why on Earth would a god, some all-powerful, divine superbeing give a semi-liquid shit about the morals of some self-righteous creation that it made on some pissy blue planet in an infinite universe where they inevitably did the same somewhere else?

Fuck off







/Bros/ I know you may have rough childhood but Allah created you and everything you see. Praise Allah and your dreams will come true.. Goodluck my /Bros/

Also have one of the biggest suicide rates but compared to other world's problems, that is nothing.

Simple, it's bad for the group. If every individual behaves this way, every individual will suffer for it.

So, Allah is an engineer?


Yes! Guys listen to this man. I also praise Allah. He is on true God! If you don't praise Allah you will spend eternity in limbo. Please /bros/. I want best for you all

Of course if a certain group of religions had their way not only would they be jailed, but possibly stoned.

Actually, I hope the US becomes a Christian nation, so we can start fighting over which denomination is the best.


Glad to see you brothers spreading word of Allah. Allah is good man! Praise him!


But they're also a culturally homogenous population disconnected from most globalist issues.

I'm all for religious freedom but using any country, especially Iceland as a stellar example is facetious

Takin' the b8 because why the hell not.

On a societal and evolutionary level, it's pragmatic not to go around killing everyone. On an objective level though, nothing is really right or wrong.

All morals are relative, it just depends on what it's relative to.

Because murder isn't fair.

Not because its "good" or "evil" because there is no such thing, but because it is simply unfair for the other person have to their life cut short.


moral is only relative, IF you're a sinner who rejects the law of god....



Here's what confuses me about life.
I don't understand how everything came to be in the universe. Just doesn't make sense how it happened. But there's no way there could be a God. Because what created him. Idk. Im thinking too much. Fuck you OP

I believe a sinner is someone who commits sin, therefor you can commit sin while still being religious, you are breaking one of the commandments "thou shalt not be judged"

Perhaps if you would actually understand everything within your holy book the world really would be a place.


If there is a god why is murder wrong? I can just kill a bunch of people then ask gods forgiveness, then go without punishment.




Stop ruining the thread you fucker xD
Ur not funny bro

Actually, atheists are the first one to recognize that having sex with underaged children can be harmful to children. Secularism ensured the rights of children too.
Pedophilia is more likely to happen in a religious setting than with atheists. Let's not forget that the catholic church is sheltering them.




>thinks user's edits aren't funny
>user is obviously dumping to piss someone off
>other user dumps oil-saturated logs on the fire because????



Where did that come from ? the stadistics also never forget the rabbis from New York .....
000.1 shekel deposited in your account




being this autistic




it's not a question of right and wrong you autist

it's a matter of empathy.

tfw being this new




Even if we told you the answer,would you care? Please be honest.

Also,good job farming for (you)s. You sure are geting alot.


Err.... no. Iceland ranks 35 with a suicide rate of 14 per 100,000 is similar to the US rank 50 (12.1 per 100,000).






Although it's not really on-topic as this thread is about the philosophical question and not about whether or not it's okay to murder, here's a pretty good video about humans and the instinctual resentment we have towards killing ourselves.



Fuck off moron OP.

Weak assed bait.
We do not kill each other due to a mutual understanding that each person values their life as much as you value yours.
There also is the fear of retribution for those who do not respect the beauty of life.


punishment is amoral to the punished; it does not imply anything about the morality of the punished.