Post your fucking desktops

Post your fucking desktops.


Bumping with some shit. This was octobers background

This was planned to be novembers, kinda hoping to find something a bit cooler.

My background for uni.

Come on guys, I cant be the only one.



I'm OP, I'll post some of my favorites which are currently in use.


2mb limit keeping me from posting the best ones at their best quality, but here's some .jpeg versions.

Avatar was so 2009 bro


Actually they're making 3 more movies lol... and so what if it was from 2009? Still a dope screenshot.

Here's one that's ages old and still dope as well. Why you gotta hate?





That's it for now, if this thread is still alive by tomorrow (which is unlikely) I'll post some more. Night, anons.

Heres one Ive got on my mobile.


clean, I like it

Wait, I thought we were posting desktops, not random wallpapers?

some vaporwave

I haven't gone to bed yet, haha. That was the general idea, but oh well. They're still acceptable along with wallpapers, 'cause why the hell not :P

somemore vaporwave





Yours is really nice too, by the way. So serene, and peaceful. Okay now I'm heading off lol. Enjoy.