Pause a movie at 33:33. Screencap. Other Anons guess

Pause a movie at 33:33. Screencap. Other Anons guess.

Saving private ryan

is this 101 dalmations?

A Clockwork Orange

Captain America: Winter Soldier

Wolf of wallstreet

forrest gump. too easy


>Hard One Here

Alex Crotchman and the Bowler Hat Boys: A Night Out in Rowdy Town


From previous thread


White Chicks


Fate Stay/Night: Unlimited Bladeworks.

No one got it in the last thread, or the past 3 threads I've posted this screenshot in.

Since it's hard, I'll start with some hints:

1. It's an American film

2. It was released in 1990. (not just the 90's, 1990 specifically)

3. It's a horror comedy.

The Mist, good movie


A Ticktock Tangerine

The mist

whithnail & i

Practically impossible in the last thread. Fucking easy in this one...



The only movie that comes to mind is Arachnophobia. She kinda looks like the teen girl and I think that staircase looks like the one in that movie.

The Godfather


Still the godfather

Fuck off you just had this stupid fucking thread just at 22 some mins, same fucking movie, just picking different times to use your favorite shots OF ONE OF THE MOST FAMOUS FUCKING MOVIES OF ALL TIME!

This isn't trolling, this is just fucking obnoxious. Trolling at least has an intent, or some talent or ability. This is the equivalent of a 4 year old kid just screaming while their parents are on the phone to get their attention.

I'm Gonna Git You Sucka?

Just realised i should of hid the time it takes

Twelve unwashed men

>so its The Grand Budapest Hotel ?


Holy shit user, you're the first person to get that in 3 threads.


Gleaming the cube. Ya see, this is how this game is played.

based franco

Dirty Dozen


Come on, Sup Forums.

From other thread at 22:22

I didn't get it from the length. Interesting thing about The Godfather is that it started out as a script then got turned into a novel to build hype for the movie.

Dirty Dozen

good luck guys

Boy A?

I'm the same guy who got gleaming the cube, and I am a shut-in movie fanatic expert. I know this movie, but it's killing me that I cant remember the name of it.



Clockwork is 8/10 for me but it gets the people going. That's the only reason I used it in all threads.


Ghost in the Shell


I cheated, I looked up Horror Comedies from 1990 and took a guess. Never even seen the film.

Ex Machina

Ex Machina

Nice work user. Smashed it.

Still Ex Machina


Hint: B


yup! good job.

Johnny English, Jason Bourne or James Bond

12 kilometers

Ex Machina


yes. I love this movie

dont know why i laughed at this.

Can it be?

Ex Machina.

Shitty movie. Had an opportunity to explore a new philosophies about artificial intelligence, but it fell back on the "lol AI is bad and will betray humans" stereotype at the last minute.

Nobody's got this yet

you fags remember me from last thread? ill never leave ILL NEVER LEAVE NEVER LEAVE NEVER LEAVE

Salo 120 days of sodom

I'll be impressed if anyone actually gets this one.

Blazing saddles

Yup. One of the worst movies ever made. Congrats, your mind is also polluted.

Blazing Saddles, easy

fucking blazing fucking saddles

>ghost in the shell ?

Is that JLaw?

So do I. Pretty mad at all those fags complaining the movie was too icy, or inventing alleged plot holes. I don't usually care if other people dislike films I like, but with this one they were just being too retarded.

congrads m8


>Never even seen the film.
You should remedy that. It's a pretty good movie.

yup. reverse lookup much?


Green Mile


Well it was a strange laugh atleast.

dont know looks like Dan Akroyd. Ghostbusters 3?


Blazing Saddles

I think it's liv tylor

Great film. Wish it was longer though. First thought it was Tyrannosaur, but then the hair. If anyone is not aware, this fucker is also a great director. Check out Neds.

The 120 days of sodom

Green Kilometer

I'd never be able to guess if I weren't watching it.

Green hornet

>impossible to guess


Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom ?


Not a movie but it's from Narcos