Who regrets early voting for that nasty woman?

Who regrets early voting for that nasty woman?

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nobody, you trump shill

Voting should be done on the day. If you can't make it, tough. Dems count on early voters to win.

If you've ever seen the lines at the inner city polling places on election day, you'd know why people vote early.

if you're mentally incapacitated enough to have ever supported Hillary you have more to worry about than throwing away your vote.

I know, it is terrible but what is the DNC do to fix
the problem?
We all know it is caused by their busing shills to vote, and vote again all over the hood.

aww first post in and its a butthurt millennial.

Why would we? Did something happen?

Not at all.

You mad, faggot?


retard and proud of it. right kid.

Why? What did she do that makes her less fit than Trump? No one can seem to answer that.

So this proves you are pro-rape, pro-lying, pro-corruption, and anti-truth.

Deleted 33,000 emails AFTER being sub poena'd, has conducted countless amounts of criminal conduct during her time in office as well as lying to the american people on numerous occasions, mainly the well known Benghazi case, lied for her husband on numerous occasions and frankly shes a fucking bitch that only has the fact that she's a woman going for her. Btw im british.

It's a proven fact that retards vote Trump.

It means none of these. It means I'm anti-treason.

>Btw im british
No wonder you have no idea what you're talking about.

a Trump supporter calling a Hillary supporter dumb

Omg not the emails

what you fail to understand is it is only a crime if a non republican did it

You fucked him up lmao

Too bad they aren't going to win this year. Dems are a bunch of cherrypicking crybabies who want nothing but excuses and handouts.

Starts shuffling through infowars to show evidence election is rigged

you do understand that "zero" times going to trial was a result of witnesses dying, evidence disapearing, and the would-be-prosecuter being a close personal friend with financial ties to her, right?
Like holy shit, Clinton doesmt evem try to hide her corruption and her supporters just eat up her bullshit excuses. Loke you catch her covered in blood with a knife in her hand and a body at her feet you believe her when she says "I am investigating this suicide."

Trump has been accused of rape by 11 women, including one who was 13 years old at the time of the rape. He's your pro-rape candidate.

Practically everything out of Trump's mouth during the debates was a lie. Fact checking reported by multiple media outlets confirm this.

See Trump's 4000+ lawsuits.

See lying

It boggles my mind to think people believe she is actually not guilty. Why the fuck would anyone want this woman to be our commander in chief when she can't even practice proper security for our top secret information.

Half of you don't even know what a fucking server is or the fact that it is accessible from around the world.

Btw im british..

Then bugger off mate. Nobody invited you into this thread. Brexit stage left and keep going.

The "Clinton body count" meme was debunked long ago. You can stop parroting that one now.


As for her cases not going to trial, Republicans have spent billions of dollars investigating the Clintons and found nothing. You can repeat your tinfoil-tier conspiracy theories all you want, but the simple fact is she hasn't done anything illegal.

She's a fucking lawyer you twit. She's known all along how to game the system and hide/destroy evidence (including people)
How about getting thrown out of the Watergate case for being corrupt and an unethical lawyer?

the same reason they voted Bush in twice and want Trump to

i know what a server is it is what Bush and Chaney deleted over 200k emails off of when they where supenaed for them

Lawyers aren't above the law, you twit. You don't learn some secret get out of jail free code when you pass the Bar.

I know more about servers than you will ever know. I'll still vote for that bitch becuse the orange monkey has never worked a day in his life, doesn't know English, he doesn't know economics, he's a fucking rapist, he denies what he's caught on camera saying like supporting Iraq and loving Hilary, and that's not even half of my problems with him.

Whatever hilary is doing or has done, at least she is infinitely more intelligent than dumbfuck trump.

Brit or not = is that all you have? So she asked someone to delete all her old personal emails and spam - (before she was subpoenaed by the way - get your facts right) big fucking deal.

the rest of your post is vague and unsubstantiated - because I can bet you have no idea about what you are talking about, just mouthing Republican smear campaign shit. What crininal conduct - come one name some/ Lying to the American people - Benghazi she made a statement based on faulty intel and bad analysis that was alter corrected, by her. Big fucking deal. And what of it? Did anyone dies because of her mistake? no. They died because the republicans cut the budget for embassy security.

but hey , throw shit all you like - and show off your misoguny (The only thing you really have against her is that she is woman right? a Bitch - if she was a man you would say shhe was tough and strong - it is only because she is a woman you use that term.)

BTW you are a dick

Omg words they hurt my brain to weed

You know as little as your fucking stupid countrymen who voted to leave the EU then decided to google what the EU is.

you mean using your charity to bribe government officials not to sue you for fraud isn't pro corruption? Trump is corrupt to his core.

I do forensics on cell phones, servers, computers, and even routers for a living so I doubt you know anything about servers.

