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>well i meant ada

Ah the weird twin.



yeh just like surround yourself with tiny rocks then shoot them out of the center.


every drawing with ribbons by you is so adrable ...

Requesting Poof cumming a sticky load on oppai-loli Goldie Goldenglow's large tits. Also, Goldie must say, "Are my boobies too much for you:3?

If you're taking requests:

Draw Yotsuba wearing an MF DOOM mask, if you haven't already done so before

Please and thank you. God bless

>But you haven't been raped for two threads only to have your corpse peed on..... Seeing the Anons you thought were your friends turn and enjoy the show instead of helping you.... I THOUGHT I COULD DRAW.... but it was of no use... I was.. too weak, too SLOW.
well shit dont jinx me

i have been eaten by tentacle monsters and had my teeth ripped out and other gruesome stuff though.
its all still fun tbh

i also bumped into a guy who said he was portugal but i dont think it was really him

Why are you so good at coming up with moves? And to think I was thinking of challenging you to a fight, you're more like the final boss

pls show pictures


Anyone know what the Piano piece at the end of the monologue is?

Taking requests

you are adorable.
Hey, dat me!
I'm glad you use my picture from time to time

I'll draw some characters n stuff.

Absolutely. I always scramble up the rotation for the reference image

Thanks again for having done it before

I'd help you. You are a good drawfag and a cute one.

>Why are you so good at coming up with moves?

Anime and anime logic.

>i also bumped into a guy who said he was portugal but i dont think it was really him

Who would lie about being Portugal?

there is always a chance I could do another~

Sounds boring. Why not tears of heaven or some shit since they're basically meteors

Just don't leak it on the internet pls.

Trying to draw something gorey. I can't get the blood right though. Fuuggg

someone who read the wiki and wanted asspats for being old but couldnt impersonate anything but a stick figure

also fuck you portugal was cool he could have impersonators

But that's not a special move! I actually think I've done EXACTLY this in an early tumblrchan fight, tbh.

A special move should be something that stands out from your other moves, that utilizes the very peak of your creativity to create devastating results. That pushes your abilities to the absolute limit!

We'll see, down the road

Can to show me an enema of your blood work

>Why not tears of heaven or some shit since they're basically meteors

They are by definition not fucking meteors you fucking brick.

Besides, that name is way dramatic for a basic ass mid-range attack.

>fuck you portugal was cool he could have impersonators

I hope he gets in ANOTHER car crash.

>A special move should be something that stands out from your other moves, that utilizes the very peak of your creativity to create devastating results. That pushes your abilities to the absolute limit!

Niggah all you did was throw a SINGLE rock.

It's a better special move than mine at least.

I mean example. Never show anyone an enema

Mandy in a wedding dress topless getting fucked

Girl don't nobody ever pay attention to your stock-furry ass, you wanna catch some hands?

Hoi bunbun

okay edgemaster general
you sound a little miffed that people remember portugal

how deep can you control rocks, can you move the whole earths crust and make lava erupt from the ground?

Still here.

>that people remember

JUST you.

And he a bitch. Fuk that nigga 4 life.

You make a fair point .Why not something like Quarry Cannon

Hey Candy what are ya up to

Jesus Christ you had me scared for a second there :'> Hold on I'm starting from scratch.


Ello again, all.
...Practicing concepts, today?
Sounds very interesting.

whats wrong did he fuck your girl?

and for the record tiki also remembers

Hey tri
How are ya today

Isn't that special? A single rock, gaining so much raw kinetic energy that it begins to disintegrate at an atomic level? A shimmering light of absolute natural power? A force once limited to the cosmos, now weaponized isn't special?? whaddafuck

shed electrically charged hairs around areas and then release ur lighting for a chain effect

>can you move the whole earths crust
I dont...i dont know..I've never tried?

Hello yes. Talking about superpowers
what are your supahpowah?

Okay anons and drawfags we need to think up a character who is specifically designed to fight ehg.

Any ideas on design and abilities?

Not much, just listening to music, and drawing shit.

How 'bout you ?


that would be pretty special if you could wouldnt it?
imagine the earthquakes and stuff you could cause

also youre a spoopy mummy right do you have any cursed amulets you could put scary curses on people with?

yeah why not.

>whats wrong did he fuck your girl?

The nigga tried to tbh.

>Isn't that special? A single rock, gaining so much raw kinetic energy that it begins to disintegrate at an atomic level? A shimmering light of absolute natural power? A force once limited to the cosmos, now weaponized isn't special?? whaddafuck

It would just burn up.

You would need a much larger meteoroid to create something to actually HIT someone with.

That is pretty hood. Nothing much either. Just bored and got a headache . Looking for something to watch

Lightning already chains. That's 5 million joules in a millisecond.
It always ends the fight. Occasionally, it wins it. But I'm always completely tapped after using it.

How bout a mirror?

>its all still fun tbh
For you, that's great, but I had been on Sup Forums for not much more than a week, I hadn't drawn for a year, I already felt rusty and I didn't know the culture of these thread or how to cope with it. I got shell shocked, but I bounced back, I still don't like RPing though.

Not saying this is the only reason, but I felt it.

Are we talking about a special move or a final move.

A special move is just something unique to you.

Final moves are more so last chance moves that you have saved until you're about to lose.

EHG is a demon who can control his atomic structure and shapshift at will, which includes rapid cell regeneration, so you could have a polar opposite fight him, an angel who has the power to rapidly corrode cells, and they would cancel out?

I don't think killing him is an option. Maybe containing him might work?

>an angel

Not actually weak to holy magic.

>rapidly corrode cells

Burning Mode.

Unless they can absorb energy they're done.

