I cheated on my gf with an escort last weekend. I received unprotected head, but we had sex with a condom

I cheated on my gf with an escort last weekend. I received unprotected head, but we had sex with a condom.

Since then I have been living in a state of constant terror. I think I have a itchy/tickle urethra, aching balls from time to time, and I struggle to get an erection. I don't have any discharges, spots, or anything else. I do feel nauseous all the time but this could be due to stress and fear.

I'm due to get tested tomorrow but now have discovered it will take a few days for the results to come back. I've also been putting off sex with my partner for 1 week now and soon she will get very suspicious. If there are any med people here what is the likelihood that I have a STD from this unprotected oral please, does it match my symptoms and do you think I'd be safe to have sex with my partner?

You got the herps.

It sounds more like herpes. Unfortunately, once you got it its incurable. It stays in your nervous system for life. Complications range from painful open sores to blindness. You can give it to your future offspring if birthed through the vaginally canal. In fact, the baby can die because of its unnatural immune system or become blind. Good luck.

You're good bro. Its all in your head. just be more careful next time.

Your symptoms indicate that you have the initial stages of a genital herpes infection. Good luck with that.

It's probably lupus

Its aids. Youve got the aids, op.

I am a doctor, and I can asure you it's definitely AIDS.

Get out.

Herpes is literally nbd symptoms will go away after a couple weeks to a month. You'll give it to your partner tho.

In fact most of the STIs are nbd and treatable, just HIV is the big scary one

what these guys said. started the same way with me unfortunatelly. without the cheating tough

If you're living in fear and have anxiety the last thing you should do is go to the internet for help haha.

Talk to the doctor and get their opinion.


You got guilty dick disease. Psychosomatic symptoms caused by cheating.

Or antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea crossed with AIDS.

have you noticed how trendy Lupus have become lately? Every other day there's a new actor or actress who 'comes out' as living with Lupus. Check it out. It's bizarre. I think Hollywood has run out of weird dietary practices to draw attention with

Shit I did something sort of this risky not too long ago
>12 year GF got several unprotected blowies from my slutty neighbor {57 guys}
I know she's had siph several times and i'm 95% sure on the herp as well

Pretty sure that's a bullet I dodged

No open sores around escort's mouth = insignificant chance of getting herpes.

It's been 4 days. Just relax.

If you can't tell your partner that you cheated, fine. But don't give her an std. That's fucked up. Why should your girlfriend have to pay for your retarded decisions? If your results are positive, tell your girlfriend. If you don't, I hope you live the rest of your life in guilt, you piece of shit.

My balls are aching though. That's the only real symptom.

yeah what this guy said, deff tell her

I found the femanon. tits or gtfo bitch.

You can still get herpes or warts with a condom. If any of her fluids or old open sores touched a breach in skin it can be transmitted
Did this escort have any small circular scars around the perennial area or any noticeable bumps?

>this guy
how many virgins have thrown themselves at you today white knight?

You want tits from a chick who's cheating ex boyfriend gave her aids?

you have aids and you are going to die. Sorry OP

Yes. Yes i do.

All of you are idiots. The chance, as a guy, of catching anything from oral is about .000001%. Seriously. Everything you're experiencing is psychosomatic. For fucks sake, even a simple Google search will give you all the proof you need that I'm right. Why would you even come to the bastion of middle school virgins to ask about this anyway? Are you retarded?

>i have a terminal illness fetish
>need aids tits

we all do. now present them or GIT DA FUK OOOOOWT

Dubs confirms

So I'm either a femanon or a white knight if I have enough decency to believe that someone doesn't deserve a fucking STD because of their retarded partner cheating on them?

I never say this unironically, but I say this now with complete honesty in my heart... Kill yourselves. Please, do humanity a favor and fucking kill yourselves. Hopefully, your future children die from an std. I'm going to laugh when you cry like a little bitch about it, faggots.

what's even the point having an STD if you can't pass it on?

There never was a femanon was there guys?


>look how high and mighty i am with all my morals and ethics i'm so fucking great everybody be impressed with me

Should've wrapped it up for the oral too mate Aids is scary as shit you're gana die a horrific death and prolly alone also cause no one really gives a shit if they're loved one has aids, cancer sure but aids no thanks

>Found the asshole

>look at me, I'm edgy and cool and quite contrarian against morality and human decency

Fuck off, faggot. It's no wonder Sup Forums has a stereotype of permavirgins. You're the poster child of every edgy 14 year old who browses this shitty board.


This is fucking, not square dancing you brain dead feminist. You can say girlfriend you P.C. bitch

Are you certain you're on the right board?

I got herpes 10 years ago. Have painful outbreaks every few months. It makes having a gf impossible, there's constant guilt (it can be spread even with condom), and it is painful. Makes me want to kill myself and I've stopped having sex completely. Not my idea of 'nbd'.

To me, sounds like its all in your head man. Severe mental stress can lead to physical manifestations fyi.

>my moralfaggotry knows no bounds

just have anonymous sex, dumbass. if they can't find you after it's not big deal.

Gj, had the same "symptons" turned out to be chlamydia..

My buddy got genital warts had them removed then two weeks later fucked a broad and gave her genital warts turns out just cause they go away doesn't mean you're cured
On the bright side now they're a couple because no one else will touch them

You should pray to science it's chlamydia at least that's curable

when I read this
I Imagine I am the sole survivor on the planetcracker ishimura, I find an audiolog and I listen to this shit, and think to myself, what a douchebag, then I get ambushed by a necromorph and I wrestle with it, I win the fight and stomp its face in - time to get that relay antenna back online

>omeone doesn't deserve a fucking STD because of their retarded partner cheating on them?
>Hopefully, your future children die from an std.
wow. i agree that OP is an asshole but come on, you've got some issues.

>just have anonymous sex, dumbass. if they can't find you after it's not big deal.

I don't know what the fuck you're talking about but goddamn it I enjoyed reading it


It's 2016 and everyone is still giving the faggot white knight attention

holly shit!

your partner gets suspicious if you don't have sex for a week? that is awesome

You'd probably be butthurt if your partner did that to you, let alone gave you an STI.

Bad shit op, break up with your girl and start using your right hand because that's all you have now

My girlfriend gets confused when we don't have sex everyday


Don't have anymore saved it from a college babe thread I'm sure there's still one out there

I am married and fuck a hooker from time to time, just for kicks and to treat myself to some occasional variety. I usually get unprotected head and always bag it for vaginal or anal penetration.

I've been with quite a few women, and have never had problems. I'm guessing that you are just fine. It sounds to me as though you are tripping yourself out and simply experiencing anxiety.

My routine? Pick carefully...no skanks. It's worth the extra $100-200 for a higher-class escort. Always pee immediately after the session. Then wash junior down with warm soap and water, and rub some hand sanitizer all over him. Stings a little, but it beats the alternative.

This may sound nuts, but it has worked for me.

What an autistic faggot.
> Heh look at me no morals hehe im so edgy hehe yeah go ahead and infect the entire world with stds lel i wouldnt care if someone gave me an std without telling me

thanks bro

>Virgin spotted