Band has two drummers and two bassists

>band has two drummers and two bassists

>Band has 5 of everything.

>band has two singers, two guitarists, two bassists and two drummers

>band has only guitarists

>band has a goat

>bands members rotate instruments after every song



>band member plays the saw

>band has a 12-string bassist and a five necked-guitarist

salmon of doubt the GOAT

rip grind goat

how hevay do you thnk that shit is


Does the other end of the strap go between his legs?


>band member is a racist

>band has lead guitarist, rhythm guitarist, bassist, drummer, and SATB double quartet

>Band is founded by a band that was founded by a band that was founded by a band that was founded by a band...
>and so on into eternity...

>Band is actually just a supercomputer operating human puppets to mimic performance.

What band? That sounds great desu.

fresh oc

>Band has two lead singers
>They never sing together and the songs they sing belong in different genres
>One of them is the drummer


This is Mastodon right?

It's not, but it fits

Which bands have two bassists?

>band has two members
>both are drummers

Ui. They're pretty good.

>band is an orchestra

>band members are all white