Who was here the other day for the Looney Lindsey thread?

Who was here the other day for the Looney Lindsey thread?

Have we EVER come across a crazier bitch on the interwebz? How does this beast not have an ED article?

For those that don't remember, an user did a Dubs Decides thread for a text convo with a crazy girl from his job.
Girl ended up giving him the link to her personal online diary/poetry blog.

It was filled with most lul-worthy shit I have ver seen. The thread was going for hours.
Anyone have any more screen caps or even a link to her site?

Pic related

Other urls found in this thread:



only other one I saved from the other day

someone has to have the link

I was in that thread. She is a poetic genius.

did you get the URL?



I saved some of the pics that user shared of her.
the ones not on the blog.

like this one of her smeggy puss

the address is


shit is internet gold

I don't even know what reaction image this is


her name is Cassandra Lindsey Perry.
her blog is: neglectedmaiden.tumblr.com

she thinks she's witch and a dragon.

I'd rim that hole for days


Wow, this is pretty horrible and hard to look away from.

how many fucking posts are on this site? WTF

i appears she's live at the moment.
user asked her a question just a minute ago and she replied.

Diary: 8/21/2010

Last Wens I was arrested for throwing soft-shelled corn tortillas with
dogshit at the Taco Bell in Algood.

Those fuckers had it coming.

I suspect they were putting Limeaway in my Mt. Dew.

You don’t fuck with the FEMDRAGON.

They didn’t know they were fucking with a future centerfold.

What Jeff Did

He spread my sex apart with clothespins and hammered my clit with his giant woodcock.

He slid a lit match into my asshole.

The drank his burbon and spit it into my pussy.

That’s what he did

I've been on the net since '96 and i've been browsing Sup Forums since maybe '07.

I've seen a lot of strange shit and read a lot of odd pasta.

But i've never seen this much weird shit in one place at one time.




A witch and a dragon? Holy shit, she's nuttier than squirrel poo.

Then you haven't seen enough yet, son.

I can almost see the smell
[spoiler]would hit[/spoiler]

Someone should send her a link to this thread. We might get to see some crazy go down.

oldfag here.
Cassandra, aka Lady Lindsey has been around awhile. Sup Forums has known about her for a while but everytime she pops up, user comes on too strong and she Deletes Fucking Everything.

One time, she even met a handful of local anons and had groupsex with them.

Then, she comes to Sup Forums and posts pics of fuckfest to prove that she's "hot enough to fuck" since user called her a landwhale and un-fuckable.

This bitch is a major lolcow, but she's legit crazy. She's hard to fuck with because she literally gives 0 fucks.
She has no family or job. so it's impossible to troll her.

It's best to just laugh and walk away. This is the kind of girl that will literally kill you.



November 2, 2016
Amber Waves of Pain

Tick tock. Tick tock.
Thick cock. Thick cock.

I sip my coffee and stretch my legs.
My civic duty calls. BALLOT STAMPER.

The bitch or the blowhard.
What difference does it make? We’re fucked.

King Obama laughs from his throne of gilded skulls. He will not pass the scepter.

Despite this knowledge. I will cast my vote on the chance the Lord Jesus will save us.

From his divine rod, pours the milk of salvation.

~Lady Lindsey

The prior work of user, I assume.

bets on what STDs she's got

>>visited her site
>>read a post about Sasquatch Sex
>>want to die

Yeasty af


>>Apparently this is legit. Found this on her page.

November 1, 2009
Diary: 11/1/2009

Dear diary.

Well. Here I am after a long night of conquering morons. It looks like I won this battle after all. Let me explain.

As I told you before. These idiots from a site called 4-Chan found my blog thanks to Jeffrey. They said terrible things in my comments (which I’ve now deleted and disabled). Things like, I was fat, I looked like a whale, etc.

One local guy from Tennessee Tech even left comments. He has the GALL to call me a “landwhale” so I told him to come say it to my face. He said “ok.” So I told him to meet me in person at El Tapatio.

Well, guess what? He had a pair after all. He showed up. Granted, he brought two of his frat brothers with him. He wasn’t so bold in person. I had them all eating out of my hand in less than a half an hour.

Before I knew it, they were literally BEGGING for my body. That’s when a plan hit me…

The four of us walked across the parking lot the Best Western and had group sex. Yep. That’s right. I let these guys have their way with me. Why do you ask?

Well. If i’m so ugly and disgusting, why on earth would they want to fuck me?

They wouldn’t.

So yeah.

Looks like I win.
Boom. I got the treat. They got the trick.

Filed under diary


Yep, I didn't make those.

Her first post:

Dear Diary,

Hi. I’m being forced to write in you by Dr. Fuckhead. I have a list of shit I have to address so here we go.

My name is Cassandra Lindsey Perry from Baxter, TN.

I am a good person.

But like everyone else, I am not perfect and that is acceptable.

I promise to write here as a condition of my treatment (BUT REMEMBER YOU SAID I CAN EXPRESS MYSELF… **DON’T LIKE IT DON’T READ IT!** )

October 30, 2009

Princess here. I know you think you’re SOOOOOOO cool and “l33t”. Leaving me ugly comments and photoshopping my pictures. Some of you even tried to get in my Facebook. Just give up. You can’t win.

