Sup Forums, I broke out of the friendzone today and fucked my best friend. I was a virgin 3 hours ago. AMA

Sup Forums, I broke out of the friendzone today and fucked my best friend. I was a virgin 3 hours ago. AMA

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was he cute?

How did his dick taste?

Does your ass hurt? how big was his dick?

user im about to blow your mind
It was a girl
I know, Im surprised to. She wants me to come over again tomorrow to fuck her some more.

fishy and yes

I love lamp.

How fuckin fat is she?

What's gonna happen when she sobers up and realises her mistake?

Thick ass, thick thighs, little bit of a tummy, nicely toned arms, C cup breasts. Shes more than skinny but less than chubby.

Pic and time Stamm or gtfo

> over again tomorrow
means you didn't put in enough work today.

She browses Sup Forums tho


>Wants me to continue to put my dick in her

Im a-ok with that friend.

how many other guys did you have in the friendzone with him?

Where is the problem, she will know if she read this

K so she might see this thread and think 'hey, that virgin I fucked is posting about what happened! What a weirdo!'


About 14 refugees, I would describe the experiences as culturally enriching.

Red flag.

She'd be cool with me talking about it, not cool with sharing pics.

I married my best friend (to whom I lost my virginity back in the day.) Shit's nice.

She's redpilled as fuck though.

Thats why she is a woman.
She has no rights.
Post pic or everyone here will assume its fake. A dude. Or a hambeest.

Your story and ama has been derailed. A photo will get this thread back on track.

congrats user, tell me about your wifey.

OK then gtfo you lying faggot

Wasnt expecting serious replies anyway user. This is just to kill some time until there are some more interested threads on Sup Forums

Doesnt pol/ just have the same handful of threads over and over? Trump Gen, Britpol, and some depressing shit about the downfall of the west. I cant bear spending too much time there.

Met online, got to know each other, made a long distance booty call, eventually moved in with her, got hitched. She's my partner in the truest sense.

(While sex is fun and nice, it's certainly not the end-all, be-all, either.)

>pity sex
dont be proud user she's probably a slut

In the last week its actually be interesting. Every day there are a couple threads that are cool, like when the shit about the korean cult/oligarchy shadow government happened, they were talking about it and compiling information days before western press. This whole trump vs clinton thing is interesting as well, so much new information every day.

She's just using you as a momentary confidence boost while she finds a guy she really likes. Enjoy it while it lasts.

She's fucking all of them user.

She was raped when she was in her teens and that was her one and only time having sex, and she had never considered it with anyone because of the trauma.

Gonna need pics OP

Not OP but this can happen

>>Be me friends with Vietnamese cutie girl for 7 years
>>She always had a bf
>>Last year she is single with no bf on her birthday
>>Go out with her and her friends and be the sober lookout
>>She gets shit faced
>>Her friends all know me for years and think that I'm like her big brother
>>Get her in Uber with me
>>Carry her into my place
>>Watching TV on the couch when she wakes up and comes over to me and just starts making out with me
>>She says I need to be fucked
>>Fuck her gook brains out
>>Best fucking lay of my life
>>TFW she really likes your fiance and all you think about is a 3some

Still working on the 3some, I think with enough coke it can happen. Fiance doesn't know we fucked.

Im fine if it turns into a relationship
Im cool if shes using me for sex as well and she finds another guy
Its win win

I can never get hard on stims, dunno what the deal is.

My fiance turns into a sex fiend on vietnamese friend is a party girl and has hooked up with girls before...she's skinny as fuck wihle my girl is busty and has marveled about her tits before. It's all in the making just gotta be patient and non chalant about it.

pics or it didnt happen

i believe in you user. you can make it happen.

Just picturing a busty blonde and a sultry viet suck my dick together gets me diamonds always. I can't believe I've been this patient about it...but I know its going to happen...I just believe

How long were you friends for?

how did his dick taste?

Pics you lying faggot

A couple years.