Why didn't he run in zig zag?

why didn't he run in zig zag?

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at the distance he was at he would've had ample time to dodge arrows if he was running backwards and watching the trajectory. Arrows travel in an arch after

To be fair this stark didn't do jack shit the entire fucking show. I would have actually have been surprised if he had the IQ to even zig zag or roll a bit around to dodge those arrows.

I always wante for him to groww up as a bad ass and claim the north by his own. But davib fuck that up for me

he was a duck fucking shit who should have sprinted immediately and serpentined

you are all retarded, even with a modern composite bow hitting that little shit in 3 shots is incredibly difficult

because PLOT

wasnt it four shots

I think that Ramsay missed the first ones just to screw with both of them. Specially the second one, it looks as if he didn't even try. He killed him just in time.

He spent the last six years (about half his life) being dragged around the woods by a goblin. You really think he'd have learned proper arrow dodging technique?

Plus it was against the rules.

ain't no shit with a modern bow if he's running in a straight line from you

Fuck him, more important is how the fuck bodies got pilled like that?

because he's fred flintstone

But why would Ramsey release a boy before shooting him with an arrow

That look on his face tho


There was a powerful magnet in his heart. Ramsay knew that any shot that came close would get pulled straight there. No need to worry.

Why this episode sucked besides the cool battle effects cuz fuck logic amirite

>Dany riding Drogon together with the two other dragons taking 2 long mins to burn just a ship lol
>Burning 1 ship out of 100s and the battle is over
>Slavers obviously knew all about the dragons part before but why bother preparing for them?
>Literally a handful of Sons of the Harpy getting charged by 10 000 dothraki just /facepalm
>Yara making a pact with Dany cuz feminism
>Sansa mad cuz not knowing anything about military tactics yet blaming sexism cuz muh feelings
>No Ghost
>Rickon running a straight line and not zig zag like some smartass
>Jon acting like a smartass too, falling for the trap and charging cuz muh feelings
>Jon having a magical anti-arrow shield
>Wildling army & co having zero fucking brains and allowing the spearmen to flank & circle them
>The vale arriving very last second when almost all are dead already military strategy 101
>Seeing Jon climbing out of the deathpit alone while Wun Wun & army still fighting spearmen back in the middle of the deathpit
>Next scene Tormund and Wun Wun magically appearing next to Jon cuz teleport is cool
>Ramsay shooting Wun Wun instead of Jon cuz killing a half-dead giant is more important

and on and on and on...

Just stop rushing shit and remove stupid scenes like the thousands Dothraki charging into a dozen Sons of the Harpy I mean jeez.... Quality is better than quantity scenes and stop this teleportation shit!

At least they didn't say "fire" like in LotR


>Jon having a magical anti-arrow shield

So just a shield?

Useless to the very end. Literally the worst Stark, and that's a pretty low bar as it is.

god your dads did not beat you fags enough

Why didn't he hid behind the burnign cross?

oh god can't unhear


>Wildling army & co having zero fucking brains and allowing the spearmen to flank & circle them

Did you miss the part where Tormund had no idea about basic strategy?

did you have a stroke while writing this or are you just a fucking retard?

why didn't he just do this ?

Tormund and the wildlings were not the only ones fighting in the army, you had everyone else too that didn't give a fuck and just watched them flank and circle them.

Wow so unique! so smart, so edgy, so brash, so bold, so contrarian, so intellectually superior, a true patrician, a free spirit, a free thinker, an unique snowflake, clearly you can see what the rest of the population can't because you're so gifted, you have a talent unlike no other, no one but you could deliver these unique pieces of criticism that shows why thing that people enjoy is actually shit.

Can I follow your blog? You clearly are a renown critic famous for his incredible critical thinking skills and unique thought provoking arguments, I would JUST die if I couldn't follow your blog and have these incredibly amazing deep criticisms of popular media by (you), please have mercy on this poor pleb's soul and give me your blog so I can follow you, I'm just DYING to see what you criticize next, I'm sure it will be an incredible eye opening experience just like this one.

My you must be so popular, you must have thousands of followers ready to die for you if need be, eagerly awaiting your next thought provoking piece barely able to contain their orgasms as you hit enter and deliver that next blogpost, only to get an outstanding ovation, dozens of new followers, and the cycle repeats as your loyal fans wait for your next masterpiece of critique.

He thinks "muh feelings" is a valid criticism. Please just stop watching.

Under that lighting he would've barely been able to see a single arrow until it was right on top of him, he was fucked no matter what.

Here comes Professor Arrow

How the fuck does Ramsay have such good aim anyway?


These beaners had some sense at least.

evil robin hood

Why didn't Santa prevent part of the slaughter by informing Jon of the Vale's future appearance ?
Coming too early could've been bad but they clearly came late.

Because then he wouldn't have died dramatically just before his brother could reach him.