Also, Trump is pro-America. He cares about the safety and forward progression of our country - not how many refugees and illegal immigrants we can let in to fuck up all of our progress. If the media hates a candidate, that's a sign right there that he's going to bring the corruption down.

>thrown out of the Watergate case fo

didn't happen. another lie - but you haven't bothered to check that have you - you just eat up and spew out Republicunt shit.

Trump is the definition of corruption. Piece of shit has been bribing people since his daddy gave him money and called the NY pols for him.

Not only that but Republicans may come around a start a revolution against the corruption. None of us want to hear that bitch's laugh again.

A black Republican?

This is exactly why you never early vote.

Lmao I'm sure you do. Just like I invented servers and UDP/TCP ports.

Trump is pro-American? Is that why he's so proud to not be paying taxes that support the VA? Is that why every piece of shit he makes with his name on it is not made in America?

Your dumb fucking ass doesn't know a fucking thing. You have no proof that illegal immigrants are bad or that refugees are bad for the country. Whereas it is well known that this country economically depends on immigrants to jobs spoiled pieces of shit like you would never do: farm work and manual labor. In fact Trump fully supports illegals, everyone of his fucking buildings was built using illegals.

Using your own stupid logic the media is corruption because they don't want a corrupt orange monkey to win? Go suck a dick

Republicans are just as corrupt as the dems you blind fucking goat, go get fucked by a Brit.

For a forensics person you are a fucking idiot if you think Trump gives a shit about america all he wants is more power and more money

Your gonna break the poor retards heart

As if Snopes couldn't be controlled.

> names two protocols now I know everything

Trump is going to win by a landslide and the illegals that built his buildings were used because he was a BUSINESS man not POTUS. Now he will use the government and people who are actually legal here to get things done. Why the fuck should some hombre from Mexico without any citizenship be working here? Also, I work for what I have, so I'm not a spoiled piece of shit, I've just made a successful future for myself.

Republicans conserve the country's core values. Read a fucking book.

So much name calling.. very Democratic behavior from you guys you fit the crybaby category perfectly.

Hurr party loyalty above all else. I'm glad most of you retards are too young to vote anyway.

>He cares about the safety and forward progression of our country
You must not have read a single one of his proposed policies. None of it even comes close "forward progression." It's exactly the opposite. Everything is a throwback to shit that was tried 30+ years ago and shown to fail. Trickle-down economics, repealing the ban on health insurance coverage denial for pre-existing conditions, US isolationism. All of it.

>Googles protocols
>but can't look up anything trump says because it's all fucking lies

He's a business man? What a fucking joke. He was given money and connections. On top of that he manages to lose $1Bil when every ducking retard is making double digit percentage growth.

No you dumb spoiled shit, if that hombre was legal he would be earning more than your dumbass.

Yeah republicans conserve power for themselves and could give a fuck about you like they always have.

Trump fags are 14 and don't know his policies failed decades ago with a shirt actor president that spent billions making the Mexican hombres more rich.

At least I'm not pretending the election is rigged before I lose.

i may be a democrat but i talk like a republican your the ones that said there was to much political correctness ya ass munching fag

People with actual jobs and lives have real difficulties getting to the polling place and casting their ballots on time, of course the unemployed trump supporting basement dwellers on Sup Forums wouldn't know anything about that.

You can change your early vote in some states.

Many cities have early voting now. And they're open on the weekends. Get out there and vote.

How did she marry 2 kids

There is too much political correctness you fucking idiot. Also, Hillary wants to cut our military spending down and doesn't prioritize taking care of vets when they are the ones who make freedom possible here. Have fun with nuclear winter once she wins.

>muh nuclear war meme
Trump guarantees nuclear war at some point in the future. If he brings the US back to isolationism, Putin will run rampant across Europe and the middle East, growing his military strength. Does this sound familiar yet? It's exactly what we did in the lead up to WW2. We ended up having to nuke Japan. Fortunately, no one else had nukes at that time. Next time, we won't be so lucky.

Better do some better history...things they don't teach in school......Republications build a better economy...Democrats...slow it down...where do you think the raped welfare program came from...and the stupid obamacare..comes from...may not like Trump...but definitely not a person who is made it rich on crooked deals with wealth supporters...Clintons became rich through shady dealings in...POLITICS!!!! ...and it will continue with her!!!!!!

What? Being friends with the only other country capable of wrecking us with nukes is bad, how? For the last few decades there has being this archaic hatred of communism and old Hillary os trying to keep it up, leading you young tards into her idea of the world. A very old obsolete veiw

Communism no longer exists in Russia.

Their "president" is a former head of the KGB. His wet dream is to revive the Soviet Union. His invasion of neighboring countries, once part of the former Soviet Union, is evidence of this. Ignoring this and pretending that people are just bringing back the cold war mentality for political reasons is just retarded. It's real, whether you want to believe it or not. If we go back to isolationism and allow a new and improved Soviet Union to form, then we're truly in for WW3.