Zac how tall are you

zac how tall are you

6 foot 1

You don't get to be a demon because you failed demon school

Then you're an ultra-faggot.

pls don't make me jelly

Well it's a bunch of things.
First was that it bubbled between band and body.
Then the bubble got bigger and hit a edge.
That edge grew until all the contact glue came off and the screws were the only things holde it.
Then the band fell broke off the screws.
I've had it for 2years so i got some good use from it.
In large enough quantities it is. but that can be said by everything too.
It's very nice and smells good too. Try it mate.
Drink up then WEM.
Yo eat fudge again today?

who is that artist? perfect


i did not eat any today but i had some cookies.


I'm pretty sure you don't go to school for it

I don't trust anything from australia personally but if you say so

tbh I had kangaroo meat once and that shit was lit

the secret cave


and what do you mean 1 inch off?

How much do you fags think a furcoat would be if the things were real? I'd say like $20 each cause it'll be less labor because the arm holes and shit would already be there and all you'll have to do is skin the fucker then harvest the meat for burgers and steak.

no im not
i want to be forced into it
and only get fucked by fem looking things


I realized earlier today that falco is exactly 6'2
fox is 5'8, I am 5'8, I ship fox and falco mad hard, it turned into a fantasy really fast

but you're 6'1 and caitlyn is 6'3 so everything's ruined

He thought you had a bigger penis

at least it lasted a long time. how do the newer versions look?

Look at me missing the new thread again. Sup boys?

murr murr I'm a fur
rub my paws and make me purr

Then you're a mega-ultra-faggot.


Apparently broken Nef is 5'9"
I do not know how tall normal Nef is.

That's what you think, and that is why you don't get to be a demon. You didn't even go to demon school. You would be the WORST demon


>i want to be forced into it
you're fucking gay holy shit this could not be more simple

naw my explanation is even worse than that


Uhuh yeah, okay, I understand :p

stop calling me names
im getting hard

im straight but i just get bored easily

Fuck you man I'll be the best self taught demon EVER.

Also broken nef might just be normal nef at this point.


how you doing

Cant tell if that one is a fat cheetah or a normal one with muzzle smashed in.
I did say it was quite gamey and smelly. I don't even have it.
Much better, it's the same width from top to bottom this time so it should fit much better.
They also made the bands replacable too. So that's a plus.
That's cause you are exercising right? RIGHT!?!?
Nice rymthm' there.

I bet you wish you were getting fucked by little 5'2" 105lb me, don't you?

You and your math....
I don't get it

>Also broken nef might just be normal nef at this point.


I don't remember it smelling bad but last time I had it was like a decade ago so

isn't math relevant to whatever you're doing in college

hey if it helps broken nef is still taller than me so

I'm getting so flustered

It looks so big...
I'm so much taller than you but I just want to submit to it..


Got a cold it seems, coincidentaly right on the fuckin day I have a meeting at the employment office ;c I think it's the draft from having no hair. Yourself?
That, or I could be a bit tired :P How you doing?

just an ugly chee~
i did go for a ride today though, went ok. legs felt like jello

Bend over, faggot.


do you use it for runs or daily step count and stuff?

pretty good. have to do some writing for an assignment in a bit. you're bald now?

I was more concerned about the permanently broken thing than my height. I might exercise but I do not go to /fit/


I got a 95% on my midterm that's worth 50% of my math grade.
I don't know how statistically likely you are to find that one man outlier of 6'2" to be your big gay husbando.


of course you don't go to /fit/, you get laid

can you exercise under the current circumstances though?

I'll just date zac and make him wear shoes with 1 inch heels at all times.

I can't even handle two fingers..

I can't believe how hard I'am
but I just want to be a goodboy
please be gentle

dude. just think about it.
you get fucked. you enjoyed it.
you really enjoyed it.
you go home thinking nothing about life,
except that you liked it so damn much.
then you settle down, and you thirst.
then you want some more.
but no, you're straight, gotta flirt with those cuties.
but wait, no girl ever made you cum so hard.
what's a boy to do? go chase more girls? yeah but that's not what you really want in the sheets.

My forearms feel huge!!
I love the pump in my fore arms. It does make it hard to write but.
Good kitty! I bet they feel like that because you been in potato mode for too long. Have some meats and try again on Saturday.
Both actually. Use it for the step as i'm in office enviroment and use it to trackcalories burned and put my meal plan in there too as it does macros.

>I can't even handle two fingers..
Beggars can't be choosers, boy. But I'll be gentle because I'm a nice guy.