You really don’t know who you’re messing with… I can do things. I will do these things.

GODDAMN EVEN AS I TYPE THIS, I’m getting emails from yahoo about you idiots trying to get into my email. IT WON’T HAPPEN!!! I’m TOO SMART FOR YOU.

THAT’S IT!!!! It’s time to pull rank!!

By the power vested in me by the Glitterland Celestial board of womanhood I hereby SENTENCE ALL 4CHANNEL PEOPLE TO NO SHITTING FOR 1 WEEK!!! - Let’s see how you like that! HAH!

And YOU! JEFF. Don’t think I’ve forgotten about you. This is your fault! You shared my dreamworlds with these neanderthals. You are no longer my fantasy mountain main. oh nooooo! From this day forth, I christen thee: TURDLORD.

What you don’t know… I’m cooking something up.

~Princess Lindsey
Filed under FACT

Message to Jeff (NO ONE ELSE READ)

I know you read this.


I’m STILL single… and LOOKING.

You should give me a call. I’ll put my tongue in your butt.

Been sat here reading the shit on her tumblr, I genuinly think she's mad,
She actually needs help or something

She DOES have an ED article. but it's old as fuck


Candy for Jeff **NO ONE ELSE LOOK**

Not sure why you’re not writing me back… I KNOW YOU READ THIS.

So, it’s Halloween and I wanted you to know that I made this for you out of candy necklaces. it took me over an hour….

come get it…

wtf... does the bitch not realize anyone can see that shit?

"no one else read"


>I christen thee TURDLORD

>You should give me a call. I’ll put my tongue in your butt.
well you sold me

ok... how do we contact this crazy twat?

I wanna hit it

She's already responded once on her tumblr.

she has very recent blog posts, just ask shit on there

This is her second ever post. Seems pretty angsty but normal. Talks about being in therapy. Working backwards to the present you can seriously see the decline of her mental state.

Diary: 03/27/2006

Dear Diary.

Ok. So.

As requested, I’m going to calm down and do this diary thing as I’ve been instructed.

My name is Cassandra Lindsey Perry. But only my mother called me Cassandra. I don’t like her and I don’t talk to her. So everyone calls me Lindsey.

I am keeping this diary as part of an agreement with my therapist.

I’m 19, almost 20. But even though I’m a legal adult, I get treated like I’m a child. I have obsessive-compulsive disorder and Schizoaffective disorder. In a nutshell, I’m crazy and I have papers to prove it.

When I was still a baby, my mother (aka: the dead-to-me whore) left my father and abandoned me in the process. I was raised by dad until I was 9. When he was locked up for sexually molesting me. Since then, I have been in foster care. Most recently, I have lived with Mr. and Mrs. Taylor in Baxter.

For the last six months, I have been petitioning my case officer to allow me to move out and manage my own affairs. I have not had a violent episode in over three years.I have proven myself to have a strong work ethic by babysitting my cousin’s newborn daughter. And, I have also demonstrated my ability to maintain normal social relationships. I have been dating my boyfriend for three months now.

If, I am allowed to manage my own affairs, I plan to move in with him (Shaun) and work on getting a real job.

Imported from Blogger 3/27/2006

Diary: 9/17/2016

Dear Diary,

I suppose considering my current state of affairs, it is time to provide you with an update.

For the last two days I’ve been living in a tent in my front yard because I’m afraid to go into my house. The other morning I discovered my home was haunted by both the Devil himself and the ghost of Tupac Shakur.

Smudging didn’t do shit.

But at least I’m not longer a black girl. That fucking sucked.

Let me tell you. getting possessed and poly-morphed into another race is a fucking drag. But I guess that explains why Tupac thinks he is my boyfriend.

Yes, you could say that a lot has happened since I last wrote here.

In summary,

Two weeks ago, I accidentally opened my demon bottle. Yep. You guessed it. Snatchblack got out and opened the door to the Devil. I called 911 and told them to come get him, but they thought I was crazy. Sooooo I decided to take matters into my own hands and I called the police a second time and told them I was going to hurt myself. While they were on the way I prepared a potion of protection and when they arrived I tried to show them what was inside, but they freaked out and put me in Moccasin Bend for a few days. PS. They never did arrest the Devil so when I got home he was still there hiding in the sunbeams mocking me.

While i was gone, someone broke it and stole my pet ferret, my Fifty Shades novel collection and my fucking television. I went on Facebook to make a post about it and I saw a picture Paige had posted. In the background… I noticed my fucking TV on her wall. That CUNT broke in and stole my shit while I was in the hospital. So, officially, for the fucking records. PAIGE IS NO LONGER MY BFF.

I’m not sure what I’m going to do next. But I will keep you updated.


I fuck a lot of bitches off of CL. Accidently fucking one like this is one of my worst fears.

She posts pictures of different women.... it's a troll. Look at the tits, sometimes she has ghostnips, other times they're small and pink. Sometimes her pussy looks like a giant hairy black hole with sagging lips, other times it looks smelly but otherwise human.

