Do Miranda Cosgrove nudes exist?

Do Miranda Cosgrove nudes exist?


I have them. But I'm not going to give them out because....I AM AMANDA. BITCH.

Wow she got skinny

She needs to hit the gym or eat a burger.

wifey material

Thanks ms skeltal


i wish we had good fap material of her

come on... post it

Most definitely, though I haven't been able to find them. It's surprising really, considering how much she sluts it up at her school.

Whatever happened with this pic?


Lol she got whiter

>considering how much she sluts it up at her school.
explain for science

Oh yeah, she has all sorts of fun at her college. Absolutely crazy shit, you wouldn't believe it. She mostly likes the athletes, of course, but I think she'd go for just about anyone if she was in the mood. People theorize she's addicted to the attention, which I guess makes sense for an actress.

no she doesnt. I have been fucking her for a year and she doesn't let me to record me, and she doesn't send me any nudes. I might just rape her and record it next time.

I didn't think this meme was still ongoing

go on, dude... details pls
is she any good? is she a anal freak, into rough stuff and so?

Jelly much, Sup Forumstards?

>she doesn't let me to record me

That's odd, she let the whole team record her that one time.

I guess she'd had a bit to drink that night, though. Spirit of the moment.

greentext welcome


He legitimately looks retarded. Like someone painted a fucking ape.

And she's had work done and it looks horrible.

Amanda please! Im an your number one fan please! Release those nudes at once please Amanda please!

>she let the whole team record her that one time.

I want to believe

>Be Miranda Cosgrove
>Be at party
>Football team be at party too
>Things get handsy as they are want to
>Take one of the players away for some alone time
>Come back
>Grab another player
>Come back
>Rest of the team impatient
>Many drinks ingested
>They all go for it
>Too horny to resist
>All the clothes are crumpled in a corner
>Girlfriends are there too but the attention is all on me
>Sucking like there's no tomorrow
>Pussy getting rammed like a jackhammer
>Pretty soon some guy decides to break through the backdoor
>Literally no open holes
>Pretty soon I'm taking shots to the face, down my throat, in the ass
>Pussy practically overflowing
>It goes on all night
>The next morning me and my girls stumble out as the sun rises
>Have to call in sick the next couple of days because everything is sore

That's hot. Thanks, bro. How many players fucked Miranda? And more details welcome, of course.

Dunno exactly how many. Enough to pay attention to her and her girls several times over.

Obviously, I wasn't invited. But who knows, might be her girlfriends dare her to break in a beta or ten.

There was also that time she and her friends had a competition to see who could fuck the most guys in a couple days. Surprisingly, she didn't win, but she was the only one to score three points at once. I heard they got in an argument over whether girls counted too.


>who could fuck the most guys in a couple days
How many did they fucked?
Any proof?

Ah, the legendary ghost pasta...
Any new story?

>How many did they fucked?
Man I dunno, I'm not a math major
>Any proof?
Have faith, buddeh

>Have faith
that's kinda sad...
more stories do you know?

>more stories do you know?

A man goes to doctor. He says he's depressed. Life seems harsh and cruel. He feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. The Doctor says, "Treatment is simple. The great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. Go and see him. That should pick you up." The man bursts into tears. "But doctor, I am Pagliacci.”

What is the source on this?

Miranda, are you, you are? Stop being a coked out slut and go back to acting. Enough is enough.

"The Intruders" starring Miranda Cosgrove.

>I heard they got in an argument over whether girls counted too.
Is she a dyke too?

Didn't you know? All girls are bi.

It's scientific.

>The Intruders

details pls

Research done by Professor F.O. Schitt at the University of BS confirms that 75% of women are guaranteed to have equal, if not similar attraction to the female body as they are to the male body.

It also confirms that a woman's cattiness is inversely proportional to the amount of cunnilingus she has experience within the last 7 days.

Like anyone wants to see that anorexic bitch's lack of tits.

Timestamp or stfu

Who cares?? Jennette McCurdy exists

Not hating, but that dude literally looks like an ape of some sort. The top of his head seems way too small.


time to fap

>Sucking like there's no tomorrow
I bet that bitch can take three dicks at once.


For real? post her nudes.

I think Jennette McCurdy is way hotter

friendly reminder Dan was first

It seems this guy is unbeatable...

>me and my girls stumble out
Damn, that's creepy yet hot... Are you still here, dude? Keep talking.

Sadly, I don't think we will never see Miranda naked or doing sex scenes. She is too prude and rich as fuck thanks to icarly. She doesn't need to work anymore.


Michael Jackson lookin' bitch.

you know the rules, tits or gtfo

What's his name again?

bump for interest