Why shemales when you have this?

Why shemales when you have this?

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Yeah man why not just replace all people and bodies with rubberised simulacra

GF + Holes = You still a faggot

because we homosexuals like REAL men dick

not a woman with a fake dick, ew

At last, women will be able to feel the plight of the man! Your move, feminazis!


because this website is full of faggots in denial
>i-it's not gay, "her" cock is feminine xDDDDD
fucking sickening

Because that isn't a dick.

Yeah. Good luck getting girls to fuck you. It's not as hot to most women as you might think it is.


Because she can't cum in my mouth with a strap on

Have you ever had a girlfriend? Lol

It's a rhetorical question, I know you haven't

It's not as much fun for both the one being fucked and the one doing the fucking. With shemales, they have real throbbing, warm, and delicious cocks that they can feel with and cum from.

I can tell you haven't. That's pretty obvious.

Because you as a white man are supposed to combat the Coudenhover-Kalergi plan and procreate with a white woman like a decent human being with many offspring.

It is because of faggots like you the great replacement of the European race may come into fruition.

I'm just gonna have to crush all you guys with my giant girldick.

Also nice dubs.


Why shemals if you can have real men?
Or are you such a denial faggot. Show some dignity and be a real, proud faggot if you're a faggot..

They're better looking, generally.

I have that exact same toy. Not just any strapless but that exact one. It's pretty shit imo. The girl end doesn't fit very well and the ass plug part is useless. It's decent as a dildo though and we just ended up using it for that for a little while. Eventually we bought a proper harness and dildo to use as a strap on and it's way better.

No big deal though it was a cheap buy. Real feeldoes cost 5-10 times as much so glad we didnt waste that money.

SO true. I can't feel my wife filling my ass with cum when she fucks me with a strap on. I need to feel a cock,exploding inside me

A hot black girl want to fuck me in the ass with something like this. I'm going to let her

Because it's not gay to suck her dick when she has tits

I also have this exact same toy. and user here is right, fits very poorly, falls out often.

No, you.


you're telling me for only 35 dollars my gf can fuck me?

How is one supposed to feel the heat, throb and
copious jizm squirting deep in the rectum with one
of those ersatz erections???


yeah sure for 3 seconds till it falls out. then you get it back in to both of you and it falls out again. meanwhile your boner is getting killed and shes getting sore/pissed off.