Silly retarded foxie~
More or less, it wasn't really in the options, and it got FUCKING ASYMMETRICAL after all!

Oh I bet he would love that.

dash what happened with that dude you were gonna date fam

and a plastic costume beak


Weren't you a villain in Totally Spies?

>one hand
>Grip folded
>Stock folded
>Safety on

Ok now you're going too real

Fuck no. I'll be doing physio though. Hopefully they can give me some exercises to properly strengthen the fucked up areas so this is less likely to happen again.

But dat trigger discipline.

ill probably be 6"2 soon enough, still growing :^)

yeah i havent biked in maybe 3 weeks. i cant go saturday though because i work :c

he not retarded!

whatcha up to?

how are you asymmetrically bald?

This is actually getting me so horny, I'm like dripping pre
You guys coercing me is making it so much hotter too :(
I'm normally not submissive with girls at all
its so strange

Would you help me get warm after I'm cold and shivering with your cum inside of me?

Realistically they would have either been made extinct ages back, or reclassed as humans in most countries with all the rights that come with that.

We already have rights for animals, and a sapient humanoid species would be above those.

I'm not sure how you can tell the stock's folded

Well if it's your spine I'm not sure how exactly that works


just don't get any taller than that ok

Yeah but you're growing sideways, not upwards

I found out he's gay, but he has a boyfriend. However, his bf is only 15, so there's definitely a chance between us. I also showed him my BD toy and gave him the sticker that came with it. Fucker put it on his laptop and I laugh every time I see it. Ah, he's so perfect.

Of course, baby. Anything for you.

If the muscles around it are stronger it won't have to take so much weight.

It's a support thing.

No kevlar, magazines, nades, helmet, sidearm radio, gloves, pads and on top loose clothing

I'd ask you to flex for me but I'd rather not get wet before heading to the employment office :P
Well, it's just really short if we put it that way
But that's the way I like him!

Bro you best be trippin if you think that's just bizarre
>Why only stop at the beak?

15 and not legal here I should add. He didn't seem to care too much to talk about him. Makes me wonder.


is this like a fetish

a small cute femboy dominating and big spooning a taller athletic guy?
its so perfect

Yes, it is. Luckily for you, I'm actually quite dominant and like submissive tall guys.

>his bf is only 15
ohhhhh dear

I don't remember getting a sticker with my bd toy I'd definitely stick that on something for a giggle

there might be feathers taped to his butt too

Yeah I imagine some of the relevant muscles might be atrophied from sitting in a chair all day on the computer

go ride to work then. do threy have showers at work?
It's my pull day.
hammer curls
bicep curls

You think i'm not doing enough?
I flex all the time, just not in front of cameras or mirrors and stuff like that.

If it's not, then it's too short for practicality

I'm not going to try anything, but I'd really like to be with him. I guess I really am in love with him.

whatcha up to?

ummm I'm not sure. do you feel like you should be doing more?

Unless you are buff - being tall is a minus to your attractiveness.

deal, give me the falco cosplay

is there name for it

Girls dont make me feel this way and the dildo picture made me feel so slutty :(

Stop triggering me, I cant fucking stand this edgy gun shit if they dont work swat gear

i am going to bed. niniinininni~

like no places have showers unless its a heavy industrial work place. and works a 5 minute walk from home
i am bed meow see ya~

Yeah, exactly.

it could be collapsed, not folded, which would be typical for an AR stock and actually not that unusual for cqb anyway

Lovers in love, ooo~

>butthurt manlet detected


I should start exercising more regularly while I'm still not as old as you

Good, maintain that momentum

I think you're doing plenty

Also don't get fucked up on a motorbike. That's a big thing.

All the time? That sounds quite tiring
Goodnighty *pet
Nothing really, just waiting till it's time to leave, you?

I'm not sure, but as a guitar fag, I'm going to use the name of some guitar strings: skinny top, heavy bottom.


I'm not sure if he thinks the same way though. I don't know how to go about that. Maybe ask him about his bf?


That's the word, c o l l a p s e d
Fuck, English's my second language

I am a manlet, but the point still stands. If you don't have enough muscle, being tall makes you either goofy like a clown or disgusting like a drug addict.

Ohh man I want one of you, I'm 6"5' so there's no way I'm going to a lil femboi

this sounds great but in reality Id be so nervous to do this
Id need like a confident femboy to take me by the hand and kiss me in public
This is too much

I think you just need to take the corn dog test, and we'll know the root of the problem.


Whats the corn dog test user
this is all new to me