We all post one wish

We all post one wish.

Other anons modify it.

i wish i had another wish

I wish Robin Williams would have killed himself sooner.

I wish this thread was over

But you can only wish for another wish

>wish granted

I wish Trump and Clinton would be assassinated

i want everything except bad things

>Wish granted. They will be assassinated on their 110 birthday, after serving in office for 40 years.

I wish OP would commit suicide.

OP here. I will commit suicide by old age

>wish granted, you will get every bad thing.

but he would suicide at 10 so you wouldn't care

I wish nobody had a wish

I wish I had dubs

But then this wish couldn't come true

I wish for world peace

>You don't, but I do, however

>World peace comes after a nuclear war when everyone is dead

I wish feminism didn't exist

But you have to sacrifice a virgin every day.

i'm just a simple nig nog tryna get a handbreezy

but then trapism would be a thing

Granted but menninism runs rampant.

I wish to be happy

world peace happens, but it's actually really boring. Militaries disband, an no one has to own weapons anymore. Life is 24/7 milktoast boring.

I wish for a wish that cannot be twisted in a negative manner against me.

The wish is granted, but you loose all feeling in your tongue and cant talk to make the wish

Granted, but you are unable to feel any other emotion than happiness.

I write a wish to be able to speak in a charming male voice.

so I get infinite happiness on a feedback loop?

But your name is Charlie Sheen and everyone hates you and you don't care.

but you are female

Ah but the wish I am to be granted this time is to be not twisted against me.
Inb4 notes don't count, if this is so mute people can't wish.
I don't remember a rule about that.

I wish for a useful controllable superpower that does not cause me any bodily or psychological harm.
(I'm gonna try and lawyer this shit.)

but it only works while you are dancing naked in public with an erection

i wish to get regular sex

i wish I was good looking

I wish I was m00t