Hey, Jon. I got the entire Vale army joining the battle

>Hey, Jon. I got the entire Vale army joining the battle,
>if you just hold the attack for like 30-60 minutes,
>we will have a superior force and thousands of our own doesn't need to die

She got thousands for dead souls on her conscious.
Will Jon hang her next episode for her poor decision making?

Which fight harder, 3000 men outnumbered 2:1 and know they're likely going to die, or 3000 men outnumbered 2:1 who know an army is going to show up at any minute and turn the odds overwhelmingly in their favor?

I'd be surprised if those guys would want to fight at all, just wait for the goddamn cavalry.

she didn't know whetherthe Vale knights were actually coming or whether they would make it in time.

she sent LF a letter but never received a response from him, and the last time the two of them talked she had threatened to kill him. it was entirely possible that he'd tell her to fuck off

The clue here is that she didn't mention it to Jon at all.

>hurr why didn't you ask me for advice
>what advice
>hurr we need more men

if dany doesn't fuck yara, this season is worse than 2

you mean she got thousands of wildlings killed. That's a good thing.

and now LF not only has the biggest, most rested army in the north, he has the only one

>why don't you ask me for advice!
Why doesn't she just interject? Nobody told her, "No talking in the war cabinet!"
She didn't have the guts to speak up in front of Tormund and Davos because her advice was pointless so she takes her resentment of her cowardice out on Jon.

It wouldn't have mattered. Jon went full retard the moment his brother showed up.
Hod he known about the reinforcement, he would have gone full retard just the same. It's like you think he knows anything.

> jon waits for little finger to arrive
> Ramsay sends 20 good men to burn his camp
> vale arrives
> Ramsay sees he is outnumbered and retreats to winterfell with his army intact, winning the siege
> sansa tells jon but they don't change the plan
refer to Quads related

Idiot. Vale army came the same fucking day. Ramsey's army would still be out in the open.

She knew Rickon was going to die no matter what and she wanted Jon to die in battle so she could completely claim Winterfell for herself.

Also CIA controls the Vale army and decides when they come in. Plus she wasn't 100% sure he was going to come at all.

>worse than 2
Whats wrong with season 2?

Nobody gets their morale raised by believing their defeat is inevitable. Waiting for Vale army to arrive and seeing their numbers would have given Jon's army a HUGE boost in confidence and spurred them to victory. Fighting to your demise is not a game plan.

Jokes on ramsey

He thought pitbulls where dindus and wouldnt harm their master


>thousands of our own
>our own
Sansa will keep the North pure and untainted by the snow white men.

Holy shit Jon Snow??!! Im no military expert, but lone charging an army has to be the WORST decision EVER.

How are the women with no military experience doing better than the men?

>she takes her resentment of her cowardice out on Jon
so many characters died, yet she of all got to survive
like even fucking rickon is a better and more valuable character and I doubt he had more than 2 lines of dialog the entire series

Are you retarded? It was all about "laying a trap" for Ramsay, she knew that if the Vale army had been accounted for tactical genius Ramsay would've outsmarted them. She had to omit their existence in order to have a chance against Ramsay.
Kek, faggot should've taken the chance to fight one on one, didn't he realize he would've won if he had taken his shirt off?

She didn't want Jon to know, because then Jon would play along with Ramsey knowing he's going to win, which would probably change the outcome of the battle. Jon isn't the smartest one.

hi retard you realize that this entire fight started specifically bc jon got emotional over his brother dying and charged head first into battle

even if he had known he was already making the kamikaze dive

get out

>Sansa should have told Jon
>Jon shouldn't have been a fucking retard and run into battle by himself

Why are Starks so fucking stupid?

wow he hes control of some rocky fields and dried forests that will soon become a snowy hellscape with little food in a few months. The Iron throne is almost his!

she is set up as a selfish ruthless bitch who will only deal with her own business. Fuck family lol

They just killed his brother. You wouldn't understand because you're low test. You're pretty much a woman.

Absolutely fucking wrong you dumbfuck idiot loser pussy ass bitch

You mean a mastiff?

