Good to know

good to know

Other urls found in this thread:

>fat kid loves grimes
figured that

ever heard of the internet? pretty popular nowadays

true Sup Forumstant

>he's a fag
oh no

>when did kids start basing their music taste off of image instead of sound
idk like the 50's

I found the kid's tumblr. Should I post it or is that too rude???

>sees kid closely breathing into the camera
>clicks off video

Well shit, wasn't expecting to see my shit here.

>inb4 underage
I'm a senior, don't worry. I'm 18. I just have a shitty babyface.

reported for underage

yeah right lmao

Damn, by the time you're 40 you'll look like a teenager

you are the fuckers ruining our board with ur grimes posting

I love Grimes but I stay the fuck away from the threads. The people in there are even cringier then me. They're obsessed with her on a unhealthy level.

I know, I'm young as fuck looking. I've always looked at a minimum 5 years younger then I really am.

I mean do it if you want.

I mean, I do makeup videos. It's pretty obvious I'm a flaming homosexual.

I am fat. That's true.

chill lads its just banter. good luck with your yt channel

I'm not really that mad. I'm more in shock then anything that an old shit video that's, to be honest, the worst video on my channel, found it's way here. Maybe I'll make a better prepared review that's actually reviewing and not just saying what vibe the song gave me. Thanks for the well wishes.

ACTUAL Grimes fan (and working professional classical musician) coming in. One of the useful things about those "official" Grimes threads is that they attract all the crazy fan/hater types like flies to a turd, thereby making it a mite easier for the rest of us to engage in actual music-related conversations about Grimes (and other things too) in other threads - like this one.

Much as in life, on the internet (and ESPECIALLY on a contrarian-infested place like /mu) things are often not exactly what they seem.

You're honestly 100% right. It's not just creepy fanboys who flock there, it's the people who are equally obsessed with hating her there too. I don't know why anyone would be so dedicated to an artist on other side of the spectrum.

fuck off you fat faggot. you really expect me to believe you didn't start this thread yourself and then bump it half an hour later after you realized no one gave a shit? your taste in music is fucking garbage and you look like a queer. what's the matter? don't have any friends to watch your faggy music reviews? i sincerely hope you get bullied at school because you deserve it.


OP can't bump their own thread. Also, calling me fat and gay is only stating the obvious. Try harder.

Stop bullying, you ugly retard


let's make him the new meme

And with that, a thread is killed

good, I love Grimes too!