Alright guys, had my first time with my gf last day but it didn't quite well...

Alright guys, had my first time with my gf last day but it didn't quite well, had a hard time putting it inside and holding it inside her, very slippery. Then I got kinda nervous, and got limp. We ended up masturbating one another. Any suggestions for the next time?

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Use glue instead of lube, won't be as slippery

well she was wet enough to not need lube.

Have a drink or two before hand to calm the nerves. I don't know how she could be too slippery. You need to adjust the angle I suppose. If she is fat some angles are harder to stay in obviously. E.g. if missionary make sure her legs are well spread, if flexible push them back for an easy angle. Put a pillow underneath her ass for a better angle. etc etc.

chubbies nevered

Eventually it becomes more comfortable. Try several positions

hmmm we could try the pillow trick. thx. I don't drink alcohol and I'm concerned it could get things worse. We tried from behind layin on tummy and went a bit better. Another problem, I hardly feel anything when I'm inside. What should I do?

Extremely common for first-time sex. Also extremely common for like a month afterwards. You get too nervous, think too much, and your dick gets soft. Vaginas squeeze a fuck ton so if your dick isn't hard as diamonds it'll pop right out every time.

Until you're more accustomed to being inside of her (and it's less frightening) try positions that don't need you to actively move (you lay there, she's on top, etc) as the less you have to concentrate on the easier it is to maintain an erection. Also fantasize. It may seem "rude" or "wrong" or "whatever" to think about other women while fucking your girlfriend, but that's not what's important right now. What's important is that you keep your stiffy going strong. If it makes you feel better then instead of imagining other women, try imagining alien women or elf-girls or lolis or whatever the fuck you can get off to


>I hardly feel anything

Pencil dick detected.

well yea, I was thinking to another person while I was inside but it's... complicated and don't feel like sharin this story now. On the second time, she sucked me a bit and it helped a lot.

Is your dick small, or is her vagina big?

nah, I'm quite normal lenght and shape. Uncut also, lol.

>what small guys tell themselves to get through the day

she often complains how her vag is "strange", she bought a mestrual cup and she couldn't put it inside, and was very depressed about that. She said it hurt like hell, not many problem with my dick though. (no, im not smaller than the cup)

More foreplay, you're probably too accustomed with having sex with men that you forgot that women need foreplay

no, actually your mom doesn't need foreplay, maybe my gf does

Hey Mohammed here,
For my first time I tried it with my Uncle's goat. It makes it an easier transition. I can understand large vagina's as wife number threes vagina is huge, i can fit a whole chicken up there if I wanted to. Wife number has a nice tight one. It is good. So try goat, get used to goat, move on to woman. Also raping a western woman is okay, that might help with your arousal. No hijab means slug asking for it. May Allah guide you.

fun fact, she's very into anal but didn't propose it that time, maybe wanted to make me confortable since was my first time

OP, it will bet better with time. Your partner is not sure what she is doing also, so don't blame yourself. As far as getting your dick in when you first start, at least wet the head or maybe the first inch or two with some spit. Try using your finger to get some of your girl's wetness on the outside/entry to her pussy. If you do both things you should have no problem sliding your bad boy into the promised land. As far as your dick popping out, being on the soft side will cause this along with having a dick that may be on the average/short side of the scale. You and your girlfriend will have to learn the stroke distance your dick can handle and adjust your movements accordingly.

In time, you both will start to enjoy the total experience and you will find sex is the best thing in the world, at least for guys. Lastly, I hope you are wearing a condom and/or she is taking something to prevent pregnancy. I know, condoms are no fun but it beats the shit out of child support and crazy baby mamas.

Good luck my young friend. Be responsible and respectful and enjoy the best thing about being a man. Pussy rocks.

she's on the pill for a hormonal problem, and I didn't come inside, so I'm not very worried about pregnancy. thanks for advices