This episode is the television definition of premature ejaculation

This episode is the television definition of premature ejaculation.

I remember liking it.

chimps > hunans > non legged salamander


>you will never cum in salamander Janeway's slimey reptile hole

Why live?

Oh warp ten… you're so BIG. I can't wait to find out what your pleasure threshold is.


Whoa, maybe that's what that episode is ABOUT, you know? Like pottery.

>It's a Riker uses the holodeck to get his dick wet episode

why wasn't janeway a good captain?

She abandoned her children.

>grow up
>can't wait to have sex
>it's all you can think about
>it must be like the greatest most transcendent thing you can experience, like going warp 10
>through some stupid amount of luck you actually have sex aka go warp 10
>it's great but it's over way too soon
>everything's all weird afterward
>what the hell were you even just doing
>what were you thinking that that was a good idea
>you weren't thinking, you basically acted like some animal lizard or something
>what the hell this ugly woman you don't even like is pregnant and you got her that way

No, that implies it was going to come to a potentially satisfying conclusion if it stayed its course.

>not being smart enough to pull out and use genetically unfit women as practice fuckings to prepare for a better mate.
Beta male confirmed.

He pulled out of warp 10 too soon!

He should have just gone back to Earth.

I know they retconned the episode, but I always thought two things about this

>They could build an automated warp shuttle to get information about the local sectors. The shuttle in the episode filled up the database with info.

>They could use the more stable crystals in Voyager to go warp 9.99999. Just below warp 10 and according to the technical manuals it makes them go much faster.

How did they retcon it?

The really mind-blowing thing about it is that they shattered the illusion that being more evolved means being more technology advanced or intelligent, which is not necessarily the case. Here humanity evolved into a fat hypersexual acquatic species capable of reproducing very very quickly.

What tv series is this or show how do I get into the series I know there are a lot of different ones so where do you recommend someone beginning I'm guessing it's star trek.

It's Star Trek. Watch everything, starting with TOS.

What to expect:
The Original Series gets worse after the first two years
The Next Generation gets better after the first two years
Deep Space Nine gets better after the first two years
Voyager gets better after the first three years
Enterprise gets better after the first two years

DS9 starts in the sixth year of TNG. The writing staff split up, with the good half going to DS9 and the bad half staying with TNG and then moving on to VOY after TNG ends. Because of this, DS9 is mostly good (with occasional bouts of pure garbage) and VOY is mostly mediocre (with occasional bouts of pure gold). Then all the good writers leave when VOY ends, and ENT has *only* the bad writers until they start hiring some fresh blood in the third season.

The movies are not as important as the television shows. Less than half of the movies are good, unless you count Galaxy Quest and Master & Commander as Star Trek movies (some people do). Watch them all though, except for the new shit.

>The Original Series gets worse after the first two years

Thankfully it only had 3 seasons

Also you forgot the Animated Series. Which was bad at times, but it allowed for creativity, and when it was good it was REALLY good.

>A Private Little War
>Not AKA "The one with the spicy gal whose lust can't be contained"

Stargate did this too with the Fifth Race. O'Neills' mind gets infested with the power of the Ancients (the builders if the stargates) and can call upon their entire knowledge to build a contraption that can send the stargate to different galaxies. He eventually goes to see the Asgard which recognize this condition and cure him before his brain is damaged. It makes sense when you watch it the first time but on rematch especially you notice little inconsistencies that pile up. Even though jack can't remember anything from when he had the Ancients knowledge, the contraption he built could be reverse engineered by stargate command and the source if it's power found. With that much power, the Tau'ri could have easily destroyed the goa'uld by building advanced weapons similar to the Tollan

stopped reading there