So what did he see?

So what did he see?

Seems to be some sort of intense heat that he saw

He wouldn't see shit because his eyes would have melted.

ur mom's vagina

sick burn user!

He saw the terrible slasher shit coming up next

>He was looking into the heart of God as it's warm embrace enveloped him for eternity.

Why children love the taste of Cinnamon Crunch

My god

my mixtape

What's this?

For a brief moment, within that unimaginable heat and light emanating from the giver of all life as we know it, he was able to glimpse my Rose Byrne cum tributes.

brb making grilled cheese

Sunshine movie

The sweet embrace of oblivion, of course.

Fartarse murrikans

>Americans call Cheese on Toast "Grilled Cheese"

>British people call what they have a "country"

More like a collection of countries, really.


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