Will we ever see another rock star on the level of Hendrix, Morrison, Page, Cobain, etc.?

Will we ever see another rock star on the level of Hendrix, Morrison, Page, Cobain, etc.?

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Of course we will. The ideology of the rock star will be reinvented of that I'm sure, it just might take a bit.

i dont know

yeah, he's called william toledo jk

i hope never

Could you repeat the question?

You already did.

You're not the boss of me now

i was going to say either him, julian or marilyn manson



>cobain on the same level as hendrix

in terms of popularity he was, which is a huge factor in determining a rock star.


Hendrix will always be remembered as the greatest and most influential guitarist of all time, Cobain pales in comparison.

Jack White and Noel Gallagher are they only two people that have come close

This is now a Gerard thread

Wags the Dog is the next Jimi


uhh James Murphy kind of

No it's not.

Go to your room. Now.




In ten years? No. Twenty years? Maybe. Social media + smart phones have made it so people don't have to focus on fawning over celebrities and rockstars anymore. They can focus and fawn over each other.

Depending on how politics move in the next 20 years, I'd say this attitude of extreme narcissism will die down and we'll see some individuals in music who will capture the eye of millions like they used to.

Ultimate rock star.


celebrity culture is pretty big and twitter amplifies that, its just that there are a lot more "rockstars" to pick and choose from, not to mention subcultures/genres. you would have to be really fucking versatile and universal to appeal to the amount of people that hendrix or cobain did


*last rock star

The genre dies with him.

anyone else waiting for Old Gerard to make an amazing solo album and become our new guy

The first sentence is right, but it's not "special" anymore. I'm not talking nostalgia; you have an unending feed into the rockstar or celebrity's thoughts 24/7. Whereas you saw them in your town or the bigger city over once a year, so it was infinitely more special.

But more than that, you have an unending feed into your friend's lives. The youtube and instagram "stars" for the new generation.

he's always secretly been /ourguy/


nirvana was bigger in their era than hendrix ever was in his, pretty sure thats what hes saying


Frusciante before he went full retard and left the Peppers

Buckethead maybe


Already happening

is Ty Seagall bretty gud?

early 2000s em was the biggest rockstar of all time

honestly the Strokes but no one will admit that, also the Strokes peaked almost twice as long ago as is the timeframe between Cobain's death and their emergence :^/

fuck me actually its more than twice as long ago, what the fuck

only if you're playing fast and loose with the term "rock star," and if you are then you're definitely right and this is the only valid answer

What do you mean exactly, guitar wise or being an icon ?

The only two good answers. "Rock" is dead.

The only thing that links those people is hype and commercial success.
So, probably not.

If a rock performer wanted to be billboard top 10 material, what would he have to do?
If he did these things, would he be taken seriously?


Morello when he was part of RATM imo was pretty awesome

Name a better rock (& roll) band that also had mainstream success

Tom York and the Radiomen

Jack White maybe

yo dog in 10 years people are going to talk about Tomas Kalnoky and say stuff like
>lyrical genius
>made the only good "ska" band
>made punk actually require skill and sound NOT like shite
>he's hot af worked with more than 2 other people and had a 4 man horn section in his command... aka LEADER

better is subjective, but there have been bigger and more iconic rock stars

gallagher brothers, thom yorke for definite

Probably not

John Mayer maybe

Radiohead is fair, although they predate the Strokes, so doesn't really count as "the last."

Definitely not Oasis though, they were only truly successful in the UK

>rock star

kys yourself

>Definitely not Oasis though, they were only truly successful in the UK

wouldn't be so sure. sold 70 million records worldwide, roughly 15 million domestically

strong identity too, for better or worse

Yes, of course. It's been happening pretty consistently throughout human history so far.

Stop thinking like a consumerist drone.



>i need porn

Looks like thin AdmiralBulldog

Mfw I bought expensive tickets for Peppers concert and later found out that Frusciante has left the band


To op answer is no, new generations are focused in pop music from america and asia and sex rap, saddly every sub genre of rock, classic or folkclore music of the legends have gone with the passage of the decades, new generations will never understand how magical is listen to rock n' roll from the 50's or the 80's or ochestal music, music is passion not a money machine, saddly I was too late to discover that sir christopher lee was a great singer

I forgot to mention that the other thing that killed music besides money was the abuse of drugs

the funny thing is people are saying this exact same thing in every period of history, from the renaissance about antiquity, to antiquity and their predecesors


It was only a big deal then because rock was new. The lyrical content is almost on par with today's. And most of this is false nostalgia; you didn't live in that time so it's somewhat foreign to you from now. Everyone in every century always loved the older stuff and complained about the new.

A current rock star is probably Pete Wentz or whoever the fuck it is everyone likes in fall out boy

Nothing new, rocks a little stale commercially. Everyone's just redoing stuff and not doing anything new like those guys for their time.
Thom Yorke, maybe.

I agree on that, but this future shows that people will soon forget what was considered music knowledge

it should be



Pick one.

that album was honestly so sick

And you're not so big


That's not even true.

the last one

When I was 14 I thought Tomas Kalnoky was a lyrical genius but time and time again after trying to revisit Streetlight I've proven my old self wrong. Guy reuses lines like a motherfucker and a lot of them simply aren't all that great to begin with.

>made punk actually require skill and sound NOT like shite

Been done numerous times

>moderately talented druggie
>massively hyped by the industry
>kills self

There's your new Cobain.

>moderately talented

stopped reading there


Literally who

here FOUR of them

They've been replaced with pop stars and rap stars. The phenomenon is still there.



I am the next 91' Frusciante, got my Strat, got my SSL-1, got my abs, waiting to get my buzz cut on

>living under a rock


>I am the next 91' Frusciante
so a smackhead?

I mean the the rock star still exists but there not swarmed by the media as much now because of how diverse music is now. In each style of music there are the ideas and the bands/musicians that are the most popular in that type of music and those people are the rock stars of our modern world

