How much cash do you carry around?

How much cash do you carry around?

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not your business, newfag

nuf for a tank of gas

$400 usually

$20-60 depending.

I never have any

i only carry around a pineapple


I'm a stripper so depending on how much I get tipped and when I deposit in the BOA ATM between $0-$600 USD


use credit card or the mobile pay app

>still using cash

>implying im not a pigeon

$60 CAD

$100-200 usually, merely to save on bank fees.

>Being unable to buy anything in the event of power failure.

Usually only $20 since I get payed weekly and trying to save up. More my spending cash for the week if I want some fast food or something.


none. debit card.

Touche, but very few stores have those.


Not to mention cards that don't have indented numbers.

37cents. exactly. at all times

$2-$220 if i have a hunnid on me.

I currently have $99 in my wallet.

Unless you live in a 3rd world country, the chance of a power failure is very limited. Mostly their are related to blown fuse which is replaced in a few minutes.

In the event of a more critical brownout you wont even be able to pay with cash, as the shops can't open the cash registers, those require electricity aswell.

Several dollars

You have obviously never seen a Canadian winter my man.
We have had the weather kill the power.

Tits or gtfo

a stripper doesn't need to have tits..

NZD 325 today

$80-100 usually for gas and food. If im going out $150+


Only as much as I need

Maybe as much as £20 if I'm going to the pub or something, but never more than that

so like 5$ then

usually your mum pays for me

around $20 to $30



Cash is freedom. If anyone proposed to outlaw cash, oppose them.

Whether you actually carry cash is not important. Just vote so that it always exists.


Like maybe 2000 czk

that's what is tested in europe

Gotta love alberta

Male strippers do exist.

$80 with the rest on debit.