I bet somebody of you got an more recent version of the yearly picture from the jizz guy, so bring it on

i bet somebody of you got an more recent version of the yearly picture from the jizz guy, so bring it on

Other urls found in this thread:



just want to see his progress

You don't even know what he goes by you shitstain. You don't deserve to know new friend piece of shit.

what you talkin about?

You mean jizzus? Na fam have not heard of him since 2013



How dare you come in here and get my Lord and Saviors name wrong?!?! HIS NAME IS JIZZUS !! YOU HESR ME?!?! YOU GET HIS NAME RIGHT IT'S JIZZUS!!!

Didn't he sell small jars of his jizz?

He sold one which i know of but nothing else

His girlfriend found them and made him get rid of them but he found a small bottle later ad drank it for us because he is wonderful

everyone wants the holy juice of jizzus

What the fuck is happening to the Human race.

is it true? fucking bitch

newfag spotted

Ya caught me.

naw, he used to post updates every christmas day, but he missed the last one, so i don't think he will be returning

Didn't he get arrested for child porn or something? BxJ type shit my cuck.

I think that Jizzus is in prison for possessing child pornography
But i am a faggot so don't trust me that much

that means there is an 2014 version?


He posts around new years doesn't he?
He hasn't posted for a while. Probably got a GF and panicked. Or died in a semen induced explosion..

Being this fucking autistic.

I remember him having 6 of them. It was holy water bottles and 6 tapes with something on them. I don't remember what. I just didn't know if he actually sent them to anybody.

I hope to god he's still doing this! I remember last year and the year before. Exciting days those were.

He only posts within a few days before or after Christmas newfag. Your too early

Be patient.

With patience comes reward

pic kind of related
>my cum towel as of this week (its a fresh one, the last one started to hurt my dick from the crust)

Any sauce on this? How would word of gotten out if nobody knew who he was?

JIZZUS we need you!

>A few days before or after christmas
>Calls them newfag
>Doesn't know it is always on the 26th

You fucking dunce.

Well if you open those eyes just a little, you'll see the time stamp. The time stamp will tell you which day he posts on.

mmmm trips

I didn't even open the image senpai

Well no fucking shit. Posted 1 minuet apart. Sorry I don't refresh every 2 goddamn seconds.

i said dont trust me that much i am autistic


Get better.

Nice towel
My chair


Always theres a few posters that claim he "missed last year" or something like that

Fucking niggers, Jizzus delivered every single year
Yes dec '15 it wasnt much cause his then ex found the stash, but he still fucking delivered anyway

Stop wiping your ass with your chair

eewww lol

dude that spot in the middle is alive


So deliver the last year ohne

Its not ok to joke about people who are artistic!

Firstly heres upto 2014

not that user but ok

and 2015

let it be known, Jizzus delivers ever year

i collect my bellybutton puffs

is that dank?

Fuuuck me, I just noticed that he has the same granite counter tops as me and backsplash. I think the lord and savior Jizzus lives in my building. I must find him


I seriously need to see a pic of this Sup Forumsro

Ive been curious for years now how that would go but never got to start collecting

You mean the same shitty pattern that 90% of commercial apartments use?

He hasnt been here in 2 years, this will mark the 3rd.

>see pics above
He cums every year



I've been collecting them for almost two years now. I'm not consistent in doing that thing.

I also have small stashes in my bathroom and at my parents' in my hometown.


holy fuck, well that is pretty much how I envisioned it I guess

never ceases to amaze how that shit just keeps on generating itsself

thanks for delivering

These types smell really interesting. The normie puffs doesn't release any kind of odor.

damn niqqa that some shit weed

Yeah, I wanted to do a thread for some time now, but I don't have much material to work with. Maybe this is the start I needed to become serious in collecting them puffies.

Lol, right?

you don't know shit about weed you little faggot
bet you have never even smoked it

someone should knit a shirt out of this

this aren't bottlles of jizz you retards.

they very clearly are.

oh boy, summer aint over yet

you take
- baker's yeast
- suggar
- water
- time

this gives you kind of sparkling wine with a beerish flavour.

its seriously inconceivable to your brain, after all the shit thats been on Sup Forums, that an user would possibly cum in a bottle (clearly many do this) and save the bottle?

Nigger you retarded.

It appears that the newfaggotry here is massive.

He didn't deliver last year. Maybe his glorious work is kill.

Some numbers, to tickle your edgy underage headcells.

Here's a little something from the times your were loling in 9gag.


The last three posts are mine, giving you knowledge, you little shit.

newfags everywhere..ffs