Prometheus school of running away from things

Who was he? They called him Reekon or something? Was he Theons brother? Sorry i havent read the books.


Rickon, he's Sansa and Jon's brother


really, in middle of battle were literally everyone is dying he think somone will help him?

>Didn't zig zag

Little nigger deserved to die

>really, in middle of battle were literally everyone is dying he think somone will help him?

What do you expect him to say?

>Implying any archer is able to hit a one arrow kill at that distance on a running target

This was my whole thought during it all. That and "if he dies I can't think of a more irrelevant character". Seriously, he did fucking NOTHING.


looks like meera desu

You want him to just go to sleep like the chick from batman?

remember in the first season when they set up theon as the GOAT archer and he hasn't touched one since?

i didn't even remember who rickon was, desu

He was like 4 during the seasons he was in. Idiot.

give me a good carlos quote for this scene

>people thought he was literally the last living male heir of Winterfell
>still didnt do shit except die and get his dog bro killed

Literally my least favourite character.


He's a kid. He can't do shit.
He probably got raped by the dogs also.

Yes yes, very good Rickon,


>runs in a straight line
keke. that was just natural selection at work.

Really just cutting loose ends with Osha and Rickon. Hopefully they have a more interesting return in the books.

>what is panic?

>still natural selection at work

Rickon's point is that he's basically Tommen Stark, a naive defenseless child in a grimdark world.

Puberty hit Rickon's actor like a sack of bricks so it's a good thing he'd dead

Because Ramsay proceeded to fuck up his fingers, joints hands etc, and you kinda need those in good shape if you want to be an archer

Oh my god that was so close, really thought he would survive there before the final arrow hit him haha damn you D&D :^) What an epic show

He was going to die. He knew he was playing into the bad guy's hands. He should have reached for the knife and died a Stark.

Doesnt really apply. Ramsay literally told him whats about to happen a give him a good while to make his peace with it.


>to make his peace with it
To make peace with what, you moron? He gae him false hope and he thought he might get out of that one alive.

>tfw listened to a friend scream for mommy when he was gut shot
>his mom was thousands of miles away
>see poster on Sup Forums expect dying people to be logical
>make this post
I'm tired user and it looks like you are too. Let's go. Too much Sup Forums for the both of us tonight.

>you moron

Look at the irony.

I was thinking that he had the time to hide behind the burning crosses.It was a silly scene but afterwards it was worse when DnD have to confirm his death twice.

Yes, well done Rickon, well done. However

Is there a webm of Him going berserk and killing shit? Honestly all I want to see.

Take some poppy milk, it heals!

You have to remember Johnny S is half normal. All the Stark kids are bonfide retards. Window licking, moon faced, no neck, slobbering, slack jawed open mouthed stealing all the mentally able people's air spastics

Who, Rickon? The kid's 12 the only thing he's going berserk on is his Dickon when he finds out medieval porn tapestries are a thing

tbf half the arrows were to his sides, so zigzagging could have easily got him hit too because his aim seemed to be off.

What he SHOULD have done was simply go backwards, watch him fire the arrows and then simply move away from them while they were in the air for ages.

Nah he should have rolled to exploit the i-frames

Looks like he ran straight as an arrow XD


Heal pls

Who was this character, why would they introduce him so late into the story??????

His name is Rickon Stark, if you were paying attention you'd know that he'd been in the show since the very first episode


You're average D&D viewer everybody, dumb as a doorknob.

He'll be fine

Stop bullying me pls


Ramsey should have stripped Rickon before letting him run over to Jon, just to humiliate the Starks a little more. Imagine an exposed, embarrassed, bright red Rickon under the leering eyes of thousands of men, his bound hands clutching his boy bits, desperately trying to keep what little modesty he has left.

Just seems like something le psychopath man would do, as a form of psychological torment. 'Cause he's so messed up, you know?


Now shut the FUCK up Carlos.

Could litterally turn around to see if the arrow is going towards him and just reajust his fucking pathing. They are acting like he's getting sniped by 20 Good men.

user the Lunk, they call him. Thick as a castle wall.