A being that is able to install absolute Terran logic?


geez ehg it doesnt seem like you get along with any oldfags
is that the secret to why they all left and youre still here?
do you bully people away

the first thread i ever posted in i almost got stabbed to death and ehg cut sidhes head off while i was hugging him. still had fun.

That character in user's original post is just ment to cancel another character out, not win against them. So I'm assuming that's what he wants

>People stressing about how to kill EHG

Just have him fight against Gold Experience Requiem. It would be an OHKO.

Oh hey bawble

Fine, user. You?

These spellblades. Nifty.

...? What's up, user?

The dude can pull off supernovas.
I don't think you can contain that
Damn it EHG.
So how about someone who can absorb abilities, like peter petrelli from Heroes? If he was able to copy Ehg's abilities, could he still beat ehg?
Just a discussion user

That just seems overpowered.

How about some creature made out of hair gel and held together by some type of force like essence that is also able to deflect or absorb energy blasts.

With a reaction time on par with how fast your hair moves and the ability to harden oarts of thier body into blades and shit like the anime parasite.

I'm good. Huh howd you get those blades

Mafuba from dragon ball super?

That was when you had the hat with the past it note on it, right?

nufin jus interactin

>The dude can pull off supernovas. I don't think you can contain that


>] Not likely. Even at a maximum theoretical charge.
>] That's assuming point blank, of course.
>] Maybe 500 au apart, give or take 130, and the shield /might/ be able to tank it.

Whoops. Muh bad, skimmed through and thought it was something more.

But still tho, EHG would get his ass demolished against something like that.

EFG, I think you've made yourself out to be some bullshit Goku/Superman x infinity bullshit Mary Sue.

>Just have him fight against Gold Experience Requiem. It would be an OHKO.

I'd beat him.

>A being that is able to install absolute Terran logic?

>geez ehg it doesnt seem like you get along with any oldfags

He was a two-faced cunt to literally tried to throw dong at my gf of the time. Fuck him.

>is that the secret to why they all left and youre still here?
do you bully people away

You're greatly overestimating how much power I had back then. Everyone left because they just found other shit to do.

Me? I'm dedicated.

>So how about someone who can absorb abilities, like peter petrelli from Heroes? If he was able to copy Ehg's abilities, could he still beat ehg?

Out EHGing EHG is the dumbest idea ever.

The less bullshit you try to pull the better. Think about Alucard from Hellsing.

>Mafuba from dragon ball super?
I'm so glad you mentioned this.

Yeah that might work if he's in no way flammable.

EHG has been shot to death with regular bullets.

People are overthinking this.

>still had fun.
We handled thing differently, it's not the first time people have commented on me being a whiny bitch.

make our reality drawthread reality.

>] Maybe if you had a sort of relativistic dilation, it should have virtually zero effect, aside from the mass radiation.
>] Synchro won't be enough to counter random noise.

How? Anyone can choose to be just as OP as he is. From what ive seen in drawfights and anime, it isnt about limitations, its about making your power make SENSE.
Hey birdboi.
Whos skit?
>500 AU apart
Post videos of it/him/her
? Thats not even slightly the case. He isnt as OP as his powerset conveys him to be, you just have to be smart with how you flight him. Bones won a little fight between them a few weeks ago just be tripping him with a rock.

>I'd beat him.
>standard op demon beating GER

Shut your ignorant mouth.

You can't win against something that can negate both cause and effect.

Can I help you?

Idk how the hell I blankposted just then. Thanks firefox.
Does it always blow your clothes off like that?

Why do you reply to yourself

Maybe but you never beat cheap trick or pocoloco+Hey ya

I'll just negate cause and effect FASTER.

I'll just punch them really hard.

Here's your enema sir.

user don't be mean to people.

wait I'm dumb you didn't have any to begin with. sorry for being an idiot

>supernovas overpowered
Supernovas generate upwards 10^44 joules, man. That's a lot of energy. Enough to completely destroy star systems. How is that NOT overpowered?

OPM could beat you in one punch

No, it doesn't. I was nude when I threw it. Figured I'd be consistent.

>OPM could beat you in one punch

I'd beat him in half-a-punch first...

yeah i would probably have the same attitude if i was in your shoes.

how old were you when you started drawfagging?
im only 21 now and im starting to feel old as fuck around the new gen

i dont think youre a whiny bitch i just dont think you should give up circlejerking because of EHG of all people
but thats your prerogative

yes it was

>user don't be mean to people.
>Implying being called Bawble is an insult

I hope it does
Bun that makes me sad ;-;
Draw a happy healed person now
*its a hologram
Wear a funny hat

Yeah, right.

You're full of shit, EHG.

But that's the point of your character, huh?

You literally couldn't. You could try, but nothing would happen.

>give up circlejerking
I'm not, this happened over a year ago, I've always felt this way and I've done fine.

I just don't like RPing, nor do I see the point of it unless the participating artists enjoy it.

Ye i colored that picture with red hair, and you said you're blond, so i changed it. Isn't that when you got your name?

SKIT? He's the lil robot dude on my back. Sometimes.

>] Spinal Kinetic Integrated Technology, if you're curious. My condolences.

There is no half A presses you fucking mong

What do you think of Boros' fighting style compared to EHG's, what anime character fights the closest to EHG's style?

>how old were you when you started drawfagging?

Eehhh 17 I think.

>But that's the point of your character, huh?


>You literally couldn't. You could try, but nothing would happen.

I can absorb powers. I just DON'T because it's gay.

>negate his cause and effect negation
>stab him
>I win

It's easy...

From Grandma goat.
...Can't remember when.

Ah, well. Ello.

You're right, being compared to bawble to any degree is insulting I apologize

If you negate a negation it becomes positive, thus your stab is negated

It is an insult

what about a guy that gives you lead poisoning