King Joffrey is dead. Ramsay Bolton is dead. Who is going to be that one baddie for the show?

King Joffrey is dead. Ramsay Bolton is dead. Who is going to be that one baddie for the show?

Daenerys could, although, most would argument that her actions are only done for the greater good. In before some Sup Forums /new/gger comes in here with his "I hate niggers" shtick.

I suppose Ramsay maybe correct in saying that he is a part of Sansa now leading to Sansa becoming more darker a person, but seriously, who is going to be that new baddie that everybody seems to hate?

Euron is the final boss of the series.

Cersei when she blows up King's landing

You miss the episode when Euron showed up? He's gonna have his ships all made by beginning of next season by the way. All 1,000 of them.

Euron is supposed to be, but the show has already ruined him and made him le funnay dick joke man

Dorne, although they haven't been relevant since the beginning of the season.

That or everybody's threat: the Walking Whites.

Can you really call Joffrey the "big baddie"? Had hadn't did much aside from having Tyrion defend King's Landing and fucked with some people.

Tywin deserved that role way more than Joffrey.

Euron's just as bad as Ramsay in the books, possibly even more competent.




There were no "baddies" in the show until D&D took over.
Joffrey was a deranged lunatic because of incest and the way he grew up.He was a scared little kid on the inside and that was his way to cope.
Ramsay was just a meme one dimensional character

In terms of what's going down in the norf I think the Nights King is going to be the primary focus.
But yeah the mustache twirler going forward is urone.

i'd blow that shit up too 2bh family

Cersei is the penultimate and the Night King is the final boss. It's clearly laid out.

Recruiting an army of foreigners to take over a continent by force isn't good. She's a fucking cunt.

what the hells euron going to do that makes him evil? nobody gives a shit about kinslaying anymore. its not like hes done anything.
maybe we get to see him fuck kelly c with his big cock.

this snow nigger moves at a snails pace
he wont be near anyone important in 50 years

It better be the night king cause they only have 13 episodes left.

The High Sparrow.

the part where he straps his brother and pregnant gf to the prow of his flagship, or when he has his men rape the daughters of a defeated Reach lord.

really though i dont think they'll do much with his character and he may die as soon as next week's episode

Oh shit Hopsin's in GoT? i think I need to watch this now...


Why do people love Daenerys so much?

Jaime Lannister.

That iron islands guy

>People still haven't figured out that Dany is the ultimate villain

>tfw show euron can't even hold a candle to book euron

i think it's better this way

>In before some Sup Forums /new/gger comes in here with his "I hate niggers" shtick

are you ok op?

I hate niggers!

dany will never make it to westeros despite teleporters being incredibly common

ramsay as a dogshit zombie

samefaggin i see

Nights King in the North plot line

and Euron in the Daenerys plot line

>implying Sand Sneks won't be the final boss

TFW based D&D pull a hat trick on the feminist shits and makes DANNY her father's daughter and final boss


There's plenty of baddies coming up:

The Whitewalkers, Littlefinger, Daenerys, Cersi, and High Sparrow are all next.

All of the remaining white males must die. Then there will be peace in Westeros, and the show will go on to win 23 Emmy's.

I would bang all three tbqh.

There was that one guy's head he had chopped off.

Twin was a hero though.

>Martells have been loyal to Targeryans since day 1
>Martells and Daenyrys want Lanisters dead
>Le Woman R da Kings now Allaince

How do you think this u fucking nigger

You're forgetting that the sand sneks are fucking idiots led by an even bigger idiot.

>Lover enters fight on own free will
>Lover loses fight on own
>no cheating involved
>throws hissy fit when the king rightfully says "girl are you fucking stupid he dug his own grave in an honored duel that he lost the fuck is wrong with you"


Fucking selfish too. All this shit about building a better world is going to fall apart when there is a succession crisis after she dies seeing as she is barren and there are no other Targs in the show that she knows of.

The high priest dude obviously

Shoulda been /thread

Oh is this the reddit general?

She has the most legitimate claim to the throne as her fathers death was the catalyst to the events of the show

>Daenerys could
Not a chance in the world. Unless you mean she's bad for ruining the fucking show, then yes, but it happened already long ago.

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I love how they keep advertising him in the episode intros but he never is officially featured in actual episode

Except she cannot have an heir and is thus unfit to rule.

I thought her appeal was that she would assume the throne and dismantle the power structure.



Fat ass Mountain cheated because he didn't die of the poison but kept looking like dead and caved MUH PRINCE's face in when he shouldn't have because he was supposed to be nearly dead already and in pain.
Obvious cheating, mate. Mary Sue indestructible loaf of muscle and even more so now.

how about no

>implying he won't use his ice powers to save Westeros from all those crazy bitches trying to burning everything down