What's your sexual fantasy Sup Forums ?

what's your sexual fantasy Sup Forums ?

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Amputée girl (leg)

To have sex

dick in pussy

Missionary, for the sole purpose of procreation.

To put my penis in any form of vagina.


I wanna fuck a midget.
I wanna fuck a retarded girl.
I wanna have a threeway with a girl and her mom.

That's all I got right now...

This, tbh...

sex with two girls who have cunts instead of a heads

To be a woman and have sex as a woman

>swap bodies with my sister
>she fucks me in her vagina with my own dick

bump for perversions


Lick queen Elisabeth's hairy cunt

something like this. but it´s hard to find decent content

you fucking monster

Anything sexual with a cute little blonde girl that's really in to it but still a bit shy. Somewhere between 9 and 12 years old would do as long as she's adorable.


Totally forgot the cute loli image




Two words: Goblin pussy




To have sex

Torture is love :)




To be able to breed females of any species.




Do a Man-Whale-Hybrid

me tbqh

Baby don't hurt me

I'll tell you one thing, I'd make millions with the military.


what the fuck man

why isn´t she chewing?
every child knows you should chew your food in order to get it properly utilized


like you would chew

shes fucking retarded

have loli Chloe Moretz as a urine-drinking sex slave


This is not about me user
it´s about her and her digestion


Definitely not that. Fuck.

eyy a fellow weirdo :D

i bet they taste like chicken

seconding this

thanks user. this shall be my new fetish now.

>sewing her eyes shut so you can´t see her suffer
good job faggot

regular sex with girl. Getting fucked in the ass by mature men, but have this fantasy only in the morning

Finally a bitch that doesn't talk back

Even whit these?

wow, didn't expect it


To be a giant futa girl and destroy a city with my girldick :3

really? asking this in Sup Forums??

watch my sister getting gang raped by niggers and other animals

never before have i been this befuddled

Creampie that leads to pregnancy. Oh and pregnant women. Age.

Required specification
And ''on'',you cretin

this right here


Amputees. Specifically missing one arm below the elbow and when they actually use their stump and move/wiggle it and dont completely neglect it

>link related. Its my dream girl. Wish she would show her face

so many cocks, so little time.

hmmm,not much .. alli want is to try sex, preferably with a girl ...

So you wouldn't be entirely against getting fucked in the ass by a dude?


Connection and intimacy through pain.

hahah it just keeps getting better

to not have to use this

Anyone got sauce?

Do you have more, got me so horny

Luna Trap


Stick your dick in,or just watch?

at the end, everyone's fiddling

Damn. I cringed.

Fuck some cute girl. Basically just not being a virgin.

I said "oh shit" out loud at the end. WTF man

I like bidet porn. There's something about a squeaky clean vagina that just does it for me.