Roast me

Roast me

Where do I start?

>hahahah im gonna upload this guys pic on le Sup Forums hahaha hes gonna get hacked n roasted

you look like you just killed someone

i'll roast you in the upcoming race war

I would but first post a pic of you and not some random black dude to bait racism

fucking nigger with pornstache

You look more useless than your goddamn ancestors you literal peice of farm equipment

ur blak

It is me fam. My friend took my phone and took a pic of me

unerafed b&

I would, but the best roasting happened when your nignog ancestors cooked their victims for lunch, which did they prefer? Light or dark meat?

you look like vegan gains

Up your guys roast game none of these affect me

It looks like God already did OP

you are quite handsome, and that color shirt matches your shitskin

Why would anyone roast a studious black man breaking the horrible stereotype? Your parents will be just proud as punch when you graduate university!

> roast me

Sure thing little buddy.. What state are you in?

I live in Michigan

your skin color suggest you are already roasted, in fact I'd bet that they forgot about you in the oven.

Did your father leave you in the oven and never came back?

Man I just said that, why would you steal my joke so obviously? dumb nigger stealing for survival detected
