Why is this so hated? It's a good system

Why is this so hated? It's a good system.

Also, underappreciated consoles bread.

i dont think its hated at all. lots of good memories with my dreamcast.

Grandia II my nigga

Doesnt have games and it killed sega.

Lol @ sega widows

I never heard of it being hated. I think most of the hate came from the fact that SEGA and Nintendo were ahead of the game until then, and then SEGA just vanished. People were upset that a brand new console had no support from a defunct company.

I loved it, had Sonic Adventure, Soulcalibur and.. some rally game.

This was my favorite console back in the day, way better than ps1

lol @ poorfag

I'm pretty sure it was mostly people that had their games pirated that hated it.

If I recall it was easy to pirate games for it.

literally no one hates the dreamcast except sega

How is this hated? literally everyone who knows shit about consoles loves it.

I heard that Sega just kinda dropped it leaving devs fucked.

Also Heavy Metal was legit.

The CD spin drowns out the fucking TV speakers. Like a GD Apache taking off

That shit was loud af

Haha get bent widow

Dreamcast was . . . Alright. I remember it being super awesome. Powerstone, sonic adventure, soul caliber, jet set, virtual fighter, fucking Berserk! Great games! It just hasn't aged very well. It was innovative, but thats just it. For its time. Nowadays, it sure is outdated. Groups keep it alive like the marvel vs capcom 2, or retro sonic fans, but it is on life support.

I think the dreamcast was just released at a bad time.
No one really hated it, it was actually pretty popular when it was first released. Its popularity was short lived, though.

It surely didnt take long for the controller to feel dated for sure.

Dreamcast? It wasn't hated. Just was too expensive for the time.

Sega hated the Saturn, not the Dreamcast.

have one of these in my bedroom. jet set radio, rayman 2, power stone... unfuckwithable

Felt better than The Duke and the memory card was bad asd.

Got one for $40 a few years ago, I always wanted one when I was a kid. Yeah, Super easy to rip games for, just burn em with the right settings. Heaps of really weird but cool games for it. No memory card tho, so I never got far.

It then got stolen by coons. Stupid Cunts walk past a few grand of electronic test equipment, take an obsolete console, a box of fancy carrot n tomato seeds, and some change. Oh, and used my deodorant on the way out... The fuck? Strange people.

Anyway, Dreamcast, 8/10

Who the fuck second hand uses deodorant?

niggers, it would seem

>get bent

that comeback is almost as old as the Dreamcast

mfw my dreamcast has better processing speed than you do

Well, yeah. Fucking animals.

this console brought so much innovation.
Bad timing tho, sellings should have started 2 years later to battle PS2.