The reaction would've been fine but what I didn't like about it was that Sansa specifically told him exactly this would happen hours earlier. Jon should've been able to reflect and known better with the info he had. If anything he was the one who acted like an emotional school girl, not acommander. Tormund even mouthed "don't do it" or something, everybody knew it was obvious bait.

> implying the battle lasted 30 minutes and not Atleast 3 hours you dumbshit

ok, let me rehash
the biggest, freshest, most neutral army in westeros, all thanks to not getting involved in the war
what other army can beat that?

>I'd be surprised if those guys would want to fight at all, just wait for the goddamn cavalry.

As they fucking should.

Littlefinger has the Vale, North and he is Lord Paramount of the Trident


Nothing I guess he is just waiting for the most smug possible moment to teleport it into the red keep.

Jon would need to hang himself then, too, because Sansa warned him that Rickon would die and Ramsay would bait him into doing something stupid and the dummy still fell for it.

>Bran gets caught by the Snow King
>Rickon somehow gets caught by Ramsey, must have been slacking around in the forest outside Winterfell all that time
>Aria thought it woulmd be smart to cross the faceless assassins after spending who knows how long training to become no one

There's no saving them.

yes this is a proven battle strategy, in ancient times often generals would send half their armies to their deaths because "they fight harder"

> forced to fight to the death
> know you'll die because you're outnumbered
> throw down your weapons to save them the trouble

That is the cutest dog ever.

No it's not you knobhead. I don't know in what fucking world you live in where the idea that fighting with a massive disadvantage and a small chance of victory would raise the spirits and willingness of your men to fight rather than having a bigger army would, or even the knowledge that back up is on its way.
Quads poster is a fucking retard, other poster is dumb enough to believe houses would follow a weak and fleeing Ramsey.

>>Rickon somehow gets caught by Ramsey, must have been slacking around in the forest outside Winterfell all that time
Rickon was crashing at the Umbers until they decided to hand him over because Jon brought Wildlings over the wall.

Where was ghost?

>the Umbers

Who the fuck are they?

>implying anyone will ever actually follow littlefinger and he isnt completely dependent on his pawns who will eventually betray him.

Couldn't afford the CG.

He is recognized by the king as lord paramount, if he blazes through the riverlands with the vale army then the riverland houses will pledge to him and he will have his own subjects

>They just killed his brother.

It doesn't matter, he's the commanding leader. What's his army suppose to do if he isn't directing them? What was he going to accomplish charging? Jon was willing to jeopardize ALL his men for his dead brother?
He even knew they were outmatched.

This is some really poor story telling.

Basically made Jon look like a retard so Sansa could shine a little more. Has Linda said anything about this yet?

And even worse than that, after all that shit he let's the dogs do the killing because reasons.

Ned Stark's closest allies and advisors. Basically the epitome of every virtue that the northerners possess. Until they're suddenly not. To be fair, they are strong enemies of all things Wildling from the start.

even if that were true he is still only acting in place of robin, no one is directly loyal to him.

was Rickon the most useless character in the entire show? he literally did nothing for 6 Seasons. NOTHING.

>forced to fight to the death
Like Stannis' men were when they saw Ramsey's army, right? Jon's army was obligated to fight. They were only forced to fight when they were completely surrounded but this whole conversation is about if Jon and his men had known about the Vale army willing to join their forces BEFORE they fought.

blazes through to do what? kill the king? Who is giving him the authority in the riverlands in the first place? Seems kinda contradictory.

If word gets out little finger helped the starks take winterfell he would be branded a traitor before he got back to the riverlands.

But I guess if his plan is to marry sansa and then he saved edmure, and had edmure swear loyalty to him he would have an army half as big as the lannister + tyrell + crownlands.

That's why they killed him off.

Yeah, it was ridiculous. Also, the "cavalry charge saves the day when all seems to be lost" is overdone at this point. Tywin at King's Landing, Stannis behind the wall, and now this...

>if you just hold the attack for like 30-60 minutes
Are you all retarded?
Jon couldn't do that because they were about to kill Rickon.