Trouble in Paradise

Diary: 8/19/2006

Dear Diary,

Shaun is being a fucking prick. He yelled at me tonight because I was listening to my Clay Aiken CD in my Discman and he said he could still hear it. He told me that his ears don’t like to hear that “faggot music” and if he heard it one more time, he was going to break my CD.

Well. Fuck him. If he breaks my CD, I’m going to straight up break his heart and take my hot body somewhere else.

I’m so sick of his fucking shit, that I’m going out to karaoke with some girls from work this weekend and he can fuck right off.

>I should callus my anus by using it as a bottle opener
> he explains it will come in handy on march 7 2017
> god only knows whats planned
> but i will be ready

i noticed that too. but then when I look closer she always has the same mole (below tits)
it's the same girl but it seems her weight goes up and down

same girl, she seems addicted to mayonnaise and to be following a diet sometimes

to think there is a psychiatrist that has to read all this shit in order to make sure she's still alive and taking her treatment
he probably fucks her too


From the bumper of his Nova he beckons me.
“Come here girl! I got a present for ya!”
My obedience is rewarded with a lift of his leg and a shot of stink in the face.
He’s pulled this prank so many times today that I can smell the stench of his fart lingering in my hair…

I am a tool for his amusement.
He is a vile thing. He likes to consume a variety of foods in hope of fermenting new and exotic gas. Its like a science experiment to him. He keeps a journal.

Today’s project consisted of Egg McMuffins at dawn.
Three mugs of black coffee.
Tuna Fish Sandwich for lunch, chased with a Miller Highlife.

He won’t dump his bowels until he’s gassed me. That’s his game. If I vomit I lose

Tonight I plan to win.

He refuses to feed me when were playing the game. Tonight, he’s going to finish the mix with reheated Chinese lo mein from a cardboard takeout box. I have to watch him gobble down the concoction of greasy noodles and other unidentifiable Asian morsels.

What he doesn’t know is, the day we went to the buffet to obtain said leftovers, I slyly stole a chopstick and concealed it in my sock.

Tonight, when he has me in the chair, forcing me to look directly into his straining asshole. I will shank his shitter with a stake of Asian wood…

No glaucoma test tonight daddy.

I win.

So this girl smokes crack right

i think that ship sailed a long time ago.

now she just writes in it cuz she wants to

Message to Kim


I waited for you in front of Waffle House and you NEVER SHOWED< BITCH

FYI…. the NEXT TIME YOU TALK TO HIM, I’m going to equip the following items.

>>I’m going to equip the following items.

WowCow confirmed

nah that's just your typical trump voter

correction good sir.
In her poem titled "Amber Waves of Pain", she slams both Trump and Hillary.

Libfag detected. Appease him by throwing WIC vouchers and food stamps at his mother.

Anyone have any private wins of this fuckcow, I find this strangely erotic, I bet her pussy smells like trash. I'd fuck this crazy bitch.

I'd like to see her gangbang pics but I doubt anyone saved those.

Oh Lawd have mercy

I feel sorry for whoever Jeff was.

I'm wondering if he was ever real at all or just a one night stand that saw the crazy and ran.

I don't know, but this is really some level of crazy to not be able to notice it right off the bat.

Crazy is good at hiding itself for a while in order to get sex.

Jeff Hodson apparently.

Idk of Jeff is real or made up, but if he is/was real, sounds like this cunt loves to get her poon pounded by him....maybe he's just a dildo? Maybe he was some dude taking advantage of her, knowing full well she's crazy. I find it pretty hot that she's a nasty filthy fuckbag tho.

She calls him a hacker at some point, so he either doesn't exist or it's not a real name.

This chick is straight insane and should be in a facility somewhere.

I'm assuming someone catfished this crazy bitch.

Here's a good example:

Ok sackless.

It’s time to NUT UP OR SHUT UP.

You want this dick holster? PROVE IT.


BULL SHIT!!!!!!!



DO you understand?!?@?@!?@$!?@#!!!?!

IT WILL BE THE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TIME YOU GET A PEEK AT IT!

JEFFREY DANIEL HODSON! (You know i’m pissed when i say YOUR FULL NAME)

Come give mommy some sugar. Asparagus dick.


Her asshole is huge.

It has to be for a demon to live in it


She has the worst kind of fat girl ass too. Somehow the rest of her can be fat but her ass is flat.

If we could find her I think she's up for sharpie in the pooper.

This is one of the greatest things I've ever seen...Lines like this: "I cum with the intensity of a Bill Clinton Denial."...I just...how can I laugh so hard and be so disgusted at the same time Sup Forums?

Apparently someone doxxed her and posted on a site called "you got posted" ???? Any anons willing to dig around and find the gold?

some of her pics look like someone had to be there to take it?? Jeff???

I mean this is 10 years of continual crazy. Gold.

I just stumbled on this thread. I fucking know lindsey and jeff IRL
I'm text this to him right now

Sent this to THE jeff


Jeff is joining the thread!!

I swear to fucking christ

Someone make a new thread now

All hail Jeff!

So what's the story??? Care to share?
Also Jeff looks a bit young.

I am the jeff that Lindsey refers to. Ask me anything.