>No Ghost

Because he would've been slaughtered in the first clash, if not from the initial volleys?

How is that "quantity over quality"?

It's his superpower, incredibly good aim

Nathan is immortal and Curtis can time travel and I forgot what the chav can do.

You do sound rather butthurt.

user raised mostly valid points

His brothers practiced archery. Maybe he was instructed as well. He should have an idea that arrows have a trajectory from observation.

>stopped watching after season 1
>read the books
>randomly caught tonight's episode
This show is just flat out fan fiction now, right?

>cool battle effects

>spears a half inch too long

Go watch a documentary

It's not like books are any good you fucking tard.
Show doesn't take up as much time and is also shit, why would you read that trash?

Running straight was his best chance to be a king. If he ran in a zig-zag, everybody will know him as a fool, so he wouldn't be able to be king. He did it for honor.

>Tommen's Square

How come Robb didn't attack this first?

I was sick and had nothing else to do.

Yep, pretty much.

You got Jon taking over Stannis storyline. Davos and Melly are magically loyal to Jon now.

Tyrion and Dany are bffs now..
Dany can now magically control her dragons..

The spears were okay

The shields were stupidly tall

Don't forget Mance and Shireen are dead in the show.

Oh yea

And Dorne..

If Ramsay had shot Jon right then that would have gotten him killed a second later. By trying to fight Jon "one on one" he had a small chance of survival.

I was watching the episode and when this scene unfolded I knew there would be a fuckin post about this.

I have no clue desu but I think an arrow fired by a skilled bowman is hard to react to anyways. Also Rickon was an incompetent little faggot anyways.

why didn't he run in zig zag?

It's basic logic you retard, he didn't even need to see the arrow. Just the moment it left the bow it was, presumably leading the target and aimed ahead of where he was running.

Sure theres a chance it skews to the left, he runs to the left and still gets hit, but way less so than running in a straight line.

I think he was referring to the 3-4 fuckhuge volleys that all magically missed him.


>Show doesn't take up as much time

Hmm, I don't know about that. 10 episodes in a season, an hour an episode. Each season is roughly one of the books.

10 hours each would be reading the books pretty fast, but you could get through them.

Why would sansa honor him if he won 1v1? Why would Tormund? Why would anyone?

Nigga was fucked either way, least he could have done was take Jon with him.

He's not a real magician

>10 hours each would be reading the books pretty fast

> cavalry charge in which the first guys in the charge instantly get taken out
>wall gets used as cover, horses begin falling on shot by arrows whilst stuck on the wall
> starks hide behind wall and climb over whilst being shot by arrows and slaughtered by umbers
> that phalanx forcing the wildlings to run up the wall while more boltons hide behind and kill them

Add Rickon to the list of characters who are now confirmed for doing nothing important in the books

If he had won 1 vs 1 Tormund maybe, might have actually respected that and not had Ramsay killed. It would also have looked bad politically for Sansa to execute him afterwards if he won the duel. She would have probably done it anyway, but it was still a chance to live a little longer and maybe find an attempt to escape.

Thats moderate reading speed.

Roughly a hundred pages an hour is not that quick

If he ran in zig zag he would have probably broken the "rules" of the game, and Ramsay would have just ordered his archers to barrage him.

It would be. At average reading speed of 300 wpm it would take 12 hours and 14 minutes to read Game of Thrones. And that would be reading straight through with no breaks at all.

To read it in 10 hours you'd need to be reading almost 500 words per minute.

>It would also have looked bad politically for Sansa to execute him afterwards if he won the duel.

How so? He already said no to the duel because 'lol i have the upper hand' how would anyone think hes honorable or that she would be shamed now that hes backed into a corner yelling 'I WANT AN HONORABLE DUEL!' after being a completely dishonorable cunt.

Shitty ass excuse for plot armor and nonsensical 'gasp' moment.

When Jon told his men to back down he accepted the duel and that's all that matters.

>dodge arrows
Oh look a retard that doesnt realize you cant see the arrows being shot at you, do you have any idea how fast those arrows are moving?

Which was after he shot WunWun in the face. Face it, nigga was dead either way, it was a stupid move from stupid directors and only stupid people will defend it.

I thought he would. I thought he would return a badass after living with cannibals during his upbringing.

How can Santa warn them if he can only travel in the middle of winter? It'd already be too late

Underrated post

I don't know man. Greywind seemed to get shit done in battle
He never was. he's like 6 years old but Davos is going to go get him now at the behest of Fat Manderly

And how Wun Weg Wun Dar Wun dies.

..he was propably a smarter tactician than Jon *sob*



That's a lot a fucking salt. Take it easy lad

>tfw no CIA quips at the defeated Ramsay Bolton


Based user.


rip in piss

>every stark is a mouth breathing retard in the show

Least D&D are sticking to the books in that respect.