>implying she didn't want jon and the wildlings to die
Darth Sansa is ebil.

Nothing it was the last good one.

They could've had the Arryns sneak in behind the Boltons, take Winterfell, and fly their banners from the battlements at the critical moment. This would have completely demoralized the Bolton troops, causing them to desert and Ramsey to get apprehended while displaying Littlefinger's advantage over the Starks instead of subjecting the Boltons to divine punishment for their sins and making Littlefinger and Jon jolly comrades on the field of battle.

thats exactly what i thought

Ramsey had 20 good men along his side against Stannis

And the part where Ramsay suggest they fight each other, yet he keeps shooting arrows at him?
If Jon blocked one arrow, why wouldn't he block the other arrows? sigh

What was his plan anyway?
Grab Rickon and get arrowed to the face?

fuck Rickon, even stupid Sansa told him Rickon is kill

The actor was so bad that they only gave him 2 lines in the whole series. BIG SURPRISE THAT HE DIED

It was all a ruse by GRRM.

The series is obviously political.
They are all portrayed as competent and good, and the only ones good enough to rule the 7 kingdoms.

>Men are all dumb trash
>all hail the women
>Clinton for 2016!

And yet the scene leading to his demise was so fucking long. Like you were supposed to care for some reason.

whos linda

Cane Corso

the point was to build up jon's decision to fuck up

If the blackfish made it to winterfell he would've slapped the shit out of Jon for doing something that was so fucking stupid.

>it's an user doesn't understand emotions episode

>she didn't know whetherthe Vale knights were actually coming
>Literally seen next to LF on the other side of the battlefield

>it's an user doesn't understand emotions episode
emotions are for women and faggots

>All that fanfiction about Rickon gathering a tribe of cannibals who ride unicorns
>nah he was chilling down the road for 2 years
>Varys fucking spies never found him

Was Sansa aware that Reddit dwarf had Neds bones sent back to Winterfell after she asked where is he when Jon said bury him next to our father?

This battle was so dumb

They spend a bunch of money for this shit and fired a lot of actors FOR THIS PIECE OF SHIT

Why did Sansa smile at the end when her brother was just murdered that same day?

You stupid? He is Ramsay.

Guess that's why your image is so edgy

>brotherly love is for womyn and faggots
Turbo Autists

How does anyone enjoy television with this degree of autism?

Jonn had Ramsay taken away literally a few minutes ago after beating him up in front of Sansa though

And the immediate scene after her asking about where he is is her confronting Ramsay. Why would she ask for where Ned's remains are just to cut to that? She wasn't the one to bury Rickon.

I know right? You'd think they'd be able to enjoy autistic writing.

if they had waited for the kniggits of the vale to show up then ramsey would've seen them fucked off back inside winterfell

Brought some friends in with my plane from the Vale guys

Why does he talk like a fucking vampire?

Pretty sad that this episode went exactly like some anons here already predicted.

wow, are you mentally retarded? you are an even worse commander than rob and jon combined.

isn't it technically 8 days since they stopped being fed?

But it won them the fight which is what really matters you goddamn faggot. The Starks need more sociopath like Sansa in their ranks.

>Having dogs around that tasted human flesh
Ramsey had it coming

You know they should have flayed Ramsey Bolton instead of letting him get eaten by dogs

Did nobody notice the fact that Jon's army just stood and watched the Boltons surround them and did fucking nothing. That is almost as retarded and Sansa.

Also why the fuck would they let Wun Wun be on the front lines? Did nobody realise how useful it could be to hold him back until the armies engaged then send him into the Bolton flank?

Jon Snow is a terrible commander, he got baited like a retard and caused most of his force to die, Davos being a moralfag and not just sending the hail of arrows which would kill off enemy and their own forces which lead to them getting surrounded.

Also none of these retards fired a fucking arrow at Ramsay while he was out in the open.

If your men see you firing arrows into your own men then they wont fucking fight for you. Ramsay doing so was the third most retarded thing this episode.