Another reason to vote Trump:

Another reason to vote Trump:
Both Bushes (GWB and GHWB) are voting for Clinton. Why would they do that? Because everythign that you have ever heard about there not being a real difference between the Democratic and Republican establishments is true. The establishment exists ONLY if BOTH sides are strong and playing the public off one another. Neither can exist without the other. Trump isn't running against the Democratic establishment, he is running against the GOP establishment as well. What is more, he has the backing of a majority of the American people, who are sick of the back and forth ineffectuality of the establishment government, which has succeeded not in making progress for the people, but rather for creating a very real stagnation both financially and culturally across this country over the last 50 years.

So when the Bushes cross party lines it isn't because they suddenly saw the light and have adopted the principles held by the Democratic Party. It is because they know that if Trump is elected their whole house of cards is going to come tumbling down as well, and that the hidden actions they buried are likely to get sifted out of the rubble when that happens.

These revealing Clinton emails are simply a hint of what goes on in the establishment game. Whether they contain evidence of a crime or not, they reveal a level of deceit and collusion and abandonment of every principle this country was founded on and which it seeks to foster and uphold.

The Emporer is naked, and Trump is saying so. What you see now is that all the establishment politicians who have been lying to the American people about that are crossing party lines and circling the wagons in an attempt to preserve the illusion that they helped create. The illusion which keeps power out of the hands of the people, and in the hands of the elite.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Another reason to vote Trump:
>Both Bushes (GWB and GHWB) are voting for Clinton. Why would they do that?
Because they live in the country that he'd ruin.

>This post brought to you by: Correct The Record

then explain why he picked a Republican VP.
You can't.

For them, yes it would be ruined.
And for you maybe, as having Shilltard on your resume would pretty much guarantee that you would be unemployable.
But for the majority of everyday Americans, having power restored to us would be a very great benefit and would improve the country immensely.

Or don't you believe that the people are capable of handling that power? Would you rather see some sort of paternalistic dictatorship going on? Yes, I bet you would. Commie.

Or maybe it because the Bush's know what it takes to be a representative of a global power and decide to go with the person who has actual experience with that.

He picked a GOP VP in order to secure the nomination from the GOP establishment. So what? He filled out GOP forms as well. And he is running as the GOP candidate....what is your point?

>as having Shilltard on your resume would pretty much guarantee that you would be unemployable.
Who the fuck puts their political affiliation in their resume?

>But for the majority of everyday Americans, having power restored to us would be a very great benefit and would improve the country immensely.
What power am I, a white male, being deprived of?
I can buy a gun, I can access any information I want in seconds, I can pretty much get a job anywhere, I can buy drugs.

how is the food in the mental ward?

Oh yes, her experience as Sec of State is quite impressive...not. Her expereince shows that she can't do the fucking job, if you actually look at it.

As oppose to Trump experience as a three time failed casino owner?

Hillary Clinton’s campaign is returning thousands of dollars in donations linked to what may be one of the largest straw-donor schemes ever uncovered.

A small law firm that has given money to Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Sen. Harry Reid, President Obama and many others is accused of improperly funneling millions of dollars into Democratic Party coffers. The program was exposed by the Center for Responsive Politics and the same team of Boston Globe investigative reporters featured in the movie “Spotlight.”

The Thornton Law Firm has just 10 partners, but dollar for dollar, it’s one of the nation’s biggest political donors, reports CBS News correspondent Tony Dokoupil.

But according to the firm’s own documents – leaked by a whistleblower — days or even hours after making these donations, partners received bonuses matching the amount they gave.

Im going to copy parts of this thread and post to fb comments of friends to seem smart

At a rally in Orlando, Hillary Clinton gave out her terrorism-fighting credentials by saying that she was in New York City on September 11, 2001
Just one problem. Hillary Clinton was nowhere near New York on 9/11. She was in Washington DC.

>>as having Shilltard on your resume would pretty much guarantee that you would be unemployable.
>Who the fuck puts their political affiliation in their resume?

If you put that your employer was the Dem Party or the Clinton for President Campaign, it becomes obvious.

>What power am I, a white male, being deprived of?
>I can buy a gun, I can access any information I want in seconds, I can pretty much get a job anywhere, I can buy drugs.

That is not political power, dumbass. This short-sighted shit is exactly what the establishment wants you to be focusing on. That isn't power, those are distractions. And they are working on you.

Sure - all the years she spent as 1st lady didn't expose her as to how to behave with world leaders too.

You guys always think that if you put in an unexperienced guy that the WHOLE world is gonna stop and do things his way.

Grow up kid.

My point is that OP spent 4 paragraphs bashing the GOP. Trump's VP is GOP. Trump's Cabinet will also be GOP, as well as Trump's Supreme Court Judges. Unless Trump uses his family members.

Apples and oranges.
Try again.

Clinton Foundation officials have yet to disclose the charity’s third quarter 2016 donors — which ended September 30 — thus insuring voters won’t know who contributed in the final months leading up to the Nov. 8 presidential election.

Also late is the 2015 990 tax return for the former president’s charity.

The Clinton Foundation pledges on its website that “for maximum transparency … we update our donor web-page each quarter that we receive the contributions.” But officials there have yet to post the latest quarterly donor report and they’ve offered no explanation.

>what is travel?

>If you put that your employer was the Dem Party or the Clinton for President Campaign, it becomes obvious.
Well then your point is moot, as I am not a shill.

>That is not political power, dumbass.
What? So you somehow think that our entire country will be less powerful by having Hillary as a president?
Aren't you the same people who claim she kills all her enemies?

>Sure - all the years she spent as 1st lady didn't expose her as to how to behave with world leaders too.
is that where she learned to steal 50k in furniture when she left the white house from?

Someone's gonna have to convince me not to vote for Gary Johnson. He will save this country from racists and tax, while allowing the hard working Mexicans and Syrians in

>Hillary failed to do that job
>Trump failed to do this job
>Yeah, but that's different
Kill yourself, please

Did you really say "...not"?

I mean, I'm on your side, but you're making the rest of us look bad. Who are you? Borat?


>He will save this country from racists and tax, while allowing the hard working Mexicans and Syrians in


>Sure - all the years she spent as 1st lady didn't expose her as to how to behave with world leaders too.
>You guys always think that if you put in an unexperienced guy that the WHOLE world is gonna stop and do things his way.

No, this isn't about what the whole world does in response to Trump. This isn't about the dead concept of globalism. This has to do with us, right here in America, and nothing else. This is about whether we still are a government Of the people, BY the people, and FOR the people, or whether we are something else. That's all. It is about who is really in charge here. Is it an elite establishment or is it the people? If it isn't the people then the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence are null and void, and we are no longer a legitimate nation.


>Grow up kid
>*teleports behind you* "nothing personal, kid".

>What? So you somehow think that our entire country will be less powerful by having Hillary as a president?
>Aren't you the same people who claim she kills all her enemies?

It isn't about how powerful we are as a nation, it is about where that power is seated.

The Clinton Foundation isn't running in the election, retard.

You sound like a trump supporting goon.

You are equating the job of casino owner with the job of Secretary of State of the USA.

The noose is yours. Please get someone to show you how to use it, because I can tell you are too retarded to manage it yourself.

>It isn't about how powerful we are as a nation
Then why did you say

>But for the majority of everyday Americans, having power restored to us would be a very great benefit and would improve the country immensely.

Surely you aren't trying to imply that Republicans are better at running the country.

>You are equating the job of casino owner with the job of Secretary of State of the USA.
I'm not the one voting the failed casino owner into the oval office.

What does the equator have anything to do with this? Holy shit, Are you profiling based on lacation?

>The guy who has zero political experience should be president.


neither is trumps businesses. Anyway, anything to deny that she is corrupt huh.

I'm not even gonna waste my time debunking that.

You're the 2nd generation of living in an echo chamber.
Repubs haven't gotten over that she worked on the team that got Nixon to resign.

For 25 years she's been investigated by the BEST of the Republican Party and they always come up kissing their sister.
They've got NOTHING on her.

So either SHE'S HISTORY'S GREATEST MONSTER or the Repubs are so inept they couldn't charge her with jaywalking.
Or butthurt. I'm gonna go with butthurt.

At least he can't run a secret political empire like hilacunt, and he speaks his mind for what it is

one them is orange

not gonna waste my time=please god lets change the subject cause I don't know what I'm talking about

>he speaks his mind for what it is
So did Bush Jr.

there is no debunking. she had to give it back. She also stole furniture from her office when she was secretary of state.

And? Remember how much free oil we got from invading Iraq? People can bitch all they want, but they enjoy the benefits from war crimes just like everyone else

Miopic fuck you didn't get the point at all the power you have been deprived of is absolute ability to make a difference in our country you don't seem to realize this because you think we live in a democracy to believe that means you are under the spell of the establishment as they keep us all blind to the fact we arnt a country of free ppl we are a corp. Who plays with fucking monopoly money we are basically indentured servants of our states and all the things ou just listed require you to either break the law or pay continuously to be considered legal examples? Carry permit, internet, electricity for you to use your internet not to mention tax's that if not payed send you directly to a jail cell same as if you were a criminal

So you still think that Congress is gonna listen to him?

>lrn2 government

It's hilarious that people decided until she was 6 months away from being elected to put her in jail.
How exactly does a 70 year old corrupt politician in a healthy democracy goes that long without being found out lol

Who should I vote for

I'm not the one voting a failed secretary of state, under criminal investigation of the FBI, into the oval office.

Obvioisly she's not failing since she's going to win. And if she had scandalous emails, who cares. She had a good reason for it we don't need to know

That's beside the point. Bush Jr spoke his mind like Trump does, its how we knew he was an idiot.
And like an idiot, he started a war against a concept, something that is absurdly stupid and has proven to do nothing except make our country look like a bully.
If that's what Bush did, just consider what Trump would do.

No, you're the one voting the three time failed casino owner into the oval office.
What are you, fucking retarded? Did you think that was a good comeback?


bribery, extortion, lots of ways.

Sinply vote third party candidates if you want change. Retard Trump is retarded and so is every single one of his supporters


politics are ok

>he says talking about a self made billionaire
How much you make a year dumbass?

>$0.10 has been added to your account

not as violent as hillary supporters. brown shirt much

That's among LIKELY voters. Where's the unlikely voters chart

>self made billionaire
Is that what they call being born into a rich family now?
Being self made?

I'm voting for Trump. He will either fix shit or burn it down. I'm okay with that.

>self made billionaire
pick one



Such an anarchist oh edge master

You're okay with possibly helping to ruin your entire country and way of life?

Dude. Trump would single handedly create a global economic crisis. He would create uncertainties in the stock market. Why do you think Vegas doesn't allow him to build casino's there and never has.

The blacks are staying home which is hurting hillary.


>According to top ethics lawyers, it’s at least debatable -- and at worst hyperbolic -- to say the Clintons "stole" the items. A congressional investigation found poor tracking of ownership and final disposition of gifts, which makes it hard to speak definitively of wrongdoing. In fact, two items the Clintons returned were ultimately sent back to them. Finally, it’s worth making clear that the "force" they responded to was political pressure, not legal jeopardy.

>Accusations of stealing are serious and require a high threshold of evidence, unmet by the charges in this over-the-top graphic. We rate the claim Mostly False.

>obviously she's not failing if she's going to win

Sucking ass at a political position and fooling retards like you into voting for her are two different things.

Do you know how many reports of voter fraud there are? And what about her showing up at the polls which is clearly not allowed? Why should she get to be this way? How could you say that she would do these things for a good reason?

Her only reason is lust for power, so she can adequately mishandle that, too.

I hope trump drops nukes everywhere, starting with Mexico. And then we REALLY police the globe. That's our ticket back on top. Might as well do something useful with our large military emphasis


>You are equating the job of casino owner

a guy who Chapter 11'd a Casino. How is that even possible?

>head start Of 16 million dollars

>Sucking ass at a political position and fooling retards like you into voting for her are two different things
Were you in a coma when Bush ran for his second term?

Aw, he took 10 minutes of his life to make an image just for me.
Holy shit you're a literal cuck. You got so flustered that an internet stranger was calling you out on being a shill, you went and made your own image. "This'll show HIM!" you said to yourself.

>looks like
>your post is
>sunglasses dawt jay peg
>low energy
>not an argument

>$0.10 has been added to your account

The Phoenix will be reborn from the ashes!

more like 200mil

You have no idea how nukes work and I'm glad you don't have the power to push the button. The radation from a nuke spreads into the atmosphere and everyone is affected. Why do you think the world doesn't uses these weapons

I couldn't agree more. Trump just needs to drop one nuke to restore American might and respect in the world and he'll fucking do it.


Okay even so. Turning 16 million into billions takes brains Hillary doesn't have

That came later in Fred's insane will.

Shit he only has 800 mil according to time business

That is one of the stupidest, most naive things I've ever fucking heard in my life.
You cannot name a single society the size and scope of the US that has been destroyed and come back from it.

I'm not hear to educate you on Trump, faggot.
You're on the internet. Do some fucking reading.

I'm sorry, I'll say it again nice and slow so someone with your pace can understand.

I would rather have a candidate that failed running a casino.

Do you honestly not see the difference? Do you put the secretary of state and a casino owner on the same level of job importance?

No, you fucking don't.

You, however, might. I could see that.

You're a fuckin retard for agreeing with me. I was only PRETENDING to be retarded
Hilary's paying me .50$ a post

Drain the swamp, start anew.

Putting his inheritance into the S&P 500 instead of making risky high-profile deals would have netted him MORE money. That includes paying the taxes that he's evaded the last 20 years. His whole career has lost more money than a generic stockholder's.

>You're on the internet. Do some fucking reading.
That's not how this works.
You made the claim, the burden of evidence falls to you.
You have no evidence, just polarized buzzwords, hyperbole and emotionalism. Liberal tools of the trade to steer the masses towards misinformed conclusions.

I'll wait around a bit longer for you to provide evidence on exactly how Trump will "ruin the entire country and destroy our way of life".

>I would rather have a candidate that failed running a casino.
I didn't say he failed at running a casino.
I said he has failed at running multiple casino.
Do you see the difference?

>Do you put the secretary of state and a casino owner on the same level of job importance?
No, I put one above the other and that's why I support the one that hasn't bankrupted three casinos.

>Aw, he took 10 minutes of his life to make an image just for me.
more like 2 minutes to make it and over 2 weeks ago.

you sound as egotistical as trumpy himself.

>I'm not hear to educate you about trump
Please, don't try educating anyone until you're spelling is better.

So you can type the language of sarcasm but you can't read it?

>I'm not hear

You deaf bro?

user corrected me. Its 200 mil. His dad's inheritence
