/nzg/ New Zealand General

/nzg/ New Zealand General

Testicles outside the scrotum edition.

Other urls found in this thread:


>go on chat
>see tranny
>turn 360 degrees and alt f4
Gas yourself

Why are IDs even gone?

Dunedin reporting.

that fucking thunder about 11am though.



>mfw the tc has actually gotten you autist laid

Has anonnz gotten their $50 gobby from their ex misso yet?

And the hail! And 20 minutes later it was sunny, typical

Big ups to Ssin

There was a couple lots of it and some hail to boot.
And then glorious sunshine five minutes later.

Never change, Dunedin.

Ayy shoutouts to the homie

_ saying hi hi

Ahoy hoy!

fucking typical dunedin weather. it was flooding, was cleared up 30 mins later.

yeah that hail was ridiculous.

better than tinder! plenty of horny AU and NZ sluts of your city on likn.de/QxN

im not ur buddy pal

Everyday until he comes back.

all hail queen quercy

Autists, plural.

>not using this version

>using a shitty unfunny version
No thanks

thats the wrong cartoon you silly duffer xD


he aint coming back

Shit you're in early for once.

these tits need cum on them asap.


oh how silly of me xddddddddd

been a short day


This happened last night

I say this quite often when answering the phone.

So when are we annexing Auckland and making it its own country?

oh shit tell more ,knew i shouldnt of slept

that nigga dead

He had gender issues or something. He fell asleep after taking some pills and woke up cutting his scrote open with a bit of broken lamp.

for ever immortalized with his death post.

did he break the lamp or was it pre broken?

Was this in the nz thread?

Not sure. That's all I know.
Nah just in Sup Forums. Something this shithole of a board has been missing for a long time. Was a good night.

>Not sure. That's all I know.

sometimes its hard but u gotta ask the difficult questions

It didn't seem important when the guys nuts were out the sack.

yeah but thats shits obvious

did he break the lamp out of rage or did he grab a shard out of desperation from a previously broken lamp? these are things i will never know now

sure thing his nuts out of his sack u can see it in the pic

better than tinder! plenty of horny AU and NZ sluts of your city on likn.de/QxN

He was asleep. Who knows?

i will create my own fanfic for this bro
balls out for balls out guy

pussy or GTFO!

calling her queen won't get you in, fuckface

This was around Christmas 2014. He was still around for the whole of 2015 i.e. he didn't kill himself and was actually "joking".

They're never joking, only postponing it a little longer

can a guy not tell a broad she is queen without wanting to get ins ghee? fuck off and enjoy the positivity

>balls out for balls out guy

she's not queen

How about you post face or GTFO.

Neither are you
Pray tell ,who is
inb4 boxxy

Ghetto booty Grace

we vape nation now cuz.

Post or GTFO

any more from this set?

Hey bros is everyone fully sick?

fully sick cunt.

Hundreds by now.

the fullest of siqq kient


fully sick uleh

when do you want to meet?



ugh those sickness screencaps. I implore you to delete and I will replace them for you.

WTF quercy is actually attractive

muh nigga.

wtf i love quercy now!

Who is the semen demon?


Not even the best photo of me.

>I love IDbro and COCK

Of course, you know me, that file will hit content limit.

Palmy North.

Starting watching Humans series 1. Lot O Vodka.

Get started then. Starting with this.

The perfect femanon doesn't exis-

In that one pic, bet her face our of filtered lighting looks worse than her used pussy

This is the best one.

Pussy isn't that used tyvm




I don't get laid often :(

better than tinder! plenty of horny AU and NZ sluts of your city on likn.de/QxN

reminder about that crazy meth'd up bitch form last night


is that supposed to be a nipple? kek

why the fuck does Quercy keep posting her cunt?

yeh unfortunately it is lmao

It was much more terrifying live.

Quercy vag is rarer than white peacocks

better than tinder! plenty of horny NZ and AU sluts of your city on likn.de/QxN


shit on cam bruh


trips for shitting