Alright boys, I need the most disgusting pics you've ever seen, things that have made you gag in disgust...

alright boys, I need the most disgusting pics you've ever seen, things that have made you gag in disgust, like insects in burgers, fat people covered in food naked, stuff like that

Can i have that too?


Holy Jesus, yeah we're in the right track

This shit

Did you just assume all user's Gender?


OP Here, I need stuff that I can post on YouTube keep that in mind, don't think dead people can go on there lol

That's one way to either kill your thread or invite everyone to post everything you don't need. Either way, have fun googling disgusting pics

webm's also allowed?


Yeah I knew that was coming but i found enough pics so thread can be kill now


i have a bunch of webm's but im not able to play them in a browser or something, how can i watch them before posting?


Dont forget this one in your youtube video


I love watching maggot therapy videos.
I don't know why.



sausages anyone?

second from right
fourth from right
and possibly second from left

only three that are reasonably fuckable

If the one in pink changed her hair up, she'd be fuckable too




