What's your "I don't get the hype" Album?

I don't understand the hype. The vocalist is terrible?

Other urls found in this thread:


The vocalist is such a tryhard

80% of the shit that is posted here.

Any Animal Collective
Any Kanye
Kate Bush


get out you old ass bear

Every single Kanye song besides On Sight

You're like the Matthew McCoughney in Dazed and Confused of tripfags. You are such an embarassing person.

the vocalist thinks she's fucking ella fitzgerald but actually has a disgusting lesbian grandma voice

I'm sorry I don't like what you like.

Posting obvious one.

>Any Kanye
The beats. It's all beats. Anyone who says otherwise probably isn't telling the truth .

What exactly is wrong with this?


This is the only kanye song I like


It's not even good. I don't know.

I'm equally sorry that you wasted your life on Sup Forums.

No you're not.

hey here's the sample

It's really pretty...



The music is pretty cool, but I agree that the singer sucks. What makes it even worse is that she plays it off as if she's great.


She's worse live. I actually saw them live and everyone seemed like their mind was blown and I was just feeling like an ass because I honestly felt like the only one unimpressed.

I guess I'd say I don't "get" Grimes, but I'm pretty sure 90% of her fans are using her as a physical waifu.

You just got to feel the groove my dude.

I tried grimes and she just sounds like shit I'd hear on the radio. I don't get it...

I'm on here for the first time in like 5 years and I was surprised Witchfinder is still here

Kid A

same here
any other tripfags still alive? I only remember jake gyllenhaal and alice glass

everything in its right place, Kid A, Optimistic, In Limbo are tracks I like from that album. Do you like those?

Ya I like all those songs and I do like the album. I just don't get why people think it's amazing

anything by REM or The Smiths
i don't get jangle pop desu

FIFH posts sometimes

What's not to get?

>metalhead doesnt like non metal
those are all overrated here though, ill give you that

I guess they find meaning where there is none? I'm not sure.

Like he straight up said the lyrics were just shit he thought sounded cool

>Yesterday I woke up sucking a lemon came from when he was on a plane and someone said he looked like he sucked a lemon or something

>tfw have held onto my precious nattie nude

I wonder if CT is still alive

>nattie nude


people were drunk in tinychat

pls post

Aww how cute look at this wittle tripfag reminiscing about the days where he was even more insufferable than he is now and people pretended to give a shit about him and vice versa

hi nattie

Listen to Tawk Tomahawk if you want to understand why there was hype for that.

For me, it's every album by these guys. I'm sure they're technically good at hip hop, but their albums are such drags